Contest: VOTE October 2018 Art Challenge — Final Poll

October 2018 Art Challenge — “Anomaly of the Month”

  • Cyfa

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Michael

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • RunningValkyrie

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • USS Triumphant

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good Bad Influence
Welcome to the October 2018 art challenge voting thread! “October”, you ask? Yeah, thanks to your non-multitasking mod we are running a bit behind. But don't you worry, the brand new November contest will be posted in a matter of days.

But before that can happen we need you to vote! And if you are a US citizen this might be the second most important vote you'll be taking this week. Seriously though, you need to vote, guys! ;)

October's challenge was to illustrate something pertaining to the theme of “Anomaly of the Month”. Five contestants submitted their work, which you can examine in all its eye-popping glory once you clicked on the individual entries.

Happy voting!





@USS Triumphant
I am *honestly* pretty surprised and confused right now. I voted for the piece by @Starscape - I kind of want a print of it to hang up. And I thought all of the other pieces showed more actual artistic talent than mine. But thank you! I guess Cookie Monster for the win. ;)

So, um, now I guess I'm supposed to name a topic for the November Contest? I gave this a little bit of thought and did a search through the "Can I suggest an Art Contest?" thread, back when it was starting to look like I might win by being the ONLY entrant - and I found an idea I put up in late 2013 that I'd still like to see what the artists here would do with it:

The idea: The holonovels were an adaptation of a popular series of cult sci-fi movies from the 1930's. Create promo/development art - ship, character, and/or alien concepts, promo posters, book and comic covers, etc - for the "modern, more gritty" reboot of "The Adventures of Captain Proton" that either ran for seven years as a syndicated series or streaming service program (CBSAA? ;) ), or, as a series of movies, in the past of the Trek universe, beginning sometime between 1987 and 2019 (your choice for the year, and whether you want to present it as television or as theatrical releases).

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Congrats @USS Triumphant, yours was a really fun entry. Sometimes there's no way to beat that. :bolian:

Interesting idea for the new challenge. It's usually best to create a "November 2018 Art Challenge - ..." thread so that it gets everyone's full attention.

Oh and thanks for the kind words about my entry, too. :)
Congrats @USS Triumphant, yours was a really fun entry. Sometimes there's no way to beat that. :bolian:
Thanks. :)

Interesting idea for the new challenge. It's usually best to create a "November 2018 Art Challenge - ..." thread so that it gets everyone's full attention.
Thanks for the suggestion. I've done so, and I mercilessly plagiarized large portions of the October thread OP, since this is the first one of these I've ever done (and probably the last - kind of a fluke, I'm nearly certain). ;)

Oh and thanks for the kind words about my entry, too. :)
They're well deserved, IMO - It's elegant and clean and well-balanced, and I'm a sucker for both spartan design *and* the Excelsior-class. :D