Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

Nope. I just don't care one way or the other. I'm watching it the same.
That's too bad. If someone gets to the point where they don't care if they learn the whole plot of something before reading/watching it, I think it may be time to move on.
That's too bad. If someone gets to the point where they don't care if they learn the whole plot of something before reading/watching it, I think it may be time to move on.

I don't fear spoilers, tbh, so long as I have the option to seek them out myself and no one's braying them in my face to be a jackass. The twist matters less to me than execution, and sometimes getting something spoiled leads to more of a "WOW, I can't wait to see that!" reaction than anything else.
That's too bad. If someone gets to the point where they don't care if they learn the whole plot of something before reading/watching it, I think it may be time to move on.
Why? I never understood this. I love seeing how things unfold and how they get from A to B, regardless if I know about B. It's like knowing the score of a ball game. The score isn't the whole story.
Why? I never understood this. I love seeing how things unfold and how they get from A to B, regardless if I know about B. It's like knowing the score of a ball game. The score isn't the whole story.
This exactly. There's plenty of shows and movies that I've had no qualms about spoiling myself on, but then I go and see it anyway.
All I know is I feel a lot better when I resist impatience/temptation/whatever. Be in the moment. Afterwards is a different story.
I think social media has just made it easier to see people's impatience. I don't know about worse si much as more accessible.

I mean, this forum is filled with half baked theories about what night happen. If we were patient we'd watch until the story came out. Right?
All I know is I feel a lot better when I resist impatience/temptation/whatever. Be in the moment. Afterwards is a different story.
I mean, if I'm in the moment with the story spoilers mean little. It's why I rewatch films like Star Wars or Ten Commandments. The drama hooks me in, not knowledge of the outcome.

It's why complaints around VFX or technical details bother me less. If I'm invested then those details mean little.

I just don't see the big deal. I've not seen the spoilers for this season but I did my enjoyment isn't less.

Mileage will vary.
Rewatching things are obviously different, much like relistening to music. Or redoing anything, really. Sometimes you learn a little more about the thing, especially if there's a decent gap between intakes.

Then again, if I'm honest, watching trailers/reading blurbs could also be considered spoilers...
I think for me it depends on what the spoilers are. I knew ro was in episode 5 before watching. It gave me something to look forward to and I really enjoyed the episode. I saw the pictures for episode 9. Again, some spoiler stuff but I don’t know the details or how ir will come together. I wouldn’t want to read a full synopsis at this point probably since it’s the last two episodes but I have done that for other shows and movies before.
I'm kinda midway. I don't mind certain spoilers. Seen some things now for the last two episodes I had expected. So it's good.

But if I see a spoiler code now that reads 'Jack is actually a...' I'm ignoring it. That's something I want to find out in the episode itself.
Good spoilers make me more excited for it, like those leaked pictures, and bad spoilers prepare me for it, like Harrison being Khan.
Did anyone find Apollo 13 or Titanic any less interesting knowing the end...? ;)
The plot of Season 2 was basically his idea. It was his idea to bring back Q in the way that he did and his idea to spend the season in the 21st century. Goldsman has gone on record as being the one to come up with the Picard mom trauma angle. I think Matalas actually joined the show in late 2019 before season 1 even aired.
Yes, basically all the key things some people hated. But he saved season 3!! Hallelujah brother. :hugegrin:
Did anyone find Apollo 13 or Titanic any less interesting knowing the end...? ;)

I can't think of a single spoiler through these first 8 episodes that would have made me enjoy it any less. Now I'm not saying the story isn't important, and thus far they've spun an enjoyable yarn about the 25th century. But it's a select group of actors that keep me anxiously awaiting each episode drop.