Contest: ENTER October Art Challenge - Trek Tech It Up


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
October's contest theme, for the 218th Fan Art Challenge, chosen by vote is:

Trek Tech It Up
Design a futuristic version of a current tool or device. Even if the upgrades aren't much of an improvement, at least it looks cool....right?

Any era, any device or weird tech device you've done up in the month of October will do!

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to sport the “Art Challenge Winner” banner below their name for the following month, and has the honor of hosting November's challenge. You can help choose the Theme for November's Challenge in the theme entry here!


You have until the end of the 5th November to post your final entries here.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need more time, just let me know.

Have fun everyone!

Hey guys! After conferring with @Starscape we decided to give this contest and the TOS-Up contest another chance before closing them down and declaring him the winner by default.

So if you have an idea for this, but didn't find time to work on it yet, now’s your chance. :) You have until the end of the year to submit something. I know I'll give this some serious think as well. ;)
Since I'm hosting the December Challenge, I might as well do simultaneous polls for last year's leftover contests, too.

So, last call for entries. Voting will commence Saturday Evening (GMT)... if we get other entries. ;)
Well, the deadline is here so let's tie up these contests...
This one is easy, a default win. Yay me! :alienblush:
Well, it has been sitting pinned to the board as a possible alternate for the last two months. I think we just have to move on and acknowledge that unfortunately the theme wasn't quite as inspiring as we might've hoped. :shrug:
Without any other submissions this one goes to @Starscape by default, as we had determined. And deservedly so, too, since it’s just a super funny idea and entry. I thought a lot about coming up with something for this, but in the end I couldn't think of anything that would have been funnier than this.

So congratulations!

Time to finally unstick this thread …