Contest: VOTE December 2017 Art Challenge - Final Poll

December 2017 Art Challenge - "Unfinished Business"

  • Michael

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


This month's challenge was to complete a Star Trek themed piece of art work that you'd started but not finished. Dusty files were opened, forgotten folders were checked, and boxes full of musty old papers (in my case) were leafed through to bring to light those unfinished pieces of work and revive them from their torpor!
Despite the hectic nature of the season, nearly four of us (;)) managed to produce a complete piece of art from something left languishing in unfinished purgatory.

As usual, you should be able to click the pics to embiggen (I don't know how to make the images the same size - thumbnails? - so I'm not sure how this is going to turn out...). Each one shows the original unfinished art along with the final piece. I hope you've all got your voting fingers poised and ready as the vote is open!


by @Michael


by @Starscape


by @Cyfa
Ooh, not easy. Sorry, @Starscape, I love your Trek-mas card (especially the fact that you just know what some of the presents will be :lol:), but by a smidge I went with @Cyfa, whose imaginative crew looks all kinds of awesome as well.
Thanks for the vote, @Michael :) I didn't find it easy to choose between yours and @Starscape's either - I love what you've done with all the DS9 characters, but I also love guessing what the gifts are. I think the Saurian Brandy and the Phaser Rifle (?) will go down well, and Nomad must be for a very naughty little boy or girl :lol: And is that Ambassador Kollos' "cat carrier" that the brandy is perched on!?
Thanks @Michael, @Cyfa!

I do love the weird and wonderful aliens of the crew of the USS Rosecrypt, but I had to give my vote to Michael in the end, it's a feast for the eyes. :bolian:

And yes, Ambassador Kollos is now ready for his trip to the vets. ;) There's a bottle of "It's Green" too, but maybe the shape isn't quite right. I wish I'd had a little more time to think up some more trek-ish gifts to wrap.
Ah, cool! Thanks for the votes and hats off to my co-contestants. Also, thanks again to @Cyfa for an excellent theme idea. I'm so glad I finally finished this piece. And right on time for DS9's 25th anniversary no less.

Will mull about the theme for the new contest and post it tomorrow. Anyone got any suggestions? :)
Sorry for the delay, guys, I'm kind of drawing a blank on the new contest theme. Here are some ideas I've been thinking about. Any takers?

“Director's Cut”
With the possibility of Quentin Tarantino directing the next Star Trek film, what would other famous director's version of Star Trek look like? Think Star Trek — A Film by Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock's Star Trek or from legendary director Martin Scorcese comes Star Trek!

“Yellow Alert”
Your submission can be anything Star Trek related, but it must contain a considerable amount of the color yellow.

An idea from the art contest suggestions thread: Design an unseen alien space station in the style of an established Trek culture.

“Favorite Trek Moment”
Illustrate or reinterpret your personal single most favorite moment in all of Star Trek.
I like "Yellow Alert", "Stationary", and "Favourite Trek Moment" (probably because I have vague ideas about what I could do), but I'm drawing a blank at "Director's Cut". I think it's because I'm pretty clueless about Directors and their art - I watch (and mostly enjoy) plenty of different types of film, but I don't tend to give much thought to the direction.
I have no idea for this, but what about "Through the Looking Glass" as ST: Discovery has returned to our screens but through a mirror? Or, something DS9 related as it's the 25th anniversary (although, you've kind of already done that...)?
Sorry for the delay, guys, I'm kind of drawing a blank on the new contest theme. Here are some ideas I've been thinking about. Any takers?

“Director's Cut”
With the possibility of Quentin Tarantino directing the next Star Trek film, what would other famous director's version of Star Trek look like? Think Star Trek — A Film by Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock's Star Trek or from legendary director Martin Scorcese comes Star Trek!

“Yellow Alert”
Your submission can be anything Star Trek related, but it must contain a considerable amount of the color yellow.

An idea from the art contest suggestions thread: Design an unseen alien space station in the style of an established Trek culture.

“Favorite Trek Moment”
Illustrate or reinterpret your personal single most favorite moment in all of Star Trek.
All are great!
Thanks for the input, guys! As for your suggestions, @Cyfa, I've been thinking about doing something Discovery related as well, but I feel many of the Fan Art regulars don't seem to be fans of the show. Maybe I'm completely mistaken — I would love to be wrong and will gladly participate in any Discovery related contest in the future — but I think I'd like to go with something that potentially attracts more participants.

Which is why for now I'm going with the “Favorite Trek Moment” theme, because I'm actually really curious what some of you guys favorite moments are. It feels like it could be a fairly accessible theme, in terms of what possibilities it offers regarding style and technique. Give me a few minutes and I will post the new thread.

Again, thank you! :)

EDIT: Aaaaaaand here it is.