Contest: VOTE March 2018 Art Challenge — Final Poll

  • Thread starter Captain pl1ngpl0ng
  • Start date

March 2018 Art Challenge - TREKFORMERS

  • Orac

  • Cyfa

  • Starscape

  • Lord Other

  • pl1ngpl0ng

Results are only viewable after voting.

Captain pl1ngpl0ng


Welcome to a Stereoscopic view of Colliding Worlds.
We entered Captain @Cyfa 's idea of a reality where the Transformers Universe
melted with Star Trek.
Presented are the fabulous entry's for your viewing pleasure below.
Please cast your vote for your favourite.

Admiral @Orac

Captain @Cyfa

Fleet Captain @Starscape

Lieutenant @Lord Other

Commander @pl1ngpl0ng


Thank you for your votes
The winner will pick the theme, and host, the contest for April2018.
Let's close the voting tomorrow so that we can get a good amount of time playing around with the next challenge.

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Very good show indeed:-) great entry's!
A BIG Congratulations to @Starscape for the Winn!!!:bolian:
That was a cool entry and well deserved first price.
I was in love with Orac's crazy cool entry tho =)
That one made me laugh for days:lol:

Passing the torch to YOU @Starscape
Set a course, second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.
I want to see what's there, what you got in store for us!:)
Woah, thanks for the votes everyone. And well done to all entrants, too! :bolian:

That was a fun challenge, well hosted by pl1ngpl0ng. I've been pondering challenge ideas for a while, just-in-case, so I've got an idea which I'll post in the new challenge thread later today.
Whew, I'm happy to see this went along nicely. Congratulations to @Starscape for a superb entry! And thanks to @pl1ngpl0ng for running a fun contest! I love all you guys' entries! I really wanted to enter this one myself and already had my entry finished (see below), but I was hospitalized on the weekend with an inflamed gallbladder which had to be taken out. My wife just took me home today so I'm finally able to check the BBS again. Sorry for being away, guys. :)

My entry would have been on the silly side. It's a callback to the Sombreroprise meme which was born on this board a decade ago. I'm not even sure who remembers it at this point. Anyway, here's my would-be entry. Enjoy!

What, the Sombreroprise was real, not just some horrible yet surreal dream??? :wah: ;)

That would've been a fun addition to the contest, but most importantly: take care @Michael and best wishes for a speedy recovery.