Contest: VOTE April 2020 Art Challenge voting thread

Into the Arboretum... Who's plant patch are you going to poke around in?

  • Donny

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Dryson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ashefivekay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Finn

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Michael

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Borgman

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


It was World Naked Gardening Day yesterday (the first Saturday in May) so I hope everyone's got their uniforms back on now as we are going Into the Arboretum to poke around the potting sheds, unveil the undergrowth, and gawk around glorious gardens!
In order of attendance, here are the botanical beauties (as with many things on the internet, click the images to rebigulate them to their original sizes):

@Donny's Enterprise Officers Lounge

@Dryson's Synthetic and Orchid Watch Sentinel - Inside the Mind Where The Butterfly Lives Forever

(Even though Dryson's piece was created at the end of March, I'm including it as it was part of the inspiration for April's arboretum theme)

@ashefivekay's USS Aries Arboretum, second level

@Finn's painted planetside plantlife

My (Cyfa's) Into the Arboretum of the USS Percy Thrower

@Michael's Keiko

@BorgMan's A Warm Welcome to USS Revelation's arboretum

The voting is open for three days. Good luck everyone, and don't get lost, poisoned or eaten by any of the specimens.

Oh, and, You! Put your clothes back on! World Naked Gardening Day is over!
Have to go with @Cyfa for all the "inside references" in the composition, all the plants from various Trek episodes and other "entertainment properties". (BTW, how did I miss spotting Audrey II when I first commented on this effort?! But I finally spotted something resembling a sports pennant, which, upon closer inspection I realized was the carnivorous plant's "lips".
Wow. Ok that was a hard choice. But in the end not really.

What made the difference for me is that four pieces nailed the title of the challenge. And in two of them I can see almost the whole arboretum, or at least enough to get a sense how the rest of it looks. And of these two I have to go with the one that is finished and looks so well roundet. I can see this one as an illustration in a book, or in a comic or something. Really top tier stuff imo.

My second place would have needet some more time I guess. And some bump mapping. But even then it would have been really hard to win this one because Cyfa knocked it pout of the holo deck this time...
It was hard. I went with Donnie because I felt there was a certain mystery to it, like there was more to that lounge that is out of our view.
It was hard. I went with Donnie because I felt there was a certain mystery to it, like there was more to that lounge that is out of our view.

Now that I think about it:

Thats from Mr. Suders point of view. So what we don't see is probably his next victim...
Crikey! Thank you for the votes. I'm totally unprepared - I thought @Donny was going to win!
I'll have a quick think and put up May's challenge in an hour or two.

On a side note I would like to see the forum up it to 2 comps a month
- You're a bit keen aren't you, gazomg?! I know you're quite prolific, and I can't speak for any others, but I can barely conjure up one picture a month. Although, that's mainly due to laziness... :rommie:
You know, I was thinking about the number of votes allowed after I'd posted the voting thread, @gazomg. I didn't vote straight away as I found it difficult to choose, so I revisited it a while later and wished I'd thought to allow for two votes per person - especially as we had so many entires this time. In fact, I could easily have used three votes (then no entry would have been vote-free)!
If there are more than 4 or 5 entries this month, I'll definitely consider including multiple votes.

And, thank you :)
I like the idea of multiple votes when there are enough entries and we actually had those a couple of times in the past. It's definitely more fun to vote for more than one entry. :bolian: