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Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x02 - "Under the Twin Moons"

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Commander Richard

Yo! Man!
Premium Member


"On Saru's last mission as Captain Burnham's Number One, the team ventures to a seemingly abandoned planet to hunt for what might be the greatest treasure in the galaxy." - Memory Alpha

Here's a reminder:
There is a Zoom Meeting this Saturday. We round table discuss the current episode (2 episodes for this week).
Everyone gets to give their opinion on the latest episode.
Then we discuss anything Trek (or time willing other sci-fi shows/news/etc... .
This first meeting of the season is this Saturday, April 6.
It starts at 4pm Eastern. (9pm UK time)
A link will be posted at the end of this thread: https://www.trekbbs.com/threads/zoom-session-to-talk-about-star-trek.306852/page-35
at the starting time (give or take a few minutes).
Note: Anyone being disruptive will probably be booted. :)

Hope to see you there.
I'm kind of mixed on the premiere. Choosing to do a sequel to one of my favourite episodes of TNG is going to make me criticize the season more than I otherwise would, and right now I'm just not that impressed with their take on it. Taken in a vacuum, the Season 4 premiere just felt better written to me (although ultimately I didn't like S4 because it took 13 hours to tell a story that should have maybe been a 4-parter).

(Resurgence is also a sequel to a TNG episode, but it's an S1 episode that no one cares about and it came as a pleasant surprise that they told a great story from it, so I acknowledge that it's possible. Just the stakes and the bar is much higher with this sequel)

It also does the time skip thing where characters have the exposition their way to character development, which I just find grating in any context. It's not as bad as Picard S3 where everyone has to do it since they both rebooted the show and also reintroduced the entire TNG cast, but it's a lot of people loudly proclaiming their current status.

Also not to compare against Picard again, but Rayner is how Shaw should have been written and I'm really glad to see Callum Keith Rennie again.

Ultimately, I'm hoping that the show can end well and improve on the premiere. It's fine I guess, even if I didn't like it as much as the S4 start. Having watched Prodigy S2, that is now my bar for the best Star Trek story told in this current iteration of the franchise so I hope Discovery S5 can come close to it.
I was a little less enthused with this one than I was the premiere. I may have nodded off with the 3-4 minutes straight of technoblabble as they tried to deal with the drones. But I do like the continued Indiana Jones vibe this season has. Rayner joining the Disco crew is good. He’s a breath of fresh air. Even if I do wonder if he’ll be more liability than asset in the long run.
I fully expect John and/or Norman to make a joke about the Promellians and their booby traps in next week’s Mission Log Live.