Contest: VOTE October 2020 Art Challenge - Black Future History - Please Vote!

Vote for TWO!! Vote for TWO!!

  • ashefivekay

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Atolm

    Votes: 13 65.0%
  • Michael

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • MisterD

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Soran77

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Premium Member
It's the 3rd of November 2020, a momentus day, people out there are voting and the world is waiting with bated breath to discover who has won... that's right, it's time for the TrekBBS October Art Challenge Poll! ;)

October's Challenge took inspiration from Black History Month (in Europe) to ask you all to acknowledge and celebrate the the black actors and characters who have contributed to the Star Trek universe over the years. And you've all achieved that wonderfully, thanks so much to everyone who has entered.

Please vote for your TWO favourite entries!

(Click on the thumbnails, below, to see the full resolution images)

ashefivekay showed us an assignment briefing between Lieutenants Boma, Uhura and Masters.

Atolm's "Daystrom's Dream" depicted Richard Daystrom's vision of autonomous starships.

Michael's “You cannot destroy an idea!” - Benny Russell, the dreamer and the dream.

MisterD took inspiration from African ethnographics to give us the USS La Forge.

Soran77 gave us "Free the People", the original Gabriel Bell, who's mantle a time travelling Ben Sisko took on to maintain history.

Starscape showed us Captain Tryla Scott, the fastest to achieve the rank of captain, in action.

Don't forget, vote for TWO!!
Voted for ashefivekay and Atolm, Atolm's designs are always something special and ashefivekay's scene is both comic and nostalgic. :D:mallory:
Well, the poll has closed, all postal ballots have been counted and thank goodness we don't have to resort to legal means to arbitrate the results, because we have a clear winner:

Congratulations, @Atolm - a well deserved win! The honour of choosing and hosting November's Art Challenge falls to you. I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :bolian:

And I'd just want to thank, again, everyone who entered and voted in October's contest. As soon as the idea for this contest popped into my head I just knew I had to do it, and I'm so pleased you all responded so positively to it (as if there was any question of that). Thank you!!
Well, the poll has closed, all postal ballots have been counted and thank goodness we don't have to resort to legal means to arbitrate the results, because we have a clear winner:

Congratulations, @Atolm - a well deserved win! The honour of choosing and hosting November's Art Challenge falls to you. I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :bolian:

And I'd just want to thank, again, everyone who entered and voted in October's contest. As soon as the idea for this contest popped into my head I just knew I had to do it, and I'm so pleased you all responded so positively to it (as if there was any question of that). Thank you!!

Thanks everyone.

I Voted for You Michael, and Soran77, but all entries were Excellent! And Voting for 2 helped a lot.

I am posting my Idea for the next challenge now.