README Fan Art FAQ, Board Rules, Contest Guidelines and Resources

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Good Bad Influence
Table of Contents
1. A Brief History of this Forum
2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
3. Board Rules
4. Monthly Art Challenge Guidelines
4.1 Contest Rules and Requirements​
4.2 List of Past Contests​
5. Information, Inspiration, Resources and References

1. A Brief History of this Forum

Only a year after the Trek BBS community was founded in early 1999, a sub-forum dedicated solely to Star Trek fan art was added in May 2000. Originally called “Trek Art”, the forum was retitled “Fan Art” ten years later in January of 2010, when the forum was grouped together with “Fan Fiction” and “Fan Productions”.

The position of forum moderator has been filled by five people in the past: Necromancer (who was its first moderator), drbob, Santana, @Vektor and @Ptrope. Serving for the longest periods of time have been @Vektor (2002 – 2005) and @Ptrope (2005 – 2017).

One of the oldest traditions of the forum is the monthly art challenge, first introduced in 2003, when @Vektor moderated the forum. As of this writing there have been more than 150 220 editions of the contest. In August 2022 the golden Fan Art Challenge Winner badge was introduced and awarded for the first time. Two years later, in June 2024, it was redesigned when the board underwent a major system upgrade.

2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Am I allowed to post non-Trek artwork here?
Well, this is the Fan Art forum on a bulletin board dedicated to Star Trek, but it’s not prohibited to post artwork unrelated to Trek. As a rule of thumb, new posters should probably start with something pertaining to Trek and keep the non-Trek stuff under half of what they post from then on.

Q: Is it okay to ask people to make stuff for me, even if it’s for free?
Depends on what you're asking for. A lot of people in here will gladly do up a Website banner, a blu-ray cover, put your head on a Starfleet uniform, etc. while asking nothing in return except proper credit. On the other hand, you should probably think twice about asking people to do something they would normally earn hundreds or thousands (or tens of thousands!) of dollars for doing professionally. You should have no expectation of people doing that kind of work purely out of the goodness of their hearts, and don't be surprised if some of them take offense at even being asked to do so. They don't like the implication that their talents and efforts are essentially valueless. In short, you can ask, but at least try to understand what you're asking for.

Q: Why are so few people responding to my posts? I've got dozens of views but almost no responses.
Before you assume people are sending you a message with their lack of response, stop and consider what you've given them to respond to. A lot of people will respond just to say they like what you're doing and want to see more, but many more people will respond if they feel they can be part of the process. That’s why threads involving works in progress (WIPs) tend to be so popular. You will also usually get direct responses to direct questions. And don't underestimate the significance of how many views you're getting, regardless of the number of responses. If people didn't like what they were seeing then they wouldn't keep coming back for more. On the other hand, if your work really isn't that good or just fails to strike a chord for whatever reason then you may not be getting many views or responses, in which case you may just have to live with it. Not everyone is a Picasso or Leonardo Da Vinci. Just understand that people aren't deliberately trying to be rude by not responding.

Q: I want to build 3D starships, too! How do I get started?
First, understand that 3D modeling and animation is not something you just decide to dive into one day on a lark. The learning curve to be able to produce anything more than boxes and spheres is quite steep and typically takes years to master. Second, most of the software for creating this stuff is spendy, upwards of two or three thousand dollars. There are, however, some very inexpensive or even free packages like Blender and Rhino that are very good, especially for someone who is just starting out, and can be downloaded right off the Internet. Third, there is a certain amount of talent and natural ability involved in creating computer-generated imagery (commonly called CGI or just CG); contrary to popular belief, the computer does very little of the actual creative work for you. If you're a good artist in more traditional mediums and have a pretty good sense of spatial perception then you probably have a shot at being a good CG artist. Then again, there are some awesome CG artists out there who can't draw a decent looking stick man so it really depends on the individual. If none of those issues present a problem for you then the best place to start is with one of the free or inexpensive packages, test the waters to see how you like it and how good you are at it, post some stuff here in Fan Art and let the feedback guide you from there.

Q: Where can I get a copy of [insert name of costly software here]?
Short answer: Not here. If you're looking for a bootleg copy then nobody here can help you. The Trek BBS is not to be used in any manner, shape or form for the distribution or procurement of illegal software. If you already have an illegal copy and you're using it to post your artwork, we don't want to know about it. Or more accurately, you don't want us or anyone else to know about it. The people here don't condone it and they will not look kindly upon it. You've been warned.

Q: How do I keep people from stealing my work or using it without proper credit?
The only foolproof way is not to post it at all, but there are less exclusive methods to help protect your intellectual property rights. The most common is to simply put your name, logo or some other identifying mark on everything you post. Such markings can be removed, but those who are inclined to steal your work in the first place are usually too lazy to bother. Some markings are harder to remove than others, full-frame watermarks, for example, that cover the actual image without obscuring it.

Q: I want to use part of someone else’s work in some of my own. How do I give them proper credit?
This is a case where cluttering up the image is not a matter of choice. Proper credit should appear on the image for elements that you yourself did not create. If you like to render 3D fleet battles containing dozens of starship meshes by other authors then every single one of them must be credited. If you don't know who created the element you want to use then at least acknowledge that its creator is unknown so there’s no confusion that you might be claiming it as your own. The format is fairly typical: “Enterprise mesh by Dennis Bailey” or “Photomanipulation by Captain Robert April.” This also applies to image elements from sources outside of the Trek BBS, such as the NASA website or sites with astronomical images.

One exception to on-image credit would be stock images, objects and characters purchased for use in images and art, such as 3D content to be used in programs like 3DS, Maya, Vue, Poser, etc. — most of these contain licenses that allow their uncredited use in other works, but one should read the EULAs carefully and abide by them; if the EULA requires credit to be given, or does not allow public use at all, that is the guideline to follow.

Q: Is there a limit to how large posted images can be?
Not necessarily. Especially in the Fan Art forum picture-heavy threads and large images come with the territory. No matter how big the image is, the board software will automatically scale the image down to fit the width of the page. Clicking on the image will enlarge it to its original size. However, please don't forget that large images mean longer loading times for visitors of your thread. So it's wise to keep the number of super-sized images on one page down to a reasonable amount wherever possible.

Q: Where can I host images online so I can post them in my threads?
The most reliable place is in your own bought-and-paid-for webspace. You can either buy some or use one of the numerous free hosting services, such as,, or

Q: The image I wanted to post actually belongs to someone else so I just linked right to their Webspace. Is that okay?
No, it's not. That practice is called “leeching” or “hotlinking” and is frowned upon on the internet. Hotlinked images will be removed by the moderator.

Q: How far can I go with screen caps, video and audio clips of Trek episodes and other copyrighted material?
This is a very good question with a very complicated answer. In general, the limit has always been that you can't post anything that is likely to infringe on any copyright holder’s profit potential. For example, you can probably get away with adding a few seconds of captured video from the TOS episode “Balance of Terror” to your CG recreation of the F/X shots, but you would be in big trouble if you tried to post a copy of the entire episode. The former is not going to remove the necessity of anyone going out and buying the series if they want to see it, whereas the latter very well might.

Another example might be screen captures; there are very few scenarios in which posting a screen cap is going to deprive Paramount or anyone else of due compensation. One more example worth noting would be printed materials from books or magazines: If you scan something like that and post it at an equal or even comparable quality and resolution to the original then you're infringing on the profitability of that publication and Trek BBS cannot be a party to it.

Q: What are the limits on nudity and other adult themes in posted materials?
Explicit sexuality has never been a really big issue here in Fan Art. Every once in a while someone will post a fairly suggestive character sketch, but "adult themes" just don't tend to play much of a part in Trek related artwork. As stated in the Trek BBS board rules, adult content like nudity, near nudity or anything like that is not allowed. The boards sponsors comes down hard on that.

Q: How do I update my works in progress without it being considered spamming?
Most of the definitions of “spamming” from the Trek BBS rules apply equally here as with anywhere else on the board (i.e. don't post the same thing multiple times, don't make posts with no real content or relevance, don't post more than two or three threads in a forum within a reasonable length of time). However, there is one variation which may, at times, be unavoidable: It is possible you may need to post more than twice in a row in your own thread because a.) you have created new images, b.) the time to allow editing of your posts has elapsed, and c.) no one else has posted anything in your thread since your own previous post(s). If this is the case, don't feel that you can't post because you will risk a warning. However, bumping a thread with irrelevant posts, posting multiple times within the feasible editing window instead of editing the existing post, and other such avoidable behavior will still be assessed according to the existing board rules.

Q: I want to change the title of my thread or correct a mistake in my poll; can I contact the moderator?
Yes, no problem. Just ask in the thread or feel free to send the moderator a private message if you need help editing your thread.
3. Board Rules
The current version of the board rules is located here. For your convenience they are reproduced below:

  • No Spamming. You can't post the same thing multiple times on the board, or post the same thing over and over in a certain thread or forum, or continuously make posts that have no real content or relevance to what is being discussed. Spamming can even just be posting too much — as a general rule, don’t post more than two or three threads in a forum within a reasonable length of time. Just posting stuff like “Okay” or “I agree!” could be spamming. Contribute to a discussion; don’t just build post count.
  • No flaming. You can’t call someone an ass or even use a tame term. If it’s getting personal, step away from the computer.
  • No trolling. This means don't post stuff that you know will enrage someone in hopes of getting them to flame you back. This does NOT mean a contrary opinion.
  • No slurs. The N----- word, the F-- word, etc. (Slurs, not profanity) If it's borderline, just don't do it. This covers race, sexuality, ethnicity and religion or lack of religion. Just don't insult others.
  • No sales. While I’ll wink at something in your signature line, we frown on posting strictly to sell your stuff. Sorry, but we don't want to take responsibility if the transaction goes south. This includes fundraising efforts unless it’s something I approved personally for you, ebay, and the like.
  • Post no more than twice in a row. This is so you don't dominate a discussion/thread. Use the quote function if you need to answer multiple posts aimed at you.
  • Don’t hotlink. If you’re posting a picture, host it on your own site/Photobucket, whatever. DON’T just link to another site. They hate that.
  • Picture size. I’ll add more on this shortly. Short guide: The smaller, the better. If it stretches the page, you’ve messed up. Also — if you're quoting someone who used pictures in their post, no need to repeat that picture in your thread.
  • No posting personal stuff of other people taken from other sites, including Facebook, X/Twitter or whatever, UNLESS they have given you permission. I don’t care if it’s publicly listed elsewhere. No doxxing.
  • No posting TrekBBS private message (PM) contents on TrekBBS. Private means private. If you have an issue with a PM, then contact an admin or T'Bonz via PM about it.
  • No promoting piracy, or promoting adblockers. The last one especially will get you tossed from the board.
  • No duals. If I catch you with a dual, I will shut the dual, and either warn you or toss you off of the board, depending upon the circumstances. A dual means having more than one account.
  • Resurrecting dead threads. If you find a thread that has not had a post in it in over a year, don’t post in it. Start a new thread instead. You can, if necessary, link back to the old thread if something crucial is in the thread.
  • Adult content. No nudity, near nudity or anything like that. Our sponsor comes down hard on that. If we ask you to remove something, that’s why.
  • Avatars. No cussing, provocative photos or trolling via the avatar.
  • Signature line. No graphics whatsoever (use the avatar for that). Text only. Keep it short. If not, I will contact you. Four lines max is all that is allowed INCLUDING spacer lines.

At the discretion of the moderator, you may be warned for breaking the rules. A certain amount of warnings trips a day, week or month ban. If I feel that you are here only to cause trouble, or if I feel you don't care about the warnings and will keep making trouble, I can and I will eject you from the board. You don't know what that number of warnings may be, so don't try it.

If you feel your warning is in error, contact the mod privately. Give him/her time to respond (like a day or so at the least). Only if you still feel that you don't have resolution, post in Moderator Actions. I will then review the action. My decision is final.

I want people to come here and to have fun, but we have to have some rules to keep it fun. Your cooperation is appreciated.
4. Monthly Art Challenge Guidelines

4.1 Contest Rules and Requirements

The monthly Fan Art challenge is not an ‘official’ function of the forum, but is informally agreed upon and continued by the members for over twenty years at this point. It is held in the spirit of fun and should not be taken too seriously. Everyone is welcome to enter the contest.

In general, the requirements of the monthly challenge are determined by the winner of the previous month’s challenge, but the common expectations are that a) the artwork you submit is created during the month of the challenge, rather than using artwork or compositions that already exist and happen to fit the theme and rules of the challenge, and b) you are allowed only one final image to submit, although it may contain multiple views. The contest's theme should be chosen in a way that involves the majority of posters, no matter their artistic orientation. Here are some suggestions for new contest themes.

To cut down on confusion and logistical problems, the entrants need to post their final entries in the new contest thread started by last month’s winner, usually until the last day of the month. Last month’s winner will then post the poll in a timely fashion, usually on the first day of the month with a voting period of about three days.

4.2 List of Past Contests

No. (overall)No.Month / YearContest Theme / TitleWinnerPtrope.comEnterVote
01Aug 2003Classic Car SpaceshipEnter
00101Jan 2004Alien WorldsPtrope
00202Feb 2004Enterprise Movie
00303Mar 2004Trek episode book
00505May 2004Redesign a Trek Propvulan2k3
00606June 2004Personal
00707July 2004Starship Nose
00808Aug 2004Starship Enterprise by Other DesignersThe Axeman
00909Sept 2004Trek Wheeled VehiclesThe Axeman
01010Oct 2004Matte PaintingVektor
01111Nov 2004A Startling DiscoveryIvymae
01212Dec 2004Trek Crossover With Another SeriesKail
01301Jan 2005New Trek Animated SeriesFocus Abbey
01402Feb 2005New Trek SeriesAdam Ihle
01503Mar 2005Trek AliensHortaVorta
01604Apr 2005Trek
01705May 2005Trek ValentinePtrope
01806June 2005Steam
01907July 2005Computer Interface
02210Oct 2005Cops & Robbers!biotech
02311Nov 2005Down & Dirty!
02412Dec 2005Trek Christmas OrnamentConnon
02501Jan 2006Fast Food in
02602Feb 2006The Sporting Life!Temis the Vorta
02703Mar 2006Other Sci-Fi in a Trek ContextAdam Ihle
02804Apr 2006Happy Anniversary, TrekB.J.
02905May 2006Speed!Flux Capacitor
03006June 2006So We Meet Again!Starscape
03107July 2006Trek in Other Artists'
03208Aug 2006Failed Trek Revivals, Spin-offs and MerchandiseAdam
03309Sept 2006Mixed Media
03410Oct 2006The Animated Series!
03511Nov 2006Home for the
03612Dec 2006Assignment: Earth!
03701Jan 2007Mirror,
03802Feb 2007Express Yo'
03903Mar 2007The Pike ChroniclesFocus
04004Apr 2007Reimagining
04105May 2007Trek Character Endorsements / Promote This, Sir!Flux
04206June 2007Sport Trek!
04307July 2007Personal Trek Tech!Adam
04408Aug 2007Domo Arigato, Star Trek Robotoaridas
04509Sept 2007von Braun's Ultimate Space ProgramKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
04610Oct 2007Great Moments in Trek HistoryStarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
04711Nov 2007The Beauty of TrekKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
04812Dec 2007The Perfect GiftKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
04901Jan 2008Assimilate This! / We Are the Borg!Admiral2Ptrope.comEnterVote
05002Feb 2008Tomorrow is YesterdaybiotechPtrope.comEnterVote
05103Mar 2008It's a Small Trek After AllB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
05204Apr 2008A Trek OdysseyFlux CapacitorPtrope.comEnterVote
05305May 2008Speed Trek!StarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
05406June 2008It's All About Time!IhlecreationsPtrope.comEnterVote
05507July 2008Amalgamated!Flux CapacitorPtrope.comEnterVote
05608Aug 2008Back to SchoolKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
05709Sept 2008Take Me to Your Leader!StarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
05810Oct 2008To Quote, Perchance to TrekB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
05911Nov 2008Dirty JobsKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
06012Dec 2008Holidays Across the GalaxyB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
06101Jan 2009UpgradesPtropePtrope.comEnterVote
06202Feb 2009Look! Up in the Sky!AlbertesePtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
06303Mar 2009Pre-ProductionAdmiral2Ptrope.comEnterVote
06404Apr 2009HydrospaceVektorPtrope.comEnterVote
06505May 2009InspirationKlausPtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
06606June 2009Good and EvilFlux CapacitorPtrope.comEnterVote
06707July 2009Trek on the Track!B.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
06808Aug 2009Lock & Load!B.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
06909Sept 2009The Challenge CoiShawPtrope.comEnterVote
07010Oct 2009Myths and LegendsKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
07111Nov 2009The Thin Red LineThe LensmanPtrope.comEnterVote
07212Dec 20092nd Chance for 1-Shot WondersMr. CellophanePtrope.comEnterVote
No. (overall)No.Month / YearContest Theme / TitleWinnerPtrope.comEnterVote
07301Jan 2010MetamorphosisBK613EnterVote
07402Feb 2010Trek in WinterFlux CapacitorPtrope.comEnterVote
07503Mar 2010The Future of RefreshmentB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
07604Apr 2010B-Movie PosterITLPtrope.comEnterVote
07705May 2010Cheese Factor Eleven!ToskPtrope.comEnterVote
07806June 2010Animal KingdomStarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
07907July 2010Health & SafetyBK613EnterVote
08008Aug 2010Star Trek RocksIhlecreationsPtrope.comEnterVote
08109Sept 2010Where No "Mad Men" Have Gone BeforeStarscapeEnterVote
08210Oct 2010Another Time or PlaceneoworxPtrope.comEnterVote
08311Nov 2010The Captain's New DudsKNHPtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
08412Dec 2010Locutus's LegacyDacPtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
08501Jan 2011Multiverse MadnessPtropePtrope.comEnterVote
08602Feb 2011Gerry Anderson's Star TrekPtropeEnterVote
08703Mar 2011Kirk, James Kirk / Spy Trek!Ensign Ro-Ptrope.comEnterVote
08804Apr 2011Bridging Your HomeKlausPtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
08905May 2011FreedomVektorPtrope.comEnterVote
09006June 2011Shore LeaveB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
09107July 2011Enterprise Support CraftWinston SmithPtrope.comEnterVote
09208Aug 2011Known UnknownsMorpheus 02Ptrope.comEnterVote
09309Sept 2011There's An App For That!PtropePtrope.comEnterVote
09410Oct 2011Scare TrekSolarbabyPtrope.comEnterVote
09511Nov 2011Is That One of Our Ships?B.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
09612Dec 2011Sweet Zombie Jesus! It's HUGE!BK613Ptrope.comEnterVote
09701Jan 2012Channeling Dr. CooperAlbertesePtrope.comEnterVote
09802Feb 2012The Good Ol' 21st CenturyBK613 & ShawnsterPtrope.comEnterVote
09903Mar 2012That's Not Her StyleKlausPtrope.comEnterVote
10004Apr 2012A New Beginning137th GebirgPtrope.comEnterVote
10105May 2012Arms & SigilsWinston SmithPtrope.comEnterVote
10206June 2012Costume and UniformVenardhiPtrope.comEnterVote
10307July 2012Civilian LifeAlbertesePtrope.comEnterVote
10408Aug 2012Mars!PtropePtrope.comEnterVote
10509Sept 2012A Great Fall!The LensmanPtrope.comEnterVote
10610Oct 2012The Horror of ItThe LensmanPtrope.comEnterVote
10711Nov 2012Just Suppose … JuxtaposeB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
10812Dec 2012Conference Room InspirationEnsign Ro-Ptrope.comEnterVote
10901Jan 2013Brewgineering!Winston SmithPtrope.comEnterVote
11002Feb 2013Cities! / The CityBK613Ptrope.comEnterVote
11103Mar 2013March MadnessPtropePtrope.comEnterVote
11204Apr 2013Beauty and the BeastSolarbabyPtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
11305May 2013Into DarknessDacEnterVote
11406Jun 2013Turn Off the Dark … nessSolarbabyPtrope.comEnterVote
11507Jul 2013The Unthinkable!Flux CapacitorEnterVote | Runoff
11608Aug 2013R&RKlausEnter
11709Sept/Oct 2013The Alternative FactorThe LensmanPtrope.comEnterVote
11810Nov 2013The Spin-Off!PtropePtrope.comEnterVote
11911Dec 2013A Blue ChristmasStarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
12001Jan 2014The Shape of Things to Comesmalltalk66Ptrope.comEnterVote
12102Feb 2014Second ChancesDFScottPtrope.comEnterVote
12203Mar 2014Memorabilia EnterVote
12304Apr 2014Ancient LegaciesKlausEnterVote
12405May/Jun 2014New and/or ImprovedKlausEnterVote
125063rd Quarter 2014Sports and RecreationPtropePtrope.comEnterVote
12607Oct 2014Monster MashB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
12708Nov 2014Alternative LiveriesPtropePtrope.comEnterVote
12809Dec 2014Off the RackPtropeEnterVote
No. (overall)No.Month / YearContest Theme / TitleWinnerPtrope.comEnterVote
12901Jan 2015In Soviet Russia, Star Trek Watches YOU!The LensmanPtrope.comEnterVote
13002Feb 2015Spin-Offs – or What the Future Held!StarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
13103Mar 2015A Tribute to …B.J. & PtropePtrope.comEnterVote
13204Apr 2015Disney TrekSolarbabyPtrope.comEnterVote
13305May 2015Election FeverSolarbabyPtrope.comEnterVote
13406June 2015Get your Crayons OutThe LensmanPtrope.comEnterVote
13507July 2015Sing, Sing, SingB.J.Ptrope.comEnterVote
13608Aug/Sept 2015Famous Pictures137th GebirgEnterVote
13709Oct 2015TAS RemasteredmonodoxPtrope.comEnterVote
13810Nov 2015The Lost Model KitsBK613Ptrope.comEnterVote
13911Dec 2015It's cold in Space – Bring a Blanket!StarscapePtrope.comEnterVote
14001Feb/Mar 2016Back on Civvy StreetStarscapeEnterVote
14102Apr 2016Design Series VIB.J.EnterVote
14203May 2016Flags!BorgManPtrope.comEnterVote | Runoff
14304Jun/Jul 2016MashupAlbertesePtrope.comEnterVote
14405Aug/Sept 2016Original and IconicBorgManPtrope.comEnterVote
14506Oct 2016October is Twisted MonthThe LensmanEnterVote
14607Nov 2016Trekmas Cards / TreXMas CardsCyfaPtrope.comEnterVote
14708Dec 2016Anachronistic Star TrekB.J.EnterVote
14801Jan 2017Damage!LeeDrawsStuffEnterVote
14902Feb 2017Pilot!BorgManPtrope.comEnterVote
15003Mar/Apr 2017Honor Those That Came Beforearidas sofiaEnterVote
15104May 2017Star Trek Forever!Soran77EnterVote
15205Jun 2017Summer FunMichaelEnterVote
15306Jul 2017Walk Like An EgyptianMichaelEnterVote
15407Aug 2017Ready Player One-Seven-Zero-OneMichaelEnterVote
15508Sept 2017Tomorrow's NewsMichaelEnterVote
15609Oct 2017Celebrate good times, come on!MichaelEnterVote
15710Nov 2017Let's See Your OC!CyfaEnterVote
15811Dec 2017Unfinished BusinessMichaelEnterVote
15901Jan 2018Your Favorite Trek MomentDeMilburnEnterVote
16002Feb 2018Alternative Trekpl1ngpl0ngEnterVote
16103Mar 2018TrekformersStarscapeEnterVote
16204Apr 2018The Magical World of Star TrekStarscapeEnterVote
16305May 2018Starfleet Needs YOU!!!MichaelEnterVote
16406June 2018Isik For Your ThoughtsStarscapeEnterVote
16507July 2018Unseen ScenesCyfaEnterVote
16608Aug 2018A Trek on the Wild SideCyfaEnterVote
16709Sept 2018That ... is a StarshipMichaelEnterVote
16810Oct 2018Anomaly of the MonthUSS TriumphantEnterVote
16911Nov 2018Captain Proton RebootMichaelEnterVote
17012Dec 2018Secret Star Trek SantaStarscapeEnterVote
17101Jan 2019Secret SocietiesMichaelEnterVote
17202Feb 2019Mix and MatchFInnEnterVote | Runoff
17303Mar 2019Celebrations at StarbaseCyfaEnterVote
17404Apr 2019Oops A Daisy!CyfaEnterVote
17505May 2019Treasure MapSCE2AuxEnterVote
17606June 2019LGBTQ Month!SCE2Aux & CyfaEnterVote
17707July 2019Food in the Star Trek Universe!CyfaEnterVote
17808Aug 2019Under the Sea ...BorgManEnterVote
17909Sept 2019I Spy, I Spy …MichaelEnterVote
18010Oct 2019In Memoriam …MichaelEnterVote
18111Nov 2019What The Trek?MichaelEnterVote
18212Dec 2019Best of 2019The LensmanEnterVote
No. (overall)No.Month / YearContest Theme / TitleWinnerEnterVote
18301Jan/Feb 2020Crisis on Infinite TreksashefivekayEnterVote
18402Mar 2020Looking ForwardCyfaEnterVote
18503Apr 2020Into the Arboretum ...CyfaEnterVote
18604May 2020Princessium and the PoBorgManEnterVote
18705June 2020In Times of Crisis ...CyfaEnterVote
18806July 2020New Look Next GenMichaelEnterVote
18907Aug 2020Not TrekBorgManEnterVote
19008Sept 2020The Lower DecksStarscapeEnterVote
19109Oct 2020Black Future HistoryAtolmEnterVote
19210Nov/Dec 2020Star Trek ReduxMisterDEnterVote
19301Jan 2021Villains and AntagonistsAtolmEnterVote
19402Feb 2021Star Trek Gerry Anderson StyleBorgManEnterVote | Runoff
19503Mar 2021Time is RelativeRekkertEnterVote
19604Apr 2021Big in JapanCobalt FrostEnterVote
19705May 2021Greetings, Programs!StarscapeEnterVote
19806June 2021Vacationing on the Final FrontierCyfaEnterVote
19907July 2021Blue & GoldMichaelEnterVote
20008Aug 2021YOUR Star TrekCyfaEnterVote
20109Sept/Oct 2021Creepy CosplayCyfaEnterVote
20210Nov 2021Let There Be Light!OracEnterVote
20311Dec 2021A Star Trek Christmas CarolMichaelEnterVote
20401Jan 2022Everyday InspirationMichaelEnterVote
20502Aug 2022Hailing Frequencies ClosedMichaelEnterVote
20603Sept 2022TOS AnniversaryMichaelEnterVote
20704Oct 2022Pre-Warp HistoryMisterDEnterVote
20805Nov 2022Toy TrekMichaelEnterVote
20906Dec 2022Trek Craft Inspired by a Car ManufacturerMisterDEnterVote
21001Jan 2023Design EvolutionCyfaEnterVote
21102Feb 2023I like the Old Stuff better than the New StuffHunter-GEnterVote
21203Mar 2023Blueprintsaridas sofiaEnterVote
21304Apr 202380s Animated Mash!StarscapeEnterVote
21405May 2023Matte Painting(no winner)EnterVote
21506June 2023Cover Me!aridas sofiaEnterVote
21607July 2023TOS-UpMichaelEnterVote
21708Aug 2023MoviesashleytingerEnterVote
21809Sept 2023StoryboardashleytingerEnterVote
21910Oct 2023Trek Tech It UpStarscapeEnterVote
22011Nov 2023Weather (Whether) the StormStarscapeEnterVote
22112Dec 2023Aliens Stole My Reindeer!CyfaEnterVote
22201Jan 2024Transporter MalfunctionsCyfaEnterVote
22302Feb 2024Wrong Episode PostersStarscapeEnterVote
22403Mar 2024Retro RocketsMichaelEnterVote
22504Apr 2024Inspired by LauraMichaelEnterVote
22605May 2024Signs and SymbolsB.J.EnterVote
22706June 2024World BuildingsMichaelEnterVote
22807July 2024Not Good EnoughEnter

Top winners of all time:
  1. Michael (24 wins)
  2. Starscape (20 wins)
  3. Cyfa (17 wins)
  4. B.J. (16 wins)
  5. Klaus and Ptrope (14 wins each)
  6. The Lensman (8 wins)
  7. BorgMan and Flux Capacitor (7 wins each)
  8. BK613 (6 wins)
  9. Albertese and Solarbaby (5 wins each)
5. Information, Inspiration, Resources and References
(Note: This section has been sourced from this thread including new and updated information. The users originally suggesting each item are noted at the end respectively.)

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Tools, Links & Resources
  • Set Blueprints Exchange: a thread collecting set blueprints
  • Star Trek Blueprints: a thread collection starship blueprints
  • Star Trek Blueprints Database: 4,500+ Star Trek blueprint sheets
  • an extensive database of episode screenshots, sounds, promotional art and rare photos for all the Trek series and movies.
  • Ex Astris Scientia: maintained by German long-time Star Trek fan Bernd Schneider, EAS focuses on the starships and future technology that appeared in the various TV series and movies, as well as on the discussion of artistic, political, social and philosophical aspects of Star Trek. It features a Starship Database, Starship Articles, Fleet Charts and a Treknology Encyclopedia.
  • Star Trek Starship Handbooks: PDF ebooks containing data and schematics on various vessels from the Star Trek series and movies, culled and collated from around the web.
  • Starship Schematics Database: A site archiving every single starship design ever conceived in Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and Space Battleship Yamato, both official and unofficial, interesting and mediocre. (suggested by @K'riq Sa)
  • free Star Trek 3D ship meshes. (suggested by @K'riq Sa)
  • Italian site with hundreds of pages of artwork by Robert McCall, Chesley Bonestell, and Frank R. Paul about retrofuturism (spaceships, megastructures, flying cars) and Mars. Lots of scans of old sci-fi magazines. (suggested by @Masao)
  • Starship Dimensions: a site with just about every sci-fi universe's ships scaled relative to each other. (suggested by @backstept)
  • Free stock photos: Pexels, Unsplash, FreeImages, StockSnap, Pixabay
  • Escher Girls: very informative blog that showcases the prevalence of certain ways women are depicted in illustrated pop media (i.e. impossible and ridiculous female poses).
  • Project Rho: Winchell Chung's site has two major attractions: in-depth analysis of building a “real” old school intrasystem “rocketship” and lots of background material and related information on the 1960s Jefferies-design Leif Ericson spaceship model, which is a nice inspiration for Jefferies-style (TOS-)work. (suggested by @Harry)
  • “The Tough Guide to the Known Galaxy”: a sobering review of common sci-fi elements. Nice to read if you want to bring in some realism into your sci-fi designs/fanfiction. (suggested by @Harry)
  • Paleofuture: A blog on retrofuturism. (suggested by @Harry)
  • Concept Ships: concept spaceship “blogazine” with cool designs and techniques. (suggested by @Ptrope)

  • Kia Asamiya: Japanese manga artist whose work spans multiple genres and appeals to diverse audiences. Worked on projects with Image Comics, Marvel Comics, and DC Comics, as well as developing a manga adaptation of the film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. (suggested by @Blamo)
  • Harald Belker: designer for movies like Star Trek Into Darkness, Minority Report, Batman and Robin, Serenity and others. His site has 2D rendering tutorials (based around automotive concept art, but applicable to any futuristic/sci-fi art), and galleries of some of his film work. (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • John Berkey: prolific and popular science fiction and science illustrator, whose art has been on hundreds of book covers, as well as frequent appearances illustrating articles in magazines like Popular Science. His art is characterized by brash, seemingly-freeform strokes that, looked at closely, don't seem to even try to achieve any kind of realism, but the impressions of his complete paintings are of extensive detail and realism. One of the true kings of spaceship paintings! (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • Scott Chambliss: production designer with credits for Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. His site features a lot of nice production drawings and concepts.
  • Doug Chiang: a designer for the Star Wars Prequels and War of the Worlds. Unfortunately, the site seems to be largely defunct now, though. (suggested by @Masao)
  • Ryan Church: concept artist for numerous genre films like Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Thor: The Dark World and Tron (2010). His site has a lot of concept art for inspiration.
  • Vincent Di Fate: an old school Fantasy Artist who's done promotional pieces for NASA, movie posters (including Jaws), and sci-fi and fantasy novel covers. (suggested by @2takesfrakes)
  • Daren Dochterman: concept artist for genre movies like Independence day 2, Batman v. Superman, X-Men: The Last Stand and Star Trek Beyond. He also contributed to the Director's Cut of the first Star Trek motion picture. His site features many nice concept renderings.
  • Doug Drexler: designer for all the modern Star Trek shows and the Next Generation movies. His popular blog “The Drex Files” featured a ton of Star Trek concept art but infamously shut down in 2013. Much of the content can now only be found via archived sites.
  • Pierre Drolet: digital artist and compositor involved with the visual effects for Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, and Star Trek Nemesis. His site features many of his renderings. Plus: Pierre Drolet on ArtStation.
  • John Eaves: prolific concept illustrator and designer who contributed countless designs to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise and eight Star Trek films. He is now working on Star Trek: Discovery. He designed the USS Enterprise-E and the USS Discovery. His site and his blog “Eavesdropping” are sprinkled with lots of concept designs.
  • Harrison Ellenshaw: filmmaker and visual effects artist whose work can be seen in such films as Star Wars, Tron, The Empire Strikes Back, Superman IV and many others. See some of his work on this site. (suggested by @2takesfrakes)
  • Sean Hargreaves: concept and production designer for Star Trek Beyond and movies like
    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, The Fifth Element and The Fountain. His site features some of his work for Star Trek and Independence Day 2. Link: Hargreaves on Artstation.
  • Burne Hogarth: cartoonist and illustrator whose book “Dynamic Figure Drawing” is an important learning tool, and he has a whole series of books. (suggested by @Admiral2)
  • Alex Jeager: concept artist for movies such as Star Trek: First Contact, Starship Troopers, Galaxy Quest, Pacific Rim, Star Wars – Episode II and the Marvel movies. Designed the fan-favorite Akira-class ship for First Contact. His blog features some of his art.
  • Jim Martin: production illustrator on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek Generations. He designed the Defiant. His blog and his site are chock-full of inspiring concept art.
  • Robert McCall: conceptual artist on 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Trek: The Motion Picture. His site features a lot of nice space art. (suggested by @FatherRob)
  • Ralph McQuarrie: legendary conceptual designer and illustrator, who worked on Star Trek and the original Star Wars trilogy. He also designed for Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Battlestar Galactica (1978), Raiders of the Lost Ark and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. His site seems to be under construction, though.
  • Syd Mead: the legendary designer behind the look of the movie Blade Runner, as well as the design of “Johnny 5” from Short Circuit (not to mention the inspiration behind the AT-AT walkers in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back!) (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • Neville Page: creature and concept designer for such movies like Watchmen, Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Trek Beyond, Avatar, Tron (2010) and Prometheus. His site features a plethora of concept sketches and renderings.
  • Victoria Passariello: 3D artist working on Star Trek: Discovery, who created the models for the USS Kerala and some Klingon ships.
  • Andrew Probert: production designer famous for designing the Enterprise refit for Star Trek: The Motion Picture and the Enterprise-D for The Next Generation. He also worked on the original Battlestar Galactica, Airwolf and Back to the Future. Unfortunately, his site seems to be under construction. He sometimes posts here under the name @Probert. Here’s his ArtStation profile.
  • Alex Ross: comic book artist known primarily for his painted interiors, covers, and design work. His site shows off a lot of his inspiring artwork. (suggested by @USS Jack Riley)
  • Masamune Shirow: Japanese manga artist best known for the mangas Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed. The site showcases his work. (suggested by @Admiral2)
  • Rick Sternbach: production designer and art director for all The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Star Trek: Nemesis and Solaris (2002). One of his major designs is the USS Voyager. His site hasn't been updated in over a decade, but features some nice concept drawings for Star Trek props and ships. He occasionally posts on the Trek BBS as @Rick Sternbach.
  • Lee Sullivan: British comic artist working on titles such as Doctor Who, Transformers and Judge Dredd. (suggested by @Blamo)
  • Doug Wildey: designer and creator of Jonny Quest. His site features a lot of art from that series. (suggested by @Admiral2)
  • Wally Wood: comic book artist best known for his work on EC Comics's Mad and Marvel's Daredevil. (suggested by @Admiral2)
  • M Yang: story artist and animator showcasing his artistry on his blog (with some Trek artwork here and there). (suggested by @down to earth)
  • Feng Zhu: prolific concept artists who worked on Transformers, Star Wars III – Revenge of the Sith and games like Dead Space and Wing Commander. Here's his design blog and here his Instagram. (suggested by @backstept)

Books and Magazines
  • The Art of Star Trek: a study of the artistic development of the television series from the first design concepts through to Voyager. Features a lot of concept sketches and prop close-ups. Authors: Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • The Art of Star Wars books: highly informative, not to mention just plain entertaining, with extensive artwork and concepts from the most insignificant props to the most lavish sets and scenes, as well as an exhaustive collection of costume designs. (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • Creative Illustration: book by Andrew Loomis aimed primarily at the professional-level illustrator. Divided into seven sections: Line, Tone, Color, Telling the Story, Creating Ideas, Fields of Illustration, and Experimenting and Studies, this book is filled with instructions, tips, insider experiences, and incredible illustrations. (suggested by @BJensen)
  • Illustration: a quarterly magazine devoted to the history of American illustration art. Folks like Norman Rockwell to Frank Frazetta to Robert Peak (who did the poster for Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Rollerball, among many others); art from comics to pulp magazines to advertising to model car boxes. (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • ImagineFX: Large-format magazine devoted to sci-fi and fantasy digital art, with lots of tutorials, along with a CD containing the support files for those tutorials, often with demos of the software used. Numerous galleries of digital artists, working in Photoshop and Painter, along with various 3D programs to create complete paintings and compositions. (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: features an in-depth look at the conception of DS9 and is filled with concept sketches and set plans. Authors: Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  • Spectrum – The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art: an annual collection of fantasy and science fiction art from a vast selection of (mostly American) publications, as well as a great deal of unpublished art. Illustrations, book covers, comic artwork, sculpture – it's all here and it's all fantastic. Even some of our own members have appeared in several of these coffee-table volumes. (suggested by @Ptrope)
  • Star Trek: Designing Starships: is a hardback reference book from Eaglemoss Collections compiling the starship design articles from issues of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection magazine. Three volumes are available at this point.
  • Star Trek Phase II: The Lost Series: is a reference book by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens which gives a detailed analysis of the development and early days of the abortive spin-off, Star Trek: Phase II, featuring lots of concept art and set photos.
  • The Star Trek Sketchbook – The Original Series: awesome art book by The Original Series producer Herbert F. Solow and his wife Yvonne that showcases conceptual artwork by Walter Matthew Jefferies, William Ware Theiss, Fred Phillips and Wah Chang, the four production staffers who were most responsible for the visual look of TOS.

  • CGSociety: a place for CG artists. (suggested by @Arrqh)
  • ConceptArt: a great site/forum that has a lot of amazing 2D concept art from some amazing artists (suggested by @Arrqh)
  • PencilJack: art forum for 2D art, mainly comic books and so forth. (suggested by @Mr. Cellophane)
  • SciFi-Meshes: mainly a 3D site with great forums, a huge gallery and many great artists (suggested by @backstept)

Tips & Tutorials

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