Contest: VOTE June Art Contest - Final Poll

June Art Contest - Final Poll

  • Soran77

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Cyfa

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • B.j.

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • gazomg

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • M

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • Finn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scribble

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Klaus

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I know at least three people that didn't vote for themselves.
4 actually,
I did not vote for mine.....not sure who did or if there is a way to see who did.
I know on some forums there is an option that lets you see

There's an option to make the poll public, but I'm against it. I don't really care how people vote unless they choose to share it. I do like reading why people voted a certain way, or reading their thoughts on a given piece, but that's their choice to share or not. Let's not start taking this contest too seriously. ;)
Hence the [joking] tags. :)

I'm a firm believer in the privacy of any electoral process (politics or contests). I will say that I have a personal moral objection to voting for my own creative piece, but that's me and it's my issue. I WILL have thoughts about people that do in contests but I honestly don't care about a light-hearted contest like this where there is no real prize.

I fully expect, if able, that a politician will vote for themselves because governing is not a sport. There are real consequences, and they should fully believe in what they taut enough to support themselves.

Back to our regularly scheduled poll thread... (borrowed from another thread that went off-topic recently).
When does voting close? My phone isn't showing the pictures...and even if my vote goes to a "loser", I still want to show support to an entrant. (I have always hated the disenfranchising of voters because the winner seems "obvious"...that why the US has the current president)
The poll is set to run for seven days and will close on Saturday. So, still plenty of time for people to vote. :)

In all honesty... Why so long? Isn't three to four days enough? It's just that I've developed a slight distaste for competitions that last shorter than they could have :-/
In all honesty... Why so long? Isn't three to four days enough? It's just that I've developed a slight distaste for competitions that last shorter than they could have :-/
Well, you'd have to ask @Soran77, who created the poll. ;)

Looking back at some of the past voting threads, most of them ran for two to four days. Personally, I would be okay with giving this another day or two and ending it then. Not because I'm in the lead at the moment (:shifty:), but because it would be cool to get the ball rolling on the new contest. @Soran77, what do you think? Would four days be okay for you? :)
In the past, we've done multiple votes, but not too often. It's been one of the things in the discretion of the winner and contest originator from month to month. Same for multiple entries.
The poll was set to 7 days as default, so I assumed that's how long the voting was before because I usually didn't pay attention to how long the polls were open before, that being said, the new contest could do a two month run, that's been done intentionally before, especially during times people would normally be outside a lot more, or the holidays, but you are welcome to close the poll M. I think the poll length should be at the winners discretion but only up to a maximum of 7 days to give time for the new contest to get rolling
I would say leave it open for a little bit longer... In recent past, we haven't had a poll up for several days, so it took me a while to know the poll was running. And it gives people travelling/offline for the holidays a chance to see it.

Lots of good entries, and a tight race, so I think it'd be good for democracy ;)
Most of the past voting took ~3 days, so that we could get going on the next month's challenge without much time lost. But this one was over a holiday, so a bit longer would be understandable.
*Ack!* Just realized what you did, M! :lol: If for some reason the influx of Misc people puts me over the top, M, you have my permission to assign the next month's challenge to someone else (or take it yourself if you're second). Not that I wouldn't mind winning, but I'll be completely out of contact for two weeks starting tomorrow. My son and I are going to the Boy Scouts' Northern Tier high adventure base, and we'll be canoeing in the lakes of Minnesota, far away from any civilization for that entire time.
*Ack!* Just realized what you did, M! :lol: If for some reason the influx of Misc people puts me over the top, M …
Well, right now it almost looks like this might just happen. :lol: It's pretty close at the moment. I say we let the poll open for another day, maybe until Friday morning, and see about the new contest then. :)

My son and I are going to the Boy Scouts' Northern Tier high adventure base, and we'll be canoeing in the lakes of Minnesota, far away from any civilization for that entire time.
That sounds really awesome! I hope you guys have fun and come back safe.
I've truly come to realize (in my case) that minimal effort begets minimal reward. :lol:
Oh wow, these are great! I am having trouble choosing, but I am going to vote after this post right... now.., after this period... now. Period.
Well, that was a close one. Congratulations, M! What a welcome as the new Moderator of the Fan Art Forum.
And well done to everyone who entered - another amazing range of art. I hope we have more of the same this month.
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I am strongly in favor of having a WAY shorter voting time for next round guys. A glance at a voting thread is easily done and won't take more than a couple of minutes. It's already the 8th and we don't even have a subject for this month yet; I do like to have some time to work on my projects...

That being said: Congrats M! Well deserved :-)
@Cyfa is right, winning this contest is really a nice way to make my debut around here. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who voted for my entry and to everyone that voted in general. This was fun! And it looks like my heads-up thread in Misc. drew at least some people over here to vote. Let's hope this continues into this month's challenge.

Before I go on an post the new contest I want to share something with you I've been working on for the last couple of days. In an attempt to update @Ptrope's list of past contests here, I created a new, exhaustive and unforeseenly long list of every monthly Trek Art challenge since 2004. Working my way backwards through the archived contests on @Ptrope's own webspace, I was able to compile all 152 (!) contests and winners, spanning 13 years – which is an eternity on the internet. I'm sure by this point this has to be one of the, if not the, longest-running traditions on the the TrekBBS. It's something to be proud of, methinks.

While collecting the data, searching for long-forgotten threads and wading through the creativity and fun that went down in this forum over the last decade, I was struck by the apparent dedication of not only all the Trek Art regulars past and present, but also the dedication of @Ptrope's work as the moderator and steward of these contest. This forum was lucky to have you at the steering wheel. :techman:

So without further ado, here's the list for all you TrekBBS hobby historians out there. I included all links to the original Enter and Voting threads as well as a link to the archived images on If someone spots a mistake or has some further knowledge of the contest that were held before 2004 (I found just one from 2003, when @Vektor was the moderator), please let me know and I will edit the list.

Also, just for fun, here are the top winners of all time, for anyone who's interested. I'm standing in awe before your accomplishments, dear sirs!
  1. B.J. (15 wins)
  2. Klaus and Ptrope (14 wins both)
  3. Starscape (10 wins)
  4. Flux Capacitor and The Lensman (7 wins both)
  5. BK613 (6 wins)
  6. Albertese and Solarbaby (5 wins)


Aug 2003 | Classic Car Spaceship | Enter

001 | 01 | Jan 2004 | Alien Worlds | Winner: Ptrope
002 | 02 | Feb2004 | Enterprise Movie Poster | Winner: dukesman |
003 | 03 | Mar 2004 | Trek episode book covers | Winner: porthos4captain |
004 | 04 | Apr 2004 | Insignia | Winner: The Axeman |
005 | 05 | May 2004 | Redesign a Trek Prop | Winner: vulan2k3
006 | 06 | Jun 2004 | Personal Shuttle | Winner: Ptrope |
007 | 07 | Jul 2004 | Starship Nose Art | Winner: Kirkunit |
008 | 08 | Aug 2004 | Starship Enterprise by Other Designers | Winner: The Axeman
009 | 09 | Sept 2004 | Trek Wheeled Vehicles | Winner: The Axeman
010 | 10 | Oct 2004 | Matte Painting | Winner: Vektor
011 | 11 | Nov 2004 | A Startling Discovery | Winner: Ivymae
012 | 12 | Dec 2004 | Trek Crossover With Another Series | Winner: Kail


013 | 01 | Jan 2005 | New Trek Animated Series | Winner: Focus Abbey
014 | 02 | Feb 2005 | New Trek Series | Winner: Adam Ihle
015 | 03 | Mar 2005 | Trek Aliens | Winner: HortaVorta
016 | 04 | Apr 2005 | Trek Advertisements | Winner: LonegunGirl |
017 | 05 | May 2005 | Trek Valentine | Winner: Ptrope
018 | 06 | Jun 2005 | Steam Trek | Winner: Ushaan |
019 | 07 | Jul 2005 | Computer Interface
020 | 08 | Aug 2005 | Propulsion | Winner: vulcan2k3 |
021 | 09 | Sept 2005 | Moonbases | Winner: Ushaan |
022 | 10 | Oct 2005 | Cops & Robbers! | Winner: biotech
023 | 11 | Nov 2005 | Down & Dirty! | Winner: ThomasModels |
024 | 12 | Dec 2005 | Trek Christmas Ornament | Winner: Connon


025 | 01 | Jan 2006 | Fast Food in Trek | Winner: Masao |
026 | 02 | Feb 2006 | The Sporting Life! | Winner: Temis the Vorta
027 | 03 | Mar 2006 | Other Sci-Fi in a Trek Context | Winner: Adam Ihle
028 | 04 | Apr 2006 | Happy Anniversary, Trek | Winner: B.J.
029 | 05 | May 2006 | Speed! | Winner: Flux Capacitor
030 | 06 | Jun 2006 | So We Meet Again! | Winner: Starscape
031 | 07 | Jul 2006 | Trek in Other Artists' Styles | Winner: Masao |
032 | 08 | Aug 2006 | Failed Trek Revivals, Spin-offs and Merchandise | Winner: Adam Ihle |
033 | 09 | Sept 2006 | Mixed Media Trek | Winner: Kail |
034 | 10 | Oct 2006 | The Animated Series! | Winner: Redfern |
035 | 11 | Nov 2006 | Home for the Holidays | Winner: johnhazard |
036 | 12 | Dec 2006 | Assignment: Earth! | Winner: Klaus |

037 | 01 | Jan 2007 | Mirror, Mirror | Winner: smalltalk66 |
038 | 02 | Feb 2007 | Express Yo'self | Winner: Admiral2 |
039 | 03 | Mar 2007 | The Pike Chronicles | Winner: Focus Abbey |
040 | 04 | Apr 2007 | Reimagining TOS | Winner: Kail |
041 | 05 | May 2007 | Trek Character Endorsements / Promote This, Sir! | Winner: Flux Capacitor |
042 | 06 | Jun 2007 | Sport Trek! | Winner: Klaus |
043 | 07 | Jul 2007 | Personal Trek Tech! | Winner: Adam Ihle |
044 | 08 | Aug 2007 | Domo Arigato, Star Trek Roboto | Winner: aridas sofia |
045 | 09 | Sept 2007 | von Braun's Ultimate Space Program | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote
046 | 10 | Oct 2007 | Great Moments in Trek History | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote
047 | 11 | Nov 2007 | The Beauty of Trek | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote
048 | 12 | Dec 2007 | The Perfect Gift | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote

049 | 01 | Jan 2008 | Assimilate This! / We Are the Borg! | Winner: Admiral2 | | Enter | Vote
050 | 02 | Feb 2008 | Tomorrow is Yesterday | Winner: biotech | | Enter | Vote
051 | 03 | Mar 2008 | It's a Small Trek After All | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
052 | 04 | Apr 2008 | A Trek Odyssey | Winner: Flux Capacitor | | Enter | Vote
053 | 05 | May 2008 | Speed Trek! | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote
054 | 06 | Jun 2008 | It's All About Time! | Winner: Ihlecreations | | Enter | Vote
055 | 07 | Jul 2008 | Amalgamated! | Winner: Flux Capacitor | | Enter | Vote
056 | 08 | Aug 2008 | Back to School | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote
057 | 09 | Sept 2008 | Take Me to Your Leader! | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote
058 | 10 | Oct 2008 | To Quote, Perchance to Trek | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
059 | 11 | Nov 2008 | Dirty Jobs | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote
060 | 12 | Dec 2008 | Holidays Across the Galaxy | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote

061 | 01 | Jan 2009 | Upgrades | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
062 | 02 | Feb 2009 | Look! Up in the Sky! | Winner: Albertese | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
063 | 03 | Mar 2009 | Pre-Production | Winner: Admiral2 | | Enter | Vote
064 | 04 | Apr 2009 | Hydrospace | Winner: Vektor | | Enter | Vote
065 | 05 | May 2009 | Inspiration | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
066 | 06 | Jun 2009 | Good and Evil | Winner: Flux Capacitor | | Enter | Vote
067 | 07 | Jul 2009 | Trek on the Track! | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
068 | 08 | Aug 2009 | Lock & Load! | Winner: B.J. | | | Enter | Vote
069 | 09 | Sept 2009 | The Challenge Coin | Winner: Shaw | | Enter | Vote
070 | 10 | Oct 2009 | Myths and Legends | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote
071 | 11 | Nov 2009 | The Thin Red Line | Winner: The Lensman | | Enter | Vote
072 | 12 | Dec 2009 | 2nd Chance for 1-Shot Wonders | Winner: Mr. Cellophane | | Enter | Vote

073 | 01 | Jan 2010 | Metamorphosis | Winner: BK613 | Enter | Vote
074 | 02 | Feb 2010 | Trek in Winter | Winner: Flux Capacitor | | Enter | Vote
075 | 03 | Mar 2010 | The Future of Refreshment | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
076 | 04 | Apr 2010 | B-Movie Poster | Winner: ITL | | Enter | Vote
077 | 05 | May 2010 | Cheese Factor Eleven! | Winner: Tosk | | Enter | Vote
078 | 06 | Jun 2010 | Animal Kingdom | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote
079 | 07 | Jul 2010 | Health & Safety | Winner: BK613 | Enter | Vote
080 | 08 | Aug 2010 | Star Trek Rocks | Winner: Ihlecreations | | Enter | Vote
081 | 09 | Sept 2010 | Where No "Mad Men" Have Gone Before | Winner: Starscape | Enter | Vote
082 | 10 | Oct 2010 | Another Time or Place | Winner: neoworx | | Enter | Vote
083 | 11 | Nov 2010 | The Captain's New Duds | Winner: KNH | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
084 | 12 | Dec 2010 | Locutus's Legacy | Winner: Dac | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
085 | 01 | Jan 2011 | Multiverse Madness | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
086 | 02 | Feb 2011 | Gerry Anderson's Star Trek | Winner: Ptrope | Enter | Vote
087 | 03 | Mar 2011 | Kirk, James Kirk / Spy Trek! | Winner: Ensign Ro- | | Enter | Vote
088 | 04 | Apr 2011 | Bridging Your Home | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
089 | 05 | May 2011 | Freedom | Winner: Vektor | | Enter | Vote
090 | 06 | Jun 2011 | Shore Leave | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
091 | 07 | Jul 2011 | Enterprise Support Craft | Winner: Winston Smith | | Enter | Vote
092 | 08 | Aug 2011 | Known Unknowns | Winner: Morpheus 02 | | Enter | Vote
093 | 09 | Sept 2011 | There's An App For That! | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
094 | 10 | Oct 2011 | Scare Trek | Winner: Solarbaby | | Enter | Vote
095 | 11 | Nov 2011 | Is That One of Our Ships? | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
096 | 12 | Dec 2011 | Sweet Zombie Jesus! It's HUGE! | Winner: BK613 | | Enter | Vote

097 | 01 | Jan 2012 | Channeling Dr. Cooper | Winner: Albertese | | Enter | Vote
098 | 02 | Feb 2012 | The Good Ol' 21st Century | Winner: BK613 & Shawnster | | Enter | Vote
099 | 03 | Mar 2012 | That's Not Her Style | Winner: Klaus | | Enter | Vote
100 | 04 | Apr 2012 | A New Beginning | Winner: 137th Gebirg | | Enter | Vote
101 | 05 | May 2012 | Arms & Sigils | Winner: Winston Smith | | Enter | Vote
102 | 06 | Jun 2012 | Costume and Uniform | Winner: Venardhi | | Enter | Vote
103 | 07 | Jul 2012 | Civilian Life | Winner: Albertese | | Enter | Vote
104 | 08 | Aug 2012 | Mars! | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
105 | 09 | Sept 2012 | A Great Fall! | Winner: The Lensman | | Enter | Vote
106 | 10 | Oct 2012 | The Horror of It | Winner: The Lensman | | Enter | Vote
107 | 11 | Nov 2012 | Just Suppose … Juxtapose | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
108 | 12 | Dec 2012 | Conference Room Inspiration | Winner: Ensign Ro- | | Enter | Vote

109 | 01 | Jan 2013 | Brewgineering! | Winner: Winston Smith | | Enter | Vote
110 | 02 | Feb 2013 | Cities! / The City | Winner: BK613 | | Enter | Vote
111 | 03 | Mar 2013 | March Madness | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
112 | 04 | Apr 2013 | Beauty and the Beast | Winner: Solarbaby | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
113 | 05 | May 2013 | Into Darkness | Winner: Dac | Enter | Vote
114 | 06 | Jun 2013 | Turn Off the Dark … ness | Winner: Solarbaby | | Enter | Vote
115 | 07 | Jul 2013 | The Unthinkable! | Winner: Flux Capacitor | Enter | Vote | Runoff
116 | 08 | Aug 2013 | R&R | Winner: Klaus | Enter
117 | 09 | Sept/Oct 2013 | The Alternative Factor | Winner: The Lensman | | Enter | Vote
118 | 10 | Nov 2013 | The Spin-Off! | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
119 | 11 | Dec 2013 | A Blue Christmas | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote

120 | 01 | Jan 2014 | The Shape of Things to Come | Winner: smalltalk66 | | Enter | Vote
121 | 02 | Feb 2014 | Second Chances | Winner: DFScott | | Enter | Vote
122 | 03 | Mar 2014 | Memorabilia Magic | Winner: Albertese | | Enter | Vote
123 | 04 | Apr 2014 | Ancient Legacies | Winner: Klaus | Enter | Vote
124 | 05 | May/Jun 2014 | New and/or Improved | Winner: Klaus | Enter | Vote
125 | 06 | 3rd Quarter 2014 | Sports and Recreation | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
126 | 07 | Oct 2014 | Monster Mash | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
127 | 08 | Nov 2014 | Alternative Liveries | Winner: Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
128 | 09 | Dec 2014 | Off the Rack | Winner: Ptrope | Enter | Vote

129 | 01 | Jan 2015 | In Soviet Russia, Star Trek Watches YOU! | Winner: The Lensman | | Enter | Vote
130 | 02 | Feb 2015 | Spin-Offs – or What the Future Held! | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote
131 | 03 | Mar 2015 | A Tribute to … | Winner: B.J. & Ptrope | | Enter | Vote
132 | 04 | Apr 2015 | Disney Trek | Winner: Solarbaby | | Enter | Vote
133 | 05 | May 2015 | Election Fever | Winner: Solarbaby | | Enter | Vote
134 | 06 | Jun 2015 | Get your Crayons Out | Winner: The Lensman | | Enter | Vote
135 | 07 | Jul 2015 | Sing, Sing, Sing | Winner: B.J. | | Enter | Vote
136 | 08 | Aug/Sept 2015 | Famous Pictures | Winner: 137th Gebirg | Enter | Vote
137 | 09 | Oct 2015 | TAS Remastered | Winner: monodox | | Enter | Vote
138 | 10 | Nov 2015 | The Lost Model Kits | Winner: BK613 | | Enter | Vote
139 | 11 | Dec 2015/Jan 2016 | It's cold in Space – Bring a Blanket! | Winner: Starscape | | Enter | Vote

140 | 01 | Feb/Mar 2016 | Back on Civvy Street | Winner: Starscape | Enter | Vote
141 | 02 | Apr 2016 | Design Series VI | Winner: B.J. | Enter | Vote
142 | 03 | May 2016 | Flags! | Winner: BorgMan | | Enter | Vote | Runoff
143 | 04 | Jun/Jul 2016 | Mashup | Winner: Albertese | | Enter | Vote
144 | 05 | Aug/Sept 2016 | Original and Iconic | Winner: BorgMan | | Enter | Vote
145 | 06 | Oct 2016 | October is Twisted Month | Winner: The Lensman | Enter | Vote
146 | 07 | Nov 2016 | Trekmas Cards / TreXMas Cards | Winner: Cyfa | | Enter | Vote
147 | 08 | Dec 2016 | Anachronistic Star Trek | Winner: B.J. | Enter | Vote

148 | 01 | Jan 2017 | Damage! | Winner: LeeDrawsStuff | Enter | Vote
149 | 02 | Feb 2017 | Pilot! | Winner: BorgMan | | Enter | Vote
150 | 03 | Mar/Apr 2017 | Honor Those That Came Before | Winner: aridas sofia | Enter | Vote
151 | 04 | May 2017 | Star Trek Forever! | Winner: Soran77 | Enter | Vote
152 | 05 | Jun 2017 | Summer Fun | Winner: M | Enter | Vote