Contest: ENTER August Art Challenge - Movies


Premium Member
Well, it doesn't look like we're not getting a decision on a winner for July's contest just yet, so I guess I'll put up this month's Challenge thread for you to post your entries.

August's contest theme, for the 216th Fan Art Challenge, chosen by vote is:

Specific Era -- Movies
Dedicated to art inspired by one specific Star Trek show/era. Each month you have the opportunity to vote for a different era cycling through: TOS/TAS --> TNG --> DS9 --> VOY --> ENT --> MOVIES --> DSC --> PIC --> LDS --> PRO --> SNW --> TOS/TAS --> ...

Get your drinks in and prepare your popcorn because we're headed to the cinema! :beer:
Which Star Trek movie era will inspire you: TOS, TNG, JJ? Or perhaps you'd like to imagine a movie for a series that never made it to the silver screen. And how about those new streaming movies on the horizon, can you predict what we might see in the Section 31 movie or what could follow after it?

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to sport the “Art Challenge Winner” banner below their name for the following month, and has the honor of hosting September's challenge. You can help choose the Theme for September's Challenge in the up-coming poll (thread coming soon...).


You have until the end of the 10th September to post your final entries here.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need more time, just let me know.

Looking forward to seeing your art. Have Fun! :bolian:

A Trek film that will never be, the Kelvin timeline gender-flipped universe of Parallel Lives meets the Doomsday Machine done in the Tiny Trek style.

Parallel Lives was an IDW two issue comic set in the Kelvin timeline in an alternate reality where everyone on the Enterprise was gender-flipped and not quite the same as their regular Kelvin timeline counterparts. I emulated one of the Star Trek Beyond posters for this but put a Tiny Trek look on the characters. Top down, Kirk, Decker, Scotty, Spock and McCoy.
Any more entries coming there's still time?

As for my entry: the end of Deep Space Nine rounded off most of the storylines nicely, so I guess it didn't really need a movie, but it would have been nice to get one...


I just couldn't seem to achieve what I was aiming for with this until I turned it landscape and it sort of fell into place... although, it's still a bit of a rush job. :borg:
Just sneaking in with a very rushed sketch:

I'd intended to create another movie poster - Star Trek IV-B - like I did for February's challenge, but useable free time for such things is in short supply at the mo, so that plan was scuppered. Instead, here's an embarassingly basic, blown-up ink sketch (the original is only 75mm long) of the Cetacean Probe with George & Gracie.