Contest: ENTER April 2024 Fan Art Challenge — Inspired by Laura


Good Bad Influence
Welcome to the 225th TrekBBS Fan Art Challenge! This months theme, as chosen by the community, is:

Inspired by Laura
As some of you might know, @Laura Cynthia Chambers has been doing her own, very unique starship designs in Microsoft Paint for a while. Some are simple and almost crude, while others can be super complex, especially if they were realized in three dimensions. For this theme choose one of her designs and make it your own. Recreate it in 3D, draw full orthos from all views, build it as an actual physical model, make a detailed pencil drawing of it à la @Atolm, let yourself be inspired … the possibilities are endless. And please make sure to post a link to the starship design you picked. (Laura's Gallery)

Looking forward to see everyone's entries and, indeed, seeing what I can make of a design myself.

The Rules
  • the artwork you submit should be created during the month of the challenge
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in this thread (although dedicated WIP threads are appreciated)
The winner gets to sport the “Art Challenge Winner” banner below their name for the following month and has the honor of hosting January's challenge.


You have until Tuesday, April 30th to post your final entry in this thread. If you have any questions or if you need more time, just let us know in this thread. :)

By the way, you can suggest and later vote on May’s contest theme here!

Good luck and have fun! I'm looking forward to your ideas!
I'm still dithering over which design to elaborate on, but I'm hopeful that I'll have made a decision by tomorrow (I'm leaning towards #57: "stuck with plungers") - then I need to decide how I'm going to portray/display it

I hope everyone else is better at making decisions than I am?!
I've got something slapped together and ready to go (posted in my art thread), but if I can beg another day (hopefully less), I'm hoping to come up with something with a bit more finesse.
I've got something slapped together and ready to go (posted in my art thread), but if I can beg another day (hopefully less), I'm hoping to come up with something with a bit more finesse.
Absolutely! Take another day or two, no problem at all. I’m hoping to put the finishing touches on my submission tonight and will post that then or tomorrow. Do we have someone else working on something too for this? @Starscape, did you whip something up for this? :)
Awesome! Looking forward to what you have in mind. Just let me know if you need any more time. :)

If possible, could I get one more day to texture the model :) ? Only got a chance to work on it at night and have the basic model built out.
I have spent too long unsuccessfully trying to work out what this ship looks like from the front, rear, and underneath, and nowhere near enough time actually trying to finish the side view (I even started working on an MSD for some reason!
), which is why the finesse I mentioned on Thursday went out the window. This is as good as it's going to get for now. Sorry, Laura.

EDIT 05/05/2024: Swapped image.
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If possible, could I get one more day to texture the model :) ? Only got a chance to work on it at night and have the basic model built out.
Absolutely, yes! I’m so glad to see that this inspired you to create a piece. And peaking at the WIP in your thread I think the result is intriguing. Looking forward to the finished version. :)

@Starscape, how cool that you found some time to whip something up after all! Love the minimalist style of your piece. It reminds me a bit of the Search For Spock poster with how the ship’s features are hinted at in much the same way as Spock’s features on the poster. Very nice.

@Cyfa, I think that’s brilliant, honestly! I’m not sure the antenna array would ultimately have survived the design process before this arrived on the screen, but it sure is interesting. That you even included and OSD is perfect! Although, there’s just one thing that I’m missing in this: In the sketch you posted earlier in your thread you had included the registry version LCC-xxxx, which I thought was genius, considering who’s design inspired your sketches.

Here’s my finished submission: May I present the L’ra, an Ankh class scout ship of Cardassian design, inspired by @Laura Cynthia Chambers’ design #24. There’s also a handful more renderings here.

That you even included and OSD is perfect! Although, there’s just one thing that I’m missing in this: In the sketch you posted earlier in your thread you had included the registry version LCC-xxxx, which I thought was genius, considering who’s design inspired your sketches.
~ Aaargh! I can't believe I forgot to include it. I'm going to change it now.

EDIT: Image swapped.
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