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Contest: ENTER November 2024 Fan Art Challenge — “An Unexpected Perspective”


A good bad influence
A warm welcome to November’s 232nd Trek BBS Fan Art Forum Challenge!

Last month’s winner was @Atolm, who is now sporting the glorious “Fan Art Challenge Winner” badge on his profile.

This month’s theme was originally suggested by @Starscape way back in April and I’m glad the community finally voted it in here. It’s described as …
An Unexpected Perspective
Mostly we see the Star Trek Universe from the point-of-view of our heros, but how do others perceive their life in the future? Show us an interpretation of life in the Trekiverse from a different perspective, perhaps from that of the villains or a small child, animals, space-aliens or pets (Livingston, Porthos, Grudge...) or maybe even from that of technology or the Starships themselves - the stranger, the better.

This should turn up some pretty interesting results and I can’t wait to see what everyone has in store. :)

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to wear the golden “Fan Art Challenge Winner” badge on their profile for the following month. Please help to decide on next month’s theme here.


You have until Saturday, November 30th to share your final entry here in this thread. As always, if you have any questions or if you need more time, just let us know in this thread. :)

Good luck and have fun!
Not yet. I must admit, I'm having some difficulty with interpreting the theme - and inspiration hasn't struck yet.
I've managed to force a couple of vague ideas into existence, though: A debigulated crew investigating something/one normal sized (think TAS: "The Terratin Incident" or DS9: "One Little Ship") - Maybe a tiny Kimolu & Matt checking out "giant" Rutherford? Or, a DOT's-"eye"-view of repairing a starship (ST: "Ephraim and Dot")? But, at the moment, I don't know how I would go about realising either of these. I'm hoping another idea will present itself :D

What about you, @Laura Cynthia Chambers - and/or anyone else? Do you have any ideas/have you started working on something?
Originally, my idea for the Theme developed from Calvin and Hobbes comic strips, wondering how a Calvin like character might interpret with the Trekiverse...

What if starships or tech had characters like the vehicles in Pixar's "Cars"?
Or Picard's fish thought he was in charge of the Enterprise?
What mischief could Porthos or Spot get up to if they had free roam on their respective ships?
Or, perhaps, a villain seeing themselves as the hero of their own story?

I haven't had much time to hone in on an idea I'd like to develop, but I hope those extra thoughts help (of course, other interpretations of the Theme are equally valid ;))
Ah, that helps - thank you, @Starscape! I love Calvin and Hobbes - thinking about the way they see things is beginning to get my neurons firing!
Good luck with your own idea!
I don't have anything yet...but yes, either one's visual (e.g. the view as seen thru Geordi's VISOR) or psychological perspective (e.g. Janice Lester's warped view of a captain's world) is acceptable.
Does anyone else have an entry coming for this challenge? I've been struggling to find time and inspiration myself.

I'm tempted to suggest we leave the challenge open until the end of the month and if there's no more entries, @Cyfa becomes our default winner. What does everyone think?
Well, I'm happy with leaving the challenge open as I want to see what everyone else makes of the theme (this was a tough one). And if no more entries become apparent, then rather than be the default winner, I'll happily be the custodian of the Fan Art Challenge Winner badge for the month :D
Love your entry, @Cyfa! Anthropomorphizing the shuttles from the perspective of the child is a super cute concept and I like how colorful this is. :)

I know I’m super late, but I just now finally found time to work on my idea for this, so maybe we can have that vote after all.

My idea for this was to present something from the microscopic perspective of Borg nanoprobes …

Aww.... The cutest Borg ever! Well, apart from Hugh, of course. :adore:
I'm so glad you did find time, @Michael, as this is brilliant! I have a feeling my custodianship of the winner's badge won't be required now :D
Brilliant entries, guys!

I think I'm going to have to accept the fact I'm not going to manage to produce anything for this one. :(

Shall we have a last call for entries and get the voting thread up in the next day or two? I can do that if you're busy, @Michael.
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Aww.... The cutest Borg ever! Well, apart from Hugh, of course. :adore:
These nanoprobes look kind of adorable, don’t they? I admit I totally borrowed some design elements from a certain cartoon character living in a bucket under the sea.

And yes, Jonathan Del Arco is one rather handsome man, I agree. I had a ton of problems with season one of Picard, but seeing Hugh again certainly wasn’t one of them. It’s a shame they killed him off as quickly as they did.

I'm so glad you did find time, @Michael, as this is brilliant!
Thank you, @Cyfa! I’m grateful you guys were patient enough to let me work on this. :)

I think I'm going to have to accept the fact I'm not going to manage to produce anything for this one. :(
Dang. But then again, with all the creative energy that already went into the Trek advent calendar this month, who could blame you? ;)

Shall we have a last call for entries and get the voting thread up in the next day or two? I can do that if you're busy, @Michael.
Doesn’t look like we’ll get another entry at this point, so I will get the voting going later today. :)
You know what, thinking about it some more I don’t really want a voting for this one after all. If that’s okay with you guys I would just like to forfeit this one to @Cyfa, who not only created a wonderful piece of artwork, but also did so in time, not half a month too late as I did, haha. So let’s just consider my entry a submission out of competition and finally conclude November’s contest. Genuinely, I just like both of our works very much and don’t want there to be an unnecessary vote when we don’t really need one. :) So, congrats on a much deserved win, Cyfa!

Everyone, please remember that December’s contest entitled “A Prophecy Foretold” is already live!
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