Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x03 - "Jinaal"

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The Trill are one of my favourite Trek aliens, but this was all just a bit... meh. After two very good episodes this felt like a return to the filler episodes of past seasons.
Jinaal’s full bio. Some of it was cut from the final episode, probably because the text was blocking Michael’s face

That's some sloppy writing in there. It says he lived from 2253 to 2367, and then says he was active during the 24th and 25th centuries, even though with those dates it should be 23rd and 24th centuries.

Furthermore, he couldn't have died in 2367 since he told Michael and Book the whole reason he and the other scientists chose to hide the pieces the Dominion War was raging. The Dominion War didn't even start until late 2373. Hell, the Federation didn't even make contact with the Dominion until 2370, three years after Jinall apparently died according to that bio.
I liked it, gave it an 8.

The alien creatures reminded me of Darmok alien creatures with their cloaking capability.

One of my pet peeves happened in this episode. I wish they always use StarDates instead of the Gregorian calendar. People from Earth knowing about that calendar is one thing but people from other planets?
im guessing they meant 2353 and 2467
Assuming they made two typos in a row that got the centuries wrong... That would make Jinaal 21 or 22 when they made their discovery. He'd either be a prodigy (which is possible), an undergrad (unlikely), or a graduate student (more likely) who skipped a few grades when he was younger. All of this is possible, but...

I'm leaning more towards they just messed up. Which is a pretty bad mess up. "TOS is in the 23rd Century, TNG is in the 24th" is really basic.

But anyway, that's why I don't treat displays as Canon. This is an old problem. It goes all the way back to when they used TOS schematics for the Enterprise (courtesy of Franz Joseph) in TSFS. Cue a Baby Boomer who's going to mention something from TOS itself.
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Man the old days are long gone. I can remember when DSC would get 50+ pages and well over 100 poll votes per episode!

I guess there are viewership reasons why it is being cancelled :(

(I must admit I'm one of the many who have stopped watching - I struggled with seasons 1, 2 and 3, and that was that - I'm sorry!)
Man the old days are long gone. I can remember when DSC would get 50+ pages and well over 100 poll votes per episode!
Probably a skewed view. Though I missed out on all that I think bulletin boards trend to older posters(see the active TOS forum here, where it's least active everywhere else online).

I think the older demo here is a little less open minded.

But no matter, as the link I posted last week suggests, the show finished number 1 in engagement where it matters.
Monetary mainly. Casts get more expensive.
Not just cast. I think it's in the $11-12 million range already by now. Picard was over $10 million by season 3. Very expensive for a streamer cutting costs.

A Starfleet series set at Earth might cost $8 million per, and use local locations, that one big set (over and over, amortized for later) and the AR wall.
Especially when considering your location. "Eaten by Cannibals" is a really bad way to go. :D
Well, assuming they kill you before they eat you, how bad a way it is to go depends entirely on how they kill you. It’s not going to make much difference to you what they do with your body afterwards.
Assuming they made two typos in a row that got the centuries wrong... That would make Jinaal 21 or 22 when they made their discovery. He'd either be a prodigy (which is possible), an undergrad (unlikely), or a graduate student (more likely) who skipped a few grades when he was younger. All of this is possible, but...

I'm leaning more towards they just messed up. Which is a pretty bad mess up. "TOS is in the 23rd Century, TNG is in the 24th" is really basic.

But anyway, that's why I don't treat displays as Canon. This is an old problem. It goes all the way back to when they used TOS schematics for the Enterprise (courtesy of Franz Joseph) in TSFS. Cue a Baby Boomer who's going to mention something from TOS itself.
...and they got the planet's names wrong on the viewscreen of all places in Balance of Terror. Unless you pretend Buckaroo Banzai served in Starfleet, then it's probably better to not take those displays as literal.