Contest: VOTE August 2020 Art Challenge — “Not Trek” — Please vote!

Please VOTE for TWO entries!!!

  • ashefivekay

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • BorgMan

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Michael

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Redfern

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Soran77

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good Bad Influence
Welcome the August 2020 Fan Art Forum Challenge voting thread! This time we're happy to present you anything but Star Trek, because August's theme was “Not Trek” …

I'm blown away by the quality of entries this time around. Thank you to everyone who entered or planned on entering! You guys are amazing! And since there are so many quality entries, I thought it would be fun to have more than one vote again in the poll. So please vote your TWO favorite entries! Thanks for voting!

(Please click the thumbnails to observe each individual entry in its natural high-res habitat.)

ashefivekay takes us to the universe of Babylon 5 and gives us a glimpse of the bridge of the EAS Talos in the midst of combat …

BorgMan surprises with a visit to everyone's favorite childhood toy universe LEGO with his Mobile Launch Base ICARUS …

Cyfa takes us on a rather romantic trip to the universe of the Zoids, letting the sparks fly between robotic dinosaurs Hellrunner and Spineback :luvlove:

Yours truly let's two classic sci-fi universes collide in an epic battle: It's Rod Serling's original The Twilight Zone against Leslie Stevens' and Joseph Stefano's The Outer Limits …

Redfern has something special in store for us: The return of his own Freighter Tails universe in an epic piece called “Freighter Tails: The Misadventures of Mzzkiti” …

And last but not least, Soran77 introduces his Old Republic Cruiser, a background ship from the Star Wars universe …

I voted, and no, I was not so cheeky as to cast one for myself. ;)
Back in the olden days I got into a couple of arguments about self-voting in the fic forum. I, for one, wouldn't have objected, because voting for oneself would neither be illegal, immoral or fattening.
Back in the olden days I got into a couple of arguments about self-voting in the fic forum. I, for one, wouldn't have objected, because voting for oneself would neither be illegal, immoral or fattening.
I always vote for myself, and US Presidential candidates vote for themselves. I feel it's okay to vote for yourself
I don't think there's anything wrong with people voting for their own entries. I don't do it personally, but what's good for political elections should be okay here as well. :)

It's looking pretty good for ICARUS station. @BorgMan, I feel like it's a good idea to already start thinking about the next contest's theme. ;)
Now is Borgman's entry computer generated and Cyfa's actual physical stuff? I voted for both, because I love that creativity.

Can we re do a topic? Because I would have loved to enter but had no time this month
At least my entry is, yeah. I didn't have the pieces to make this, but I really wanted to. The design isn't that complicated, it's just that some colours are unavailable to me right now. But I'm making more sets, so stay tuned!
Now is Borgman's entry computer generated and Cyfa's actual physical stuff? I voted for both, because I love that creativity.
- Yep, actual little Zoids toys that had been languishing in a box at the bottom of my wardrobe. Hellrunner and Spineback were amongst the first Zoids I bought with my pocket money when I was a kid.
Oh, and thanks for the vote :bolian:

Can we re do a topic? Because I would have loved to enter but had no time this month
We should definitely re-do this theme at some point. It has been a lot of fun thinking outside the Trek box for once and looking at the results I dare say others felt similarly.
- Definitely! There are so many things I wanted to do, so another go sometime in the future would be welcome :)
Congrats to @BorgMan who apparently knew his audience. I mean, who doesn't like "Lego"? Okay, probably the toy companies who try selling competing building ranges, but you know what I mean.

Still, I'm standing here wondering...


Bill (me): "Okay, I didn't really expect to win, but, still...OUCH!"


Off-frame voice: "Your mistake was giving the audience what you wanted rather than what they wanted, namely..."


The Doctor: "!"

Mzzkiti: (rude and wet raspberry sound)

Yeah, "Doctor Who" would have been my "fallback" if Michael had any misgivings about my submitting a "personal concept". In retrospect, I think I should have gone with something a bit more "mainstream". Well, live and learn. :shrug:
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Well done @BorgMan! :bolian:

And, @Redfern, I'm glad you went with Mzzkiti - I much prefer her over Doctor Who (I don't normally disclose who I vote for, but my two this month went to you and Borgman) :D