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Season 1 was significantly better than 3, season 2 had better individual episodes than anything in the first 8 of season 3 so far. Admittedly, season 2 had more story problems overall, but season 3 has a lot of logical head scratchers too, some of which I pointed out before in this BBS universe.

The nostalgia latched onto by some of these media reviewers and self-interested YT click baiters (I know very few of them but I know they're out there) is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect to see by people who care more about familiarity than expanding and energizing the franchise.

S2 did more to cheapen the universe, than expand it.

You'll find more positive reactions to all the decisions that undo many of the controversial S1/S2 elements.

And I can't agree that S1 was better than S3, not even close. Characters like Raffi, Soji, Jurati, Elnor, British Romulan, all had very mixed reactions. Especially their silly trauma plots. Every character had an over-the-top traumatic backstory, it was cheesy and sadly most of these characters ended up being written off the series because they were so poorly handled.

They even managed to ruin Rios by S2, which was the one new character that people wanted to like...despite also getting that silly traumatic backstory involving his Captain (which really added nothing).

The Synth plotline was braindead. The Romulan cult of witches that hates technology and ripped their skin off... S1 was just a bunch of disparate ideas that never coalesced into anything meaningful.

Golum Picard was an incredibly controversial choice... and until this season, they really didn't do anything interesting with it.

"The Measure of a Man" was such a meaningful episode with a lot of deeper discourse. I can't say S1 really did anything worthwhile with it. If anything, it just played out Guinan's worst case scenario of an Android slave race.
Especially their silly trauma plots

Man, yeah, they never had characters with trauma in TNG…

Like Picard becoming Locutus.
Like Riker losing his mother when he was very young.
Like Troi losing her father when she was young.
Like Geordi losing his mother during the show.
Like Worf losing both parents when he was very young.
Like Crusher losing her husband.
Like Wesley losing his father.
Like Tasha being raised on a world with rape gangs.

Nope. They’d never do that.
Man, yeah, they never had characters with trauma in TNG…

Like Picard becoming Locutus.
Like Riker losing his mother when he was very young.
Like Troi losing her father when she was young.
Like Geordi losing his mother during the show.
Like Worf losing both parents when he was very young.
Like Crusher losing her husband.
Like Wesley losing his father.
Like Tasha being raised on a world with rape gangs.

Nope. They’d never do that.

Now imagine all of those trauma plots amplified with cheesy melodramatic writing, and all happening simultaneously within the span of a mere 10 episodes...

Picard Season 1.
S2 did more to cheapen the universe, than expand it.

You'll find more positive reactions to all the decisions that undo many of the controversial S1/S2 elements.

And I can't agree that S1 was better than S3, not even close. Characters like Raffi, Soji, Jurati, Elnor, British Romulan, all had very mixed reactions. Especially their silly trauma plots. Every character had an over-the-top traumatic backstory, it was cheesy and sadly most of these characters ended up being written off the series because they were so poorly handled.

They even managed to ruin Rios by S2, which was the one new character that people wanted to like...despite also getting that silly traumatic backstory involving his Captain (which really added nothing).

The Synth plotline was braindead. The Romulan cult of witches that hates technology and ripped their skin off... S1 was just a bunch of disparate ideas that never coalesced into anything meaningful.

Golum Picard was an incredibly controversial choice... and until this season, they really didn't do anything interesting with it.

"The Measure of a Man" was such a meaningful episode with a lot of deeper discourse. I can't say S1 really did anything worthwhile with it. If anything, it just played out Guinan's worst case scenario of an Android slave race.
Your reaction just shows me you didn't understand the significance of events in season 1, which also took place in a much bigger open universe than the corridor theater we've been watching in 3 but enough..

Im not telling you what to like, I'm not a gatekeeper like these cliickbaiters you apparently worship, but even season 2 was not poorly reviewed as you suggested, it has high ratings all over the place online, an 85 on Rotten Tomatoes. A solid score on Metacritic too.

The majority of us will continue to like season 1 and 2 and you can continue to ride your nostalgia train. Woo-woo!
Your reaction just shows me you didn't understand the significance of events in season 1, which also took place in a much bigger open universe than the corridor theater we've been watching in 3 but enough..
:lol: So basically you can't defend Picard S1, alright.
not telling you what to like, I'm not a gatekeeper like these cliickbaiters you apparently worship, but even season 2 was not poorly reviewed as you suggested, it has high ratings all over the place online, an 85 on Rotten Tomatoes. A solid score on Metacritic too.

The majority of us will continue to like season 1 and 2 and you can continue to ride your nostalgia train. Woo-woo!

When the current showrunners themselves are literally course-correcting from how terrible Picard S1 and S2 were, it really doesn't appear that they had majority audience and fan appeal.
:lol: So basically you can't defend Picard S1, alright.

When the current showrunners themselves are literally course-correcting from how terrible Picard S1 and S2 were, it really doesn't appear that they had majority audience and fan appeal.
Matalas worked on season 2. All 3 seasons were going to have different stories, they said so in interviews all the way back before season 1.

You're stating your opinions as facts, there's is no groundswell of hate for the first 2 seasons, that's a minority of you. The actual facts show most people and critics liked them, if you even care about such things. Go peruse! No Shades now.

But if course not, let the clickbaiters lead us! Landru!
I’m not holding my breath for that.
Picard S3 is adequate Star Trek at best .

It depends on what one holds up as good Star Trek.

It certainly isn't on the level of the later seasons of TNG and DS9, 90s peak Star Trek.

You aren't getting layered dialogue like this;

We've had nothing that comes close to The Visitor, or In the Pale Moonlight for example..

However, it's a good return to form, and perhaps the very first (and last) competent 'mystery box' done on serialized Star Trek.
However, it's a good return to form, and perhaps the very first (and last) competent 'mystery box' done on serialized Star Trek.

You keep claiming to have inside knowledge on the end of the season. You may be right. But I’ll say this: it’s yet to be seen if it’s competent or not. We’re not there yet.
Matalas worked on season 2. All 3 seasons were going to have different stories, they said so in interviews all the way back before season 1.

He just laid the basic groundwork and worked with Akiva on the first two scripts, before moving on to Season 3. S2 was Akiva's baby.

You're stating your opinions as facts, there's is no groundswell of hate for the first 2 seasons, that's a minority of you. The actual facts show most people and critics liked them, if you even care about such things. Go peruse! No Shades now.

The Youtube reviewers you speak of have massive audiences. Some have 2 million+ views per review. That definitely speaks for a major segment of the viewership.

Otherwise Terry Matalas would have no purpose in releasing the first 10 episodes to many of these channels.

And again, even the channels that defend Nu Trek (Trek Central, Jesse Gender, Steve Shives, etc) all Disliked Picard S2. Recognized it was a mess.

Perhaps you're in the minority here buddy.
It depends on what one holds up as good Star Trek.

It certainly isn't on the level of the later seasons of TNG and DS9, 90s peak Star Trek.

You aren't getting layered dialogue like this;

We've had nothing that comes close to The Visitor, or In the Pale Moonlight for example..

However, it's a good return to form, and perhaps the very first (and last) competent 'mystery box' done on serialized Star Trek.
Not overly impressed with Picard S3. The nostalgia factor alone keeps it from being top tier Trek. TNG’s middle seasons are the one that stand out to me. The latter seasons seem to be running on fumes. DS9 is the high bar for Berman era Trek. Picard S3 doesn’t even come close, S3’s mystery box so far hasn’t impressed. Especially if the rumors true, A face plant on the mat
The form seems to be the same as 1&2 only with more callbacks,
When the current showrunners themselves are literally course-correcting from how terrible Picard S1 and S2 were, it really doesn't appear that they had majority audience and fan appeal.
Bullshit. Terry is telling a story he wanted to do for forever. I don't like Season 2 but this whole "course correcting" narrative is a bunch of BS. This is like saying that Michael Piller was course correcting from Ron Moore after First Contact with Insurrection, or Nick Meyer was course correcting with TWOK.

I'm glad it has broader appeal but I don't put any stock in this narrative. None. And it doesn't change my enjoyment of Season 1 over Season 3. Season 3 hasn't ended yet. It can't be a winner yet.
Not overly impressed with Picard S3. The nostalgia factor alone keeps it from being top tier Trek. TNG’s middle seasons are the one that stand out to me. The latter seasons seem to be running on fumes. DS9 is the high bar for Berman era Trek. Picard S3 doesn’t even come close, S3’s mystery box so far hasn’t impressed. Especially if the rumors true, A face plant on the mat
Thus far it is macaroni and cheese.
You keep claiming to have inside knowledge on the end of the season. You may be right. But I’ll say this: it’s yet to be seen if it’s competent or not. We’re not there yet.

At the end of the day, if you don't personally enjoy it, that's fine as well.

I'm of the perspective that 90s Era Trek should definitively end with "The Last Generation" IMO it's just too perfect of an ending.

I'm certainly not campaigning for more 'Terry Trek' at this time, now that I know how it ends. It's our Avengers Endgame.
S2 did more to cheapen the universe, than expand it.

You'll find more positive reactions to all the decisions that undo many of the controversial S1/S2 elements.

And I can't agree that S1 was better than S3, not even close. Characters like Raffi, Soji, Jurati, Elnor, British Romulan, all had very mixed reactions. Especially their silly trauma plots. Every character had an over-the-top traumatic backstory, it was cheesy and sadly most of these characters ended up being written off the series because they were so poorly handled.

They even managed to ruin Rios by S2, which was the one new character that people wanted to like...despite also getting that silly traumatic backstory involving his Captain (which really added nothing).

The Synth plotline was braindead. The Romulan cult of witches that hates technology and ripped their skin off... S1 was just a bunch of disparate ideas that never coalesced into anything meaningful.

Golum Picard was an incredibly controversial choice... and until this season, they really didn't do anything interesting with it.

"The Measure of a Man" was such a meaningful episode with a lot of deeper discourse. I can't say S1 really did anything worthwhile with it. If anything, it just played out Guinan's worst case scenario of an Android slave race.
You need to do a podcast or something, you are so spot on with your observations of nu-Trek in my opinion. I would love to hear your thoughts on JJ-Trek but that is for another forum! :D
Not overly impressed with Picard S3. The nostalgia factor alone keeps it from being top tier Trek. TNG’s middle seasons are the one that stand out to me. The latter seasons seem to be running on fumes. DS9 is the high bar for Berman era Trek. Picard S3 doesn’t even come close, S3’s mystery box so far hasn’t impressed. Especially if the rumors true, A face plant on the mat
The form seems to be the same as 1&2 only with more callbacks,

When I said later seasons of TNG, I meant S3 onwards as well.

TNG S3 was the year that turned the franchise into something great. Just look at all the iconic episodes that season. Might be one of the strongest seasons. So many winners, ultimately culminating in one of the most effective cliffhangers in TV history.