Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 3x07 - "Unification III"

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Watched it a second time with closed caption where needed, and have to say it was more substantial than I allowed for the first time through. Burnham's contribution to what Spock became is a bit more contextualized now, but still felt somehow heretical to this ageing fart, especially with Nimoy's "cameo" during the episode. The bookend with Book was a nice touch too, exposition without droning on and on. Nice scenes between Saru and President / Burnham and Mom. Getting a bit burned out on the waterworks right now though, because they're becoming commonplace, and threaten to blunt powerful scenes to come. But the episode held together quite well, and I'll go with a super-strong 8 this time....


She might have been a good character. :)
Stop it.
“Unification III is the Code of Honor of Discovery. But with Jews.”
Okay, I’m not Jewish, so I guess I’m missing the context here. Is there a member of the Tribes present that can provide some insight as to what the actual fuck RMB is on about?
“Unification III is the Code of Honor of Discovery. But with Jews.”
Okay, I’m not Jewish, so I guess I’m missing the context here. Is there a member of the Tribes present that can provide some insight as to what the actual fuck RMB is on about?
Yes, me, but I'm pretty clueless here. Vulcans have always had a certain Jewish element to them, thanks to Nimoy's creative input.
And who is his grandfather? Someone who worked on TOS? Is that why his opinion is worth talking about?
Based on his rather extreme statement, I suspect he might have been a Holocaust survivor who’s no longer alive? Maybe?

Honestly, I got nothing for this one.
He’s also calling the Vulcans xenophobic
Hell, in the 32nd Century, literally everyone we’ve seen so far has been xenophobic as a result of the Burn and subsequent collapse of the Federation.
He also called the episode ‘Goebbles level propaganda’, and that the writers room is anti-Semitic
Okay, this is entering some serious Twilight Zone shit right here...
You don’t remember how the “People of Earth” reacted rather aggressively to Disco’s presence, as well as the totally unnecessary feud between them and the people out at, what was it, Titan, that could have been easily mitigated through simple communication? There was also the extremely suspicious nature of SF headquarters towards the Disco crew when they arrived - not at all the welcome that anyone expected. The Burn seems to have made everyone one highly paranoid and untrusting. Would this not qualify as being at least somewhat xenophobic? Fear of something from the outside?
Yeah, since faster than light travel is an expensive rarity, and only will become more so as more as dilithium runs out, it only makes sense to retreat into your own system and focus on diversifying local, accessible via sunlight territories rather than wasting resources on dwindling interstellar trade routes.