Contest: VOTE July Art Challenge: Aldebaran Whiskey to Zylo Eggs: Food in the Star Trek Universe!

July Art Contest Vote:

  • Soran77

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Finn

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Mrs SCE2Aux

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • SCE2Aux

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Vote here for the July Art Challenge! There are a good selection of entries on the menu. :D




Mrs SCE2Aux:

Pinned this and voted! :techman:

Damn, another month went by so quickly and again I didn't find the time to work on anything. I was mulling about several ideas all month (the design for a Ben & Jerry icecream variety called “Deanna's Chocolate sundae” for example), but there never seemed to open up a couple of hours to really work on it. Oh well …

Then again, my entry would have faced some pretty strong competition this month as you guys were able to flesh out some pretty cool ideas. :)
To be clear I'm not trying to be an A-hole, even if it appears that way.
Not at all! We worked on our pieces individually, and she's planning on joining the forum, but hadn't made an account by the time I put this thread up. :)
This is Mrs. SCE2Aux, reporting in! (SCE2Aux did not make up my existence!) Sorry for the confusion - I should have signed up earlier but the time got away from me.

I've been admiring the artwork from these contests for the past couple of months. There are some seriously talented artists here, and seeing their work made me want to try doing something myself. So good work representing the forum, guys - you've won over at least one new member!

... Sadly for you, this means you get subjected to my terrible puns.
This is Mrs. SCE2Aux, reporting in! (SCE2Aux did not make up my existence!) Sorry for the confusion - I should have signed up earlier but the time got away from me.

I've been admiring the artwork from these contests for the past couple of months. There are some seriously talented artists here, and seeing their work made me want to try doing something myself. So good work representing the forum, guys - you've won over at least one new member!

... Sadly for you, this means you get subjected to my terrible puns.
I never said he made you up.. lmao My concern was someone without an account was getting an entry creating a double entry paradox for a contest that only allows one.. Hahahaha
Thank you for the welcome, Cyfa and BorgMan! It is indeed a close call this month... Again, I think that says good things about the quality of the entries. I'm pleased that the one I voted for is doing particularly well. :hugegrin:
Wow! Thanks everyone! I felt sure that @holodeck-poirot, AKA Mrs SCE2Aux, was going to get this one with her charming - and funny - menu :D
I'll put up this month's challenge later on when I'm home from work (hopefully I'll have thought of a theme by then...).