Contest: VOTE February Art Challenge - "I like the Old Stuff better than the New Stuff"

Vote for your favourite "old stuff"

  • Hunter-G's Exeter-class

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Cyfa's Star Trek III-B

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • BorgMan's skirmish

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Starscape's scramble

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


But which old stuff do you like better? Fortunately we have some art challenge submissions to help you narrow it down. Yes, welcome to the Voting Thread for February's "I like the Old Stuff better than the New Stuff" Art Challenge!

The theme was "create some art inspired by Star Trek programmes made in the 20th century", and we had four Trek BBS members who gave it a go. And what a go they gave!

In order of appearance:

@Hunter-G's "A ship designer in the 25th century is tasked with designing a small multi-purpose cruiser. His/her favorite starship design in history (like many of us) is the Constitution MK II. The result":

My own (Cyfa) "poster for the Star Trek III spinoff/Short Trek featuring my favourite characters, scenes, and objects":

@BorgMan's "Some people like the really old stuff markedly less than the newer stuff. Especially if only a small skirmish knocks your big ship out of commission like its nothing..."

and @Starscape's "scramble[d], ahem, for another idea. ;)"

Please vote for your favourite "old stuff" art - You have one vote and three days to choose. The winner will host March's Art Challenge - the theme for which has just been voted for, and it's to be based on blueprints!

Thank you to everyone who took part, and to all you voters. Good luck! :bolian:
Well done @Hunter-G.

You should soon find the Art Challenge Winner banner below your avatar. You also have the honour of hosting the next contest and if you wish you can add in your own optional sub-challenge. Just shout if you need a hand with any of that. :bolian:
@Hunter-G, just in case you're unfamiliar with these Art Challenges. It's the usually the tradition that the Winner of the contest posts the main challenge thread and voting thread for the following month's contest. The theme for the next challnge has been decided by vote here, and it is Blueprints, also you can add in your own optional sub-challenge if you like. :)

Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my last post. Again, give a shout if you need help with any of that or can't manage it. :bolian:
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@Hunter-G, just in case you're unfamiliar with these Art Challenges. It's the usually the tradition that the Winner of the contest posts the main challenge thread and voting thread for the following month's contest. The theme for the next challnge has been decided by vote here, and it is Blueprints, also you can add in your own optional sub-challenge if you like. :)

Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my last post. Again, give a shout if you need help with any of that or can't manage it. :bolian:

It seems I missed this message, I haven't been online much recently, my bad!