Contest: VOTE January Art Challenge – “Design Evolution”

January Art Callenge

  • Cyfa

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Starscape

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • MisterD

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Red Shirt
Welcome to the 210th Fan Art Forum Challenges voting thread.

The theme was "Design Evolution", and the challenge was as follows:

"Show us your design evolution process (possibly just quick sketches) for something Star Trek, be it a ship, alien race or piece of equipment."

Here are our entrys:







Voting ends on Monday, February the 6th. Have a nice weekend everybody and thank you for voting.
Just giving this a little bump for visibility as it's not yet pinned :)

(Although, the voting deadline is not far off now!)
Congratulations to our deserved @Cyfa the winner of the January Art Challenge. And thank you to all participants and voters.
Oh, wow! Thanks everyone. It seems that I'm not the only one to be drawn to Rutherford :adore:

I'll pop up the new challenge in a bit :)