Contest: VOTE March 2019 Art Challenge — Poll

Pick your favorite fan art for March

  • Admiral Archer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Finn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gazomg

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 16 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Bad Batch of TrekBBS
Admiral Archer

The backstory
"O'Ryan's Planet (discovered by Starfleet Commander Paddy O'Ryan, first officer of the NX-03 in 2191) was an emerald green planet that was home to the local Shamin Priests, and by the late 23rd century, was the site of a Spacedock type starbase. The base orbiting the planet celebrated St. Patrick's day with unusual zeal, replacing the furniture in every room with lime green couches and serving nothing but Aldebaran Whiskey in varying shades of green in every lounge. There was even a special St. Patrick's Day light show, during which all blue exterior and interior lights on the starbase were changed to bright green for an hour. Captain James T, Kirk once visited during his command of the Enterprise-A during the starbase's 100th St. Patrick's day celebration, and was quoted as saying 'I like green as much as the next person, but I could stand to never see it again after tonight.'"




Dang, had a last minute idea but didn't manage to actually finish it. Oh well, maybe I'll finish it when I find time and post it anyway. :sigh:

Voted for @Cyfa's entry for the idea and the colors. :)
Great entries, everyone. :bolian: Unfortunately, I just could get my brain in gear for this challenge.

I voted for Cyfa entry, too. It has the sense of scale that I would have like to portray in my entry, but could figure out how.
I just love that we have what I'll assume are Caitians in Cyfa's piece. (Hey, it's never been stated they all look leonine.) So, naturally, it got my vote!
Is it bad that I voted against my own work? :p

My vote is for Cyfa as well.
Some folks think it's taboo to vote for one's own work. Few people here were vigilant about that. I usually try to vote for others.

Looks like the winner is Cyfa. I know the poll ends tomorow (I wish I made it shorter) but we usually don't get more than 20 votes overall. But you never know.
The fat lady is warming up her vocal chords, but it's not over yet - we may get a glut of weekend voters who prefer green, Saavik, or Shawshank to a bunch of disco-dancing nincompoops :lol:
However, just in case, I do have an idea for this month's challenge that I can post as soon as the poll closes.

And the folks on the west coast watching the results coming in from the time zones further east.....
Well, the time has come (and gone). Thank you to everyone who voted for my rather ridiculous Calvin & Hobbes / Cetacean Opera inspired entry - you're all bonkers :D. I'll put up April's challenge very soon.