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Contest: ENTER July Art Challenge— TOS-Up

aridas sofia

Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
The 215th Fan Art Challenge, chosen by vote is:


Re-design something from a non-TOS Trek show in the style of TOS, whether it's a uniform, a species, a schematic, a ship, or a prop. (Item must still be recognizable, but with '60s sci fi sensibilities. So basically the opposite of what DIS and SNW have done with TOS-era tech.)

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to sport the “Art Challenge Winner” banner below their name for the following month, and has the honor of hosting August’s challenge. If you have any ideas for future contest themes you can post them in the "Suggest Your Theme" thread.


You have until midnight on the 15th of August to post your final entries here.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need more time, just let me know.

Looking forward to seeing your art. Have Fun!
Okay, I guess we should close this contest now. I had thought if the worst came to worst and entry numbers were consitently low we could combine entries for multiple challenges in one poll to rule them all.

Anyway, I had fun creating my entry. :hugegrin:

Hey guys! After conferring with @Starscape we decided to give this contest and the Trek Tech it Up contest another chance before closing them down and declaring him the winner by default.

So if you have an idea for this, but didn't find time to work on it yet, now’s your chance. :) You have until the end of the year to submit something. I know I'll give this some serious think as well. ;)
I'm glad I finally found time to realize my idea for this one: A TNG tricorder with the style elements from the classic TOS tricorder.

Not gonna lie, I'm surprised how well this works. Makes me wonder if anyone else ever tried something similar before.

Thanks so much for that! Funnily enough, I was thinking about your retro designs when I worked on this.

Nice! That really is an awesome design though. It's everything I love about retro design. Tiny buttons, knobs and screen, all of questionable practicality. :lol: I'd kill for a physical prop of it as it's just so wonderfully done! (chef's kiss).

One of your previous entries, "a child's first warp core" IIRC, was so masterfully designed and rendered that I figured that like Ashley, it was time to move beyond good ole' (but dead) Truespace. She was super helpful in pointing me to Blender, and as I've finally got a new computer than can run it, we'll see what happens in the coming year. What program are you working with? The modeling, texturing and rendering are just, frankly, amazing. I'm blown away by all the little things, like the metallic surface reflecting the screen, the screen and lights glowing, the texturing on the metal, etc. Just gorgeous!:techman:
Nice! That really is an awesome design though. It's everything I love about retro design. Tiny buttons, knobs and screen, all of questionable practicality. :lol: I'd kill for a physical prop of it as it's just so wonderfully done! (chef's kiss).

One of your previous entries, "a child's first warp core" IIRC, was so masterfully designed and rendered that I figured that like Ashley, it was time to move beyond good ole' (but dead) Truespace. She was super helpful in pointing me to Blender, and as I've finally got a new computer than can run it, we'll see what happens in the coming year. What program are you working with? The modeling, texturing and rendering are just, frankly, amazing. I'm blown away by all the little things, like the metallic surface reflecting the screen, the screen and lights glowing, the texturing on the metal, etc. Just gorgeous!:techman:
Oh yeah, the warp core playset was super fun. Forgot about that one.

I’m actually super “low-tech”, as I still haven’t mastered Blender. I can wrap my head around hard surface modeling, but stuff like the lighting setup, material nodes and actually doing a decent render kind of break my brain in Blender. Which is why I’m glad I discovered Adobe Dimension. It’s a little tool that’s actually meant for creating quick product mockups using a row of drag and drop models. You can’t use it to actually create models from scratch, but it’s super intuitive for adding lights, fiddling with material preset settings and quickly render some gorgeous shots. My workflow right now is creating 3D assets in either Blender or Illustrator (its shape to 3D object function is super helpful) and then importing them in Dimension where I put it all together. Not the cleanest way of working, but – for me – the most productive and least headache inducing option right now. ;) If you have access to the Adobe CC apps, I can definitely recommend trying out Dimension. Super easy to pick up.
Since I'm hosting the December Challenge, I might as well do simultaneous polls for last year's leftover contests, too.

So, last call for entries. Voting will commence Saturday Evening (GMT).
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