Contest: VOTE Contest VOTE: Greetings, programs!

Who is this month's challenge Master Control Program?

  • publiusr

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Orac

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • BorgMan

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Atolm

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Cobalt Frost

A flurry of last minute entries, and we've got ourselves a horse race! Here are this month's challengers:

publiusr- . (Grid-scale Dyson sphere)






You have ONE vote each, Programs, and voting runs for seven days. Who will rule the Grid?
Great entries all around! After some deliberation I settled on voting for @Cyfa's TROI image, as the idea and the execution are just too good. :techman:

At first I thought you forgot to add @publiusr's entry. :lol: I'm not sure how serious they were about that being their entry, though.

@Cobalt Frost, I set the voting for three days. That's usually the length of time we let these votings run as seven days would cut a bit too much into the June contest. I hope you understand. :)
This was a hard one, seriously so. Everyone did an amazing job with their entries, but I had to go with @publiusr because it was so damn original and

LOL - When I saw that it was late at night and I just thought the image posting had glitched :eek: so now reading it is pretty funny! Lots of great entries :techman:
Congratulations, @Starscape! I hadn't realized this before looking at the stats here, but this is actually a historic win. Because this makes you the top winner of all time (16 wins!) in the recorded history of 18 years of this contest! If you are curious, your first win was way back in the June 2006 contest called “So We Meet Again”, shortly after you registered on the board. Pretty awesome, if you ask me!
Thanks @Cyfa.

That was an excellent showing from everyone, this month. I found it tough to pick just one to vote for and by the spread of the votes it seems I was not the only one impressed by the overall quality. Well done, all. And thanks for the votes. :bolian:

Congratulations, @Starscape! I hadn't realized this before looking at the stats here, but this is actually a historic win. Because this makes you the top winner of all time (16 wins!) in the recorded history of 18 years of this contest! If you are curious, your first win was way back in the June 2006 contest called “So We Meet Again”, shortly after you registered on the board. Pretty awesome, if you ask me!

Wow! Thanks for that stat @Michael. :hugegrin: I think that result maybe more a matter of persistence than talent, a quick check of my files shows I've entered more than 90 of these. Although, I'm guessing Klaus or Ptrope would beat me on the record for the most number of entries.

I'll try to finalise my ideas for June's Challenge and post the new thread soon.

EDIT: The new contest is up here:
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