Contest: VOTE December 2019 Art Challenge — “Best of 2019” — Final Poll

December 2019 Art Challenge — “Best of 2019”

  • gazomg

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • The Lensman

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Michael

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Rekkert

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Think

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good Bad Influence
Welcome! At long last here's the voting thread for the December 2019 Art Challenge!

And you are in luck, because this time you're getting the “Best of 2019” as handpicked by the artists themselves. Click on the thumbnails to view them in all their high-def glory!

Thank you for voting!

@gazomg has created a wonderfully detailed map of the Cardassian sector …

[Updated with a newer version on 03-28-2021 at @gazomg's request.]

@The Lensman presents one of his awesome retro sci-fi magazine covers featuring a version of the Enterprise you have never seen …

For your consideration I am submitting a look at a lonely Starfleet officer celebrating by himself in a gloomy bar at the bottom of a starbase …

@Rekkert grants us an inspiring look at the cutaway of the command center of Fontana Station …

@Starscape returns to October's “In Memoriam” challenge with a chair and a quote …

And last but not least, @Think as his first ever entry has some of his fractal work for us. It's “maths describing almost a three space maybe 2.7 dimensional spaces in the flat screen pixel mapped process [which] took the shape of something Trek” …
I voted for the command center area -- that was --- I guess a three space design from a program that does that --- I like that set up .. :) really nice --- /// If I prehas win *just jinx it* --- but I may need to --- be walked thru the next contest and such - of course I will bring up older ones to get a general idea of what is needed :) this is my first entry here and I never knew this was even going on ...
The Lensman for me. He's like the Frank R. Paul of Trek cover art!

that is awesome work there this is true.. I thought that it was just a cover of some book thing from long ago that he had but wow he did that whole thing and made it seem like that --- I am impressed .. would change my vote now ;)
Thanks everyone! Was surprised this go round as we had some fantastic entries. I was torn between gazomg and Michael, but ultimately gazomg won out. I love maps, what can I say.

Congrats, @The Lensman ! Would you consider doing "Crisis on Infinite Treks" as the topic for this month? (As Crisis is concluding on the CW)

Thanks and yes. I’m currently on a business trip and don’t have much time to give it much thought, so that sounds as good as anything I could come up with. I will create a thread tomorrow. :bolian: