Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

An alien I don't recognize, I thought she was a Kelpien at first glance, but she has hair, Kelpiens don't have hair
Well, the music here incorporates the Goldsmith TMP theme into a newly composed cue, but technically this isn't a "needle drop" of that actual cue "A Good Start" from TMP score.

I should rephrase: the music at the start of the clip appears to be heavily based on the “A Good Start” cue, particularly the moment that the Enterprise is revealed after V’Ger disappears (or whatever it does). Actually the cue might be “The Meld”, I was never sure where the two cues ended/started.
Another clip here, of Picard and Riker arriving on the bridge of the Titan:


Soundtrack uses “A Good Start” from TMP.

Riker's embarrassment of Geordi's daughter in front of her shipmates seems a bit out of character. I get that it's supposed to be funny, but it actually seems kinda cruel. Especially considering she clearly doesn't want it brought up, and Picard tries to quiet him too.

Clip from E1 at the end.
This may actually be the most controversial part in terms of continuity :D
Ahhh something RMB said a few months back on a Star Wars channel makes sense now... he used that as an example of "+ing canon" without contradicting what had already been established.
They were repairing the warp core, deflector, and shields for a few hours at the beginning of BOBW2.
Riker's embarrassment of Geordi's daughter in front of her shipmates seems a bit out of character. I get that it's supposed to be funny, but it actually seems kinda cruel. Especially considering she clearly doesn't want it brought up, and Picard tries to quiet him too.

Clearly some light ribbing rather than being cruel.