Contest: VOTE December Art Challenge: A Star Trek Christmas Carol

Vote for your favourite

  • Rom and Nog as Deep Space Nine's version of Charles Dickens' Mr. Cratchit and Tiny Tim

    Votes: 18 85.7%
  • Picard is haunted by Yar's ghost

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Weyoun confronts his mortality

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Fleet Admiral
Premium Member
Welcome to the voting thread for the December 2021 Art Challenge! :)

The brief:

This months theme is A Star Trek Christmas Carol.

Your inspiration should come from the classic Christmas story by Dahl's Chickens and of course Star Trek.

Here are your entries, in order of appearance:

Rom and Nog as Deep Space Nine's version of Charles Dickens' Mr. Cratchit and Tiny Tim …
by @Michael :

Picard is haunted by Yar's ghost …
by @Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come :

Weyoun confronts his mortality …
by @Starscape :
@Starscape, I love your entry! I really dig the geometric style of the illustration and particularly like how you managed to give the window such a distinctly Dominion style. Weyoun is also instantly recognizable and the expression on his face is spot on.

Do you have any idea who exactly that could be underneath the cloak of the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come? :)
Thanks, @Michael. :hugegrin: I got a bit too caught up in my thoughts on this one, I was attempting to portray Weyoun looking into a Vorta Cloning chamber without writing "Vorta Cloning Chamber" on it (D'oh, I should've had a descriptive caption! :brickwall: :lol:). I'm glad I managed a Dominion-esque style, though.

@Orac's challenge topic was inspired, I had too many ideas but I could never quite decide on who to interpret as the three spirits. At one point my entry was going to involve a previous Weyoun clone in a Marley's Ghost role (chains with Ketracel White containers).

Although thinking about it now, I like the idea of a Jem'Hadar under the cloak. Maybe the ghost of Omet'iklan returns to deal with another Weyoun.
Thanks for all the votes, guys! I'm glad my Rom and Nog idea seems to have clicked with you. Thanks also to @Orac for coming up with this inspired theme! By the way, as I was updating the running list of past contest here, I noticed that your win in the previous contest was your first win ever! Could that be right? I could have sworn I remembered you winning one of them in the past.

Anyway, I will come up with a new theme ASAP and post the new contest thread here.

I was attempting to portray Weyoun looking into a Vorta Cloning chamber without writing "Vorta Cloning Chamber"
For me personally the piece works even without that extra knowledge. Just seeing Weyoun with the horror on his face and that ominous hooded character behind him tells a pretty cool story.

But if you were to portray that cloning chamber, maybe you could have taken cues from how they portrayed cloning here or here

At one point my entry was going to involve a previous Weyoun clone in a Marley's Ghost role (chains with Ketracel White containers).
Now that's a pretty awesome concept! :techman:
And that 16th win propels @Michael into joint top position on the list all-time Winners. Congratulations! :bolian:

For me personally the piece works even without that extra knowledge. Just seeing Weyoun with the horror on his face and that ominous hooded character behind him tells a pretty cool story.

But if you were to portray that cloning chamber, maybe you could have taken cues from how they portrayed cloning here or here

Now that's a pretty awesome concept! :techman:

Thank you. Yeah, those cloning tanks would've been a good place to start. I got a bit of tunnel vision on this one and could think my way around the problem.
Note to self: Must start my entries earlier in the month.