Contest: ENTER June Art Challenge - Cover Me!


Premium Member
In an unexpected turn of events we have a little more overlap between Challenges than usual this month, so I'll set this month's Challenge running and if a winner is decided for May's Matte Painting Challenge they can post the voting thread (if they wish).

You can find May's Challenge, which will run until mid-June, here.

And so, on to June's contest theme, for the 214th Fan Art Challenge, chosen by vote is:

Cover Me!
What magazines might you find in sickbay's waiting room? Design the cover of a magazine - this month's edition, or an outdated one (they usually are). It could be a cover for a real magazine, or what all the aliens on (name of planet) are reading.

Lots of potential here for different magazine genres; fashion, travel, scientific, technical, newspaper suppliments... Starship-Trader anyone? And what if those magazines are displayed on padds, with all the funky shaped displays we've seen for various races, how might that effect the layouts of those front-pages?

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to sport the “Art Challenge Winner” banner below their name for the following month, and has the honor of hosting July's challenge. If you have any ideas for future contest themes you can post them in the "Suggest Your Theme" thread.


You have until the end of the 9th July to post your final entries here.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need more time, just let me know.

Looking forward to seeing your art. Have Fun! :bolian:

(P.S. @Michael, can we keep both May and June's Challenge threads pinned. Thanks.)
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Nothing, yet? Well, let's keep this contest running for a while longer see what happens.

I hope this is just a summer slump... :borg:
I’ll take a stab at this if time permits. When is the new deadline?

EDIT- I have an entry. Let me know if the contest is still open.
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Great! :cool:

I'll leave the contest open over the weekend (until the end of the 9th) to give others a chance too.
Here we go. My entry is an homage to the Treknical in-universe magazine "Starship Design" created by Todd Guenther back in 1984. The issue he published was said to be volume 34 from 2280. This one is the first issue published, 34 Earth years previous, in 2246, and given subtly altered graphics to reflect the earlier date. The ship is my design of the first perimeter action ship as I mentioned in Guenther's "Ships of the Star Fleet Volume 2", and as was modeled back in ~ 2007 by this forum's previous moderator Jason Lee, aka "Vektor".

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