Contest: ENTER February Art Challenge: Wrong Episode Posters


The people have spoken, and they want:
Wrong Episode Posters
Have you ever read a synopsis for an episode or movie that only vaguely resembles what you eventually watched? Well, your challenge is to badly interpret the plot of a Star Trek episode or movie and create a promotional poster to advertise it. Maybe you could shift the emphasis of the episode/movie to that of a side-plot or have the main protaganist to be the villain or a minor character. Perhaps, you could swap the genre of the episode entirely: Duet as a musical? The Trouble with Tribbles as a horror?

And for those of you who voted for one or more of the Valentine-esque themes,
I've not a lot to add to the description this time, but perhaps those with love on their mind for February could use that as inspiration to spin an episode in a romantic fashion?

Yes, it's time for February's Fan Art Challenge!

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to sport the “Fan Art Challenge Winner” banner below their name for the following month, and has the honor of hosting March's challenge. And if you have any theme ideas for future challenges please post them in March's "Suggest Your Themes!" thread.


I think Wrong Episode Posters is a great theme with plenty of opportunities for fun, fear, affection or befuddlement, and I hope you do too. If you have any thoughts or questions, or just need a bit of help or inspiration, please reply here.

You have until the end of Friday 1st March to post your final entries here (although if you need a little more time, just say). I'm already looking forward to seeing some perplexing posters!
Your Miri poster is so cool, @Orac - great use of fold lines!

I'm going to have to get a move on with my poster. I've been fart-arsing around on-an-off for the last couple of weeks trying to put a Carry On Conspiracy poster together in MSPaint (a bit like my Star Trek III-B poster), but I'm not having much luck with it, so I'm going to do a very quick - and rough - sketch & marker job instead.

I hope everyone else who's taking part is nearly finished? Only a couple of days left to get those entries in
Oh, I wish I'd thought of that, @Starscape - I love it!

I've given up on my sketch & markers job already, and gone back to the Paint effort. Should have something to show later/tomorrow morning.
I‘m on the road tonight, but have an idea that I finally want to get to tomorrow. Can I get another day, pretty please? :)
Absolutely, @Michael! I've still got some finishing touches (i.e. trying to mask all the rough edges) to put to mine that I'll work on tomorrow, so another day it is :D
Absolutely, @Michael! I've still got some finishing touches (i.e. trying to mask all the rough edges) to put to mine that I'll work on tomorrow, so another day it is :D
Thank you! Still ended up needing some extra time, even with your extension, but now I’m finally done.

I probably did this a little wrong, not sure, my first thought when I saw the theme was doing something with “Threshold”, which to me always felt like some classic body horror flick instead of a serious sci-fi story. So that’s what I wanted to portray with the poster; i.e. make it look like an 80s/90s horror movie poster as much as possible …


I've done just about as much faffing about with it as I can be bothered (and have time for), so here's mine:
That looks hilarious! And I didn’t even know the original movie this is based on.
Ha ha haaa! Great find, @Laura Cynthia Chambers!

Thank you! Still ended up needing some extra time, even with your extension, but now I’m finally done.

I probably did this a little wrong, not sure, my first thought when I saw the theme was doing something with “Threshold”, which to me always felt like some classic body horror flick instead of a serious sci-fi story. So that’s what I wanted to portray with the poster; i.e. make it look like an 80s/90s horror movie poster as much as possible …
~ It's brilliant! Definitely worth the wait. The genre swap is entirely within the outline of the theme, so in my opinion, you haven't done it wrong, you've done it "wrong" as required.

That looks hilarious! And I didn’t even know the original movie this is based on.
~ Thanks, Michael. I'm glad the humour comes across - I'm not sure how well known the comedy Carry On films are outside the UK, so this was a bit of a gamble.

I'll put the voting thread up in a bit.