Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

He just laid the basic groundwork and worked with Akiva on the first two scripts, before moving on to Season 3. S2 was Akiva's baby.

The Youtube reviewers you speak of have massive audiences. Some have 2 million+ views per review. That definitely speaks for a major segment of the viewership.

Otherwise Terry Matalas would have no purpose in releasing the first 10 episodes to many of these channels.

And again, even the channels that defend Nu Trek (Trek Central, Jesse Gender, Steve Shives, etc) all Disliked Picard S2. Recognized it was a mess.

Perhaps you're in the minority here buddy.
Again with the youtubers. I'm talking actual numbers, not zombies wanting to be led and making money for those saying exactly what they want to hear. Open your mind a little. Get out of the echo chamber. You are Kirok and you want to live!

OK, well I tried.
When I said later seasons of TNG, I meant S3 onwards as well.

TNG S3 was the year that turned the franchise into something great. Just look at all the iconic episodes that season. Might be one of the strongest seasons. So many winners, ultimately culminating in one of the most effective cliffhangers in TV history.
Perhaps there can be be a satisfying sequel to the BOBW cliffhanger this season? Part 2 was quite the anticlimax at the time… sleep… this could be part 3? :shrug:
At the end of the day, if you don't personally enjoy it, that's fine as well.

I'm of the perspective that 90s Era Trek should definitively end with "The Last Generation" IMO it's just too perfect of an ending.

I'm certainly not campaigning for more 'Terry Trek' at this time, now that I know how it ends. It's our Avengers Endgame.

Again, you’ve claimed to know how it ends for sometime. You’ve actively campaigned for people to sign a petition to continue this era. Now you’ve changed your mind. I’m very confused.

TNG S3 was the year that turned the franchise into something great. Just look at all the iconic episodes that season. So many winners, ultimately culminating in one of the most effective cliffhangers in TV history.

I have been rewatching TNG and am in season three and have been genuinely enjoying it. It’s good Trek.
Again, you’ve claimed to know how it ends for sometime. You’ve actively campaigned for people to sign a petition to continue this era. Now you’ve changed your mind. I’m very confused.

I didn't know the specifics till a week ago. Was avoiding spoilers. I'm satisfied with how it ends.

If somehow a Terry Matalas produced spinoff is magically greenlit, I'd be fine with it.

However, if it ends here.. it's satisfying. We have such a massive library of great Star Trek behind us. This is a good bookend to it.

I have been rewatching TNG and am in season three and have been genuinely enjoying it. It’s good Trek.

Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, The Defector, The Enemy, The High Ground, Who Watches the Watchers, Sarek, Best of Both Worlds, and many more. So many episodes that provide intellectual and philosophical discourse. Thats when Star Trek is at it's peak.
Just pretend that the earlier seasons of Picard never happened.. This is the last time this villain can appear, ever, and they need redemption after how they were portrayed in S2 of Picard.

Someone had to right the ship.
Nice try, but Matalas was integral to season 2. He worked on it even before officially joining the producers group and didn't focus on season 3 till well into season 2.

To broadly summarize
  • Season 1: Creative ideas imperfectly (often badly) executed.
  • Season 2: Cliche ideas badly executed
  • Season 3: Cliche ideas well executed



There isn't anything particularly groundbreaking in the writing for S3, it's just a return to basic competence. A storyarc that actually pays off. A mystery box that is logical and well-planned out. Characters who are given appropriate dialogue true to who they are.

This is Star Trek's "Avengers Endgame." The most memorable aspect of this season will probably be the climactic final battle they've built towards.
Nice try, but Matalas was integral to season 2. He worked on it even before officially joining the producers group and didn't focus on season 3 till well into season 2.


The plot of Season 2 was basically his idea. It was his idea to bring back Q in the way that he did and his idea to spend the season in the 21st century. Goldsman has gone on record as being the one to come up with the Picard mom trauma angle. I think Matalas actually joined the show in late 2019 before season 1 even aired.
The form seems to be the same as 1&2 only with more callbacks,

Very much how I feel. I mean it is better written than those 2 IMO but I don't see a huge difference in the storytelling other than the plot involving Starfleet. I overall enjoyed the first 2 seasons so I'm ok with that (although season 2 is easily the worst New Trek season IMO), but I'm just not seeing this huge change in quality from other new Trek shows that others are talking about.
Very much how I feel. I mean it is better written than those 2 IMO but I don't see a huge difference in the storytelling other than the plot involving Starfleet. I overall enjoyed the first 2 seasons so I'm ok with that (although season 2 is easily the worst New Trek season IMO), but I'm just not seeing this huge change in quality from other new Trek shows that others are talking about.
I think 1&2 swung for the fences at times and struck out a few times as well. But they went for some very Trekkish stuff, too. 3 seems to be playing it safe. The callbacks, the old crew, The smorgasbord plot.
I look at the first two seasons as analogous to a solo artist from a popular band doing an experimental album of material that is different from the classics produced with the band. Season 3 is the seasoned band getting back together and playing a tour of greatest hits.

Neither approach is inherently better than the other, and will not appeal to all audiences in the same way. For me, greatest hits is what I am in the mood for and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Steve Shives isn’t exactly bending over backwards with his affection on season three either.
True. He likes it better than Season Two, but Season Two is an incredibly low bar. Personally, I think the season was worth it for the scenes with Picard and Q together, but otherwise meh.

To broadly summarize:
  • Season 1: Creative ideas imperfectly (often badly) executed.
  • Season 2: Cliche ideas badly executed
  • Season 3: Cliche ideas well executed
BINGO. (Except for the thing I was cursing about earlier.)
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I didn't know the specifics till a week ago. Was avoiding spoilers. I'm satisfied with how it ends.

If somehow a Terry Matalas produced spinoff is magically greenlit, I'd be fine with it.

However, if it ends here.. it's satisfying. We have such a massive library of great Star Trek behind us. This is a good bookend to it.

Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, The Defector, The Enemy, The High Ground, Who Watches the Watchers, Sarek, Best of Both Worlds, and many more. So many episodes that provide intellectual and philosophical discourse. Thats when Star Trek is at it's peak.

do you still support the petition ?
I don't understand why people want to be spoilered. Is the story that uninteresting to you?

Unlike others, I'm still excited about whatever's going to happen.