Contest: VOTE May 2018 Art Challenge - Final Poll

Vote for ONE!!!

  • GNDN18

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Michael

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Orac

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Premium Member
May's challenge entrants were asked to delve into the insidious world of propaganda posters and imagine how the various Star Trek species and organisations might use them for their own ends.

We have four entries in the poll. Which one gets your vote, will you be inspired to grab your tools, wield your bat'leth, keep your secrets safe or don your flightsuit?

To the winner goes the satisfaction of advancing their cause and the prize of choosing and hosting June's Art Challenge. :)

(Click to enlarge)




I swear there were 5 entries. Must be the Mandela effect again. :shrug:
There was an entry by gazomg, but it appears he's no longer a member of the board (temporarily or otherwise). I thought it best not include it.
And we have a winner. Congratulations @Michael, the next Art Challenge falls to you!

Thanks to everyone who entered and voted. Now, let's see what June's contest brings. :bolian:
Congrabulations! :bolian:

And thank you to whoever voted for my entry. :biggrin:
Ah, thanks for the win, guys! And sorry I didn't respond earlier. It's a busy week at the office. @Orac, I was the one voting for your entry. I love the vintage, scrap paper look, as you can see in my entry. :)

Thank you, @Starscape, for a great contest! I will hurry and post the new contest soon-ish.

And just as a FYI, gazomg is only away temporarily and should be back later this month, IIRC. So yeah, his entry could have been included in the voting, but he would not have been able to post the new contest.

EDIT: Here's the new contest!
Sorry, but I wasn't aware that you'd been served a month's ban and there was no notice in your account profile saying when or if you'd be back.