Contest: VOTE July Art Challenge - TOS-Up - Please Vote!

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  • @Michael

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • @Starscape

    Votes: 4 26.7%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Premium Member
It's been a long time... as a certain song begins (perhaps, it's best not to go there ;))... anyway, back in July we were challenged to take an element from another Star Trek series and depict it in a TOS style.

Re-design something from a non-TOS Trek show in the style of TOS, whether it's a uniform, a species, a schematic, a ship, or a prop. (Item must still be recognizable, but with '60s sci fi sensibilities. So basically the opposite of what DIS and SNW have done with TOS-era tech.)

And now after one last extension we have TWO entries for you to choose your favourite from:

A TNG tricorder with the style elements from the classic TOS tricorder


An Enterprise-Era Vulcan Ring Ship given a TOS make-over.


Thanks for voting! :bolian:

And don't forget you can also vote for the winner of December's Challenge, here:
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