Contest: VOTE Nov/Dec 2020 Art Challenge — “Star Trek Redux” — Please Vote!

Please VOTE for TWO entries!!!

  • VOTE for TWO: Atolm

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • VOTE for TWO: BorgMan

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • VOTE for TWO: MisterD

    Votes: 18 60.0%
  • VOTE for TWO: Soran77

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VOTE for TWO: Starscape

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • VOTE for TWO: Tet hRendevez

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • VOTE for TWO: The Lensman

    Votes: 11 36.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good Bad Influence
Welcome to the voting thread of the 192nd Fan Art forum art challenge!

What would Star Trek be without its distinctive look? And more importantly, just how would it look? Well, these fine artists here have answers to that very question posed by @Atolm, the winner of the October challenge, here.

Thanks to everyone who entered! Since there are quite a few entries this time around – and because it's just a lot more fun – let's VOTE FOR TWO ENTRIES this time! Also, please click the thumbnails to view the entries in their intended size.




[Note: This is only a preview. Click the image or this link for the 3D view!]


@Tet hRendevez

@The Lensman

Thanks for voting! :)
This was NOT easy.. to pick only two out of these amazing entries pfffff.. but I did go for @MisterD and @The Lensman this time.

@MisterD's design could be a Perry Rhodan testbed spacecraft maybe something to test the Dimetrans engines which were later used to fly to the Andromeda galaxy, design wise very wild and very not standard Star Trek. :mallory::techman:

@The Lensman's design who doesn't want to fly a flying fortress like design with kick ass colours through the galaxy? :mallory::techman:

And again, I would have voted for all of you because you all did great. :techman:
Indeed. But we still have 31 hours before the poll closes, so hopefully someone will deliver the tie-breaking vote until then. And if that doesn't happen we'll have a run-off poll. Either way, pretty exciting. :)
Well, it was close, but we do have a winner: congratulations to @MisterD, another first-time winner of the contest! Thanks to everyone who entered. I think I speak for everyone when I say we greatly enjoyed all your takes on @Atolm‘s contest theme.

@MisterD, any ideas for the new contest? :)
Well, it was close, but we do have a winner: congratulations to @MisterD, another first-time winner of the contest! Thanks to everyone who entered. I think I speak for everyone when I say we greatly enjoyed all your takes on @Atolm‘s contest theme.

@MisterD, any ideas for the new contest? :)

Oh thanks man. I did not expect this outcome at all. Well...I have two Ideas, but I am not exactly sure If they are interesting enough that people want to participate.

Idea 1) Post war Cardassia: After decades of being a militaristic regime commiting atrocitys against other races and selling out the alpha quadrant to the dominion the once proud cardassiann empire is a pile of smoking rubble. But what now? What is your vision of cardassia and its society 20 years after the Dominion war? Did they abandon their military culture and turned into pacifists? Did they become isolationists only waiting for the right moment to reclaim their rightful position on the top of all species? Design a piece of equippement (that could be everything from clothing to spaceships) or depict a scene (that could be anything from private family life til speeches of political figure or even propaganda material or even architecture) that represents what you think the cardassian empire would/
could have become.

Idea 2) A new villain: Imagine the producers of a star trek show want you to the new main villain/antagonist of their show. Design a piece of equipment, costume, character or race. Every era and timeline and show are allowed. Just make sure that what ever you make captures the very essence of what this villain is supposed to represent.

Sooooo.....if anybody has an opinion what the better Idea is, how I can formulate it better or how to make it more attractive for people to participate...I am open for Ideas and suggestions.
Personally, I think the post-war Cardassia idea sounds awesome! Would love to work something out for that. But I‘m also curious what others say. :)
Personally, I think the post-war Cardassia idea sounds awesome! Would love to work something out for that. But I‘m also curious what others say. :)

What would you suggest how long I wait to set up the new challenge? I would like to set it up as early as possible....but on the other hand I also would like to hear some opinions first.
Congrats @MisterD with a well deserved win! I personally think that a new villain would offer more creative freedom than 'just' Cardassia post-war...
Congrats @MisterD with a well deserved win! I personally think that a new villain would offer more creative freedom than 'just' Cardassia post-war...

Thanks man. I personally think that I would not have won If people werent allowed to vote twice. Honestly I thought @Atolm had this thing in the bag from the start. I alsothink you are right...the villain thing offers more freedom. But at the same time too much freedom sometimes gets in the way of exploring themes what is a very important part of art to me. Well..we will see. I mean its not like we have to abandon the Idea that is not picked up for forever...right?
@Atolm inspired a great set of entries with this challenge. Perhaps the most imaginative we've seen for quite some time. :bolian:

Congratulations on the win @MisterD. Seems to me your two contest ideas could be combined under an umbrella topic of "Villains" - either create a new villain or depict what happened next to an established villain or antagonist species. But maybe that's too broad?
What would you suggest how long I wait to set up the new challenge? I would like to set it up as early as possible....but on the other hand I also would like to hear some opinions first.
I say just go ahead whenever you are ready. :) Both of your themes will work, I think. @Starscape‘s idea of combining them sounds good as well, but you decide.
@Atolm inspired a great set of entries with this challenge. Perhaps the most imaginative we've seen for quite some time. :bolian:

Congratulations on the win @MisterD. Seems to me your two contest ideas could be combined under an umbrella topic of "Villains" - either create a new villain or depict what happened next to an established villain or antagonist species. But maybe that's too broad?

This sounds like a good Idea. Iguess its not a big deal to rephrase the Villain theme in a way that this whole cardassia thing also fits in. The last thing I want is to loose participants by making the whole thing too specific.

Maybe I could start a seperate more specific thread later where everybody is welcome to share his work.