Contest: VOTE July 2020 Art Challenge voting thread

Which New Look Next Gen brings you joy in July?

  • Soran77

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Lord Other

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Michael

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


July brought forth four new looks for the Next Generation/Picard era - which one catches your eye?

@Soran77's Picard-era Defiant

@Lord Other's intergalactic Enterprise-C

@Michael's New Generation Enterprise NCC-1701-2

And my New Look Enterprise-D, Picard, Rai क (Riker), and Troi

You have three days to cast your votes. Bon chance!
Nice! Haven't won one of those in a long time. Thanks to whoever voted for my entry! :eek:

Now to come up with a new theme …
So I've been thinking about the theme for the next contest and I have come up with a couple of ideas that I'd like to run by you. I'm rather undecided and would welcome any input …

Not Trek — For once I'd love to see what genre stuff all of you like besides Star Trek. So basically anything from other SF universes goes: Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, The Orville

Non-corporeal — Gaseous, liquid or a ball of light – your job would be to envision a fantastically new Trek species not bound by any physical form.

Trek Fandom Itself — Admittedly, that idea is a bit meta, but I would love to see how y'all translate the Star Trek fan community itself into a piece of art.
I'm immediately drawn to the "Not Trek" idea - my head is already full of other sci-fi properties that i can draw on (or just draw :lol:).
I could go with the other two as well, although that would mean more thought! :rommie:
I'm immediately drawn to the "Not Trek" idea - my head is already full of other sci-fi properties that i can draw on (or just draw :lol:).
I could go with the other two as well, although that would mean more thought! :rommie:
And here I thought you would jump on the Non-corporeal idea. I don't know, just seemed to be more up your alley. :lol:

I'm good with the first two... I.. I do have a few ideas on the third lol
Thanks for the feedback!

Okay, I wait a couple more hours to see if anyone else wants to chime in and then post the new contest later tonight. I think I'll go with Non Trek because that could really be an opportunity for more folks to join in. :)
I must admit, just after I posted that, I did have a vague idea for a non-corporeal entity :)