Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 3x07 - "Unification III"

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I mean for the original red signals wasn't that Michael all along?

Not really: Michael only did signals that appeared during the course of S2, while the Seven appeared all together at the end of S1. And the Seven provided a nice map - yet the heroes never knew where the next one would pop up. So there are at least 14 distinct signals, of which some overlap spatially (including a couple done by Michael!) but none overlap temporally.

But DSC has been doing a lot of retroactive continuity for a Trek show, addressing old issues (including ones from truly ancient spinoffs) at surprising junctures. Indeed, given the changes in the writing and production teams, a lot of the show consists of reinterpreting and justifying earlier writing decisions. We now got specifics on what really happened in the Essof IV incident, even though there was little storytelling need. I'm sure there will be a slot or dozen for explaining away S2 or S1 mysteries if the writers feel like it.

Timo Saloniemi
Didn’t mama Burnham actually say in the S2 episode The Red Angel that she knew that Georgiou was Terran? I don’t see how her knowing that Prime Georgiou died is such a big deal.
It's not a big deal, there's just a bunch of people on here who can't enjoy Star Trek anymore because it has brown ladies in it, in positions of power, and it makes them want to hide behind a garden wall, call the police and ask for help. I'm not sure what they're doing watching Star Trek in the first place, it's always had a message of unity and celebrating diversity. They stick out like Free Presbyterians at a brothel.
Logged in to say, what utter garbage.

"The Michael Show"

Her mother is now part of a Romulan sect 'because'

And the line that states that Spock basically became who he became because of his sister.

Illogical episode made ok by the bits with Tilly.
It's not a big deal, there's just a bunch of people on here who can't enjoy Star Trek anymore because it has brown ladies in it, in positions of power, and it makes them want to hide behind a garden wall, call the police and ask for help. I'm not sure what they're doing watching Star Trek in the first place, it's always had a message of unity and celebrating diversity. They stick out like Free Presbyterians at a brothel.

That's garbage. If the ladies were white men the story still wouldn't make any sense.
That's garbage. If the ladies were white men the story still wouldn't make any sense.

Well admitting you've got a problem is the first step. What parts are you struggling to understand? Maybe we can explain it to you. There's some very smart people watching Star Trek. We're here to help.
I hope if this show moves in the direction of the Federation being restored over time, they make a point of the dismantling of these defenses - these walls as Starfleet starts to build bridges between worlds again.
No way can I get through 40 pages of comments so apologies if I repeat others, but here are my thoughts.

Great, solid drama with lots of intrigue and character development. For me an 8 or 9, I think.

I wonder if this is DSC’s first bottle show? They’re clearing saving some money after the huge amount that’s been lavished so far this season. Just as well I find the sets and cinematography so beautiful. This is also DSC’s first iteration of a proud Trek staple: the courtroom drama. I found the first half a little slow and wordy, although I was excited to see what’s become of the Vulcans and Romulans. Some very nice worldbuilding here. It only makes sense following the destruction of Romulus that the Vulcans would finally welcome them back. Clearly, there are however still tensions between the two races even after all this time. It was a bold move renaming Vulcan itself, but it only made sense. It was rather unimaginative of the TOS writers to simply call it ‘Vulcan’ in the first place anyway—wouldn’t that be akin to Earth being called ‘Human’?

I wasn’t sure about the reintroduction of Gabrielle Burnham at first. it felt a little random and overly coincidental. You’d think that after her desperate, rather traumatic time travel shenanigans to save all sentient life Gabrielle might be a little burned out and would instead make her way to Risa to take it easy and read a good book. But no, you can see where Michael gets her ‘overachiever’ streak. The scenes between Michael and Gabrielle packed a punch and I found it fascinating watching mother tearing her daughter’s psyche apart, ultimately helping her to ‘find’ herself again. Good writing and acting. Anti-crying brigade be damned, because the tears at the end felt earned.

Speaking of tears, seeing Leonard Nimoy on the screen again hit me hard in the feels. I was sobbing like a...like a Burnham. I remember ‘Unification’ coming out as though it was yesterday but nearly thirty years have passed and the great man is no longer with us. The passage of time is a bittersweet thing.

Tilly as acting XO? I’ve defended DSC so much in the past, but I’m flummoxed here. No in-universe explanation cuts it, but we’ll see how it plays out. I suspect in a couple of episodes we’ll be back to Burnham as first officer. The real world explanation is simply that Mary Wiseman is a main cast member and Nilsson and the bridge crew are not. I love Tilly as a character, but I find this twist indefensible because she’s clearly not qualified for the job. Surely DSC has an established command structure and thus the decision would be made for Saru. I think the fault goes back to Bryan Fuller’s decision to focus largely on lower ranking characters and leave us scratching our heads with regard to senior officers. But, this is Trek, I’ve been happily suspending disbelief for the 30 years that I’ve watched it. I suspect many twists and turns lie ahead. And besides, Mary Wiseman is a simply joyous presence and I’m loving the development of her relationship with Saru.
Tilly as first officer? They point out how everyone outranks her and this is the showrunner who co-wrote cadet-to-captain Kirk so why not. Better to have an XO brimming with personality than a nameless bridge officer like that guy, or whats-her-name. Curious where it goes. And she was a ruthless captain in another life, soooooo...

Well, this isn't the Kelvin timeline for one and Tilly is no Jame T. Kirk either...
It's not a big deal, there's just a bunch of people on here who can't enjoy Star Trek anymore because it has brown ladies in it, in positions of power, and it makes them want to hide behind a garden wall, call the police and ask for help. I'm not sure what they're doing watching Star Trek in the first place, it's always had a message of unity and celebrating diversity. They stick out like Free Presbyterians at a brothel.

Wow... just wow...

This is like the female ghostbuster mess. Can't call out the movie for being a piece of shit without being accused of hating all women...
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you got it backwards. Episode 2 was probably the weakest of the season. But then again you judge them purely based on how much Michael has to do in them.

Bad news for you. Season 4 is already in production and I am pretty sure Michael is still going to be there .
I never understood why someone who doesn't like a TV Show insists it should be cancelled, and deprive those who do. Just go watch something else. I remember this crap from ENTERPRISE days (see Avatar).

Tilly as first officer? They point out how everyone outranks her and this is the showrunner who co-wrote cadet-to-captain Kirk so why not. Better to have an XO brimming with personality than a nameless bridge officer like that guy, or whats-her-name. Curious where it goes. And she was a ruthless captain in another life, soooooo...
Kirk was a Lieutenant when he graduated Star Fleet.

If we could just even have one, just one, episode focusing only on Nilsson, Rhys, Bryce, Detmer and Owo and literally no Saru, Burnham, Stamets and Tilly, that would be a very welcome change of pace.
Probably not going to happen. In a series with only 13-14 episodes, they don't have time to do a "Lower Decks". They can incorporate them more in what's going on, but probably not their own episode.
It's not a big deal, there's just a bunch of people on here who can't enjoy Star Trek anymore because it has brown ladies in it, in positions of power, and it makes them want to hide behind a garden wall, call the police and ask for help. I'm not sure what they're doing watching Star Trek in the first place, it's always had a message of unity and celebrating diversity. They stick out like Free Presbyterians at a brothel.
See? Like Ian Paisley at an orgy.
Well admitting you've got a problem is the first step. What parts are you struggling to understand? Maybe we can explain it to you. There's some very smart people watching Star Trek. We're here to help.
Brace yourself, you've got snowflakes on your port bow. Shields up!
If someone establishes a track record of only objecting to POC or female characters consistently for reasons that they ignore in their white male counterparts than that is a fair charge to make. But you're just attacking anyone who makes a criticism, without any track record or basis for your accusation.

There are certainly people who object to these characters for bigoted reasons, and they should be called out when it's apparent that's why they're doing it, but it's wrong to just go throwing around such accusations baselessly to shut down criticism, and to do it repeatedly to harass someone.

Infraction for trolling. Comments to PM.
Let's remember DSC isn't episodic series or a movie. The episodes don't end in status quo. Tilly's nomination to acting XO is a beginning of a character arc, and there are going to be consequences for that. She's going to have tough time at it, we'll see whether she persists and grows into the role, or is replaced. Also, we don't know if all the other officers and crewmen support her and how long it lasts. At least Detmer isn't going to make it easy for her, with what she's going through.
I have a feeling we see some curveballs in the next episodes.
So, tempers are kinda flaring here, but I imagine hell hath no fury like Garrett Wang if he’s watching. Harry Kim is likely still an ensign to this very day, whereas Tilly gets promoted to first officer by the middle of the third season. Ouch!

Or, if you look at it another way, Tilly was an ensign for around 932 years before being promoted. Maybe Kim didn’t do so bad after all. It’s all how you spin it.