Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

Well, those spoilers do tell us of another TNG-actress cameo, unfortunately not Pulaski and they tell us who the big baddie is this season...

They don't actually tell us who the big baddie is at all, as I said.

Everything which seems to hint at the big baddie could just be another in a long line of "Jack visions" we've gotten over the course of the season.
They don't actually tell us who the big baddie is at all, as I said.

Everything which seems to hint at the big baddie could just be another in a long line of "Jack visions" we've gotten over the course of the season.

Could be, but I'm assuming the people who watched the episode leaked those particular images for a reason.
Could be, but I'm assuming the people who watched the episode leaked those particular images for a reason.

that Jack's dark secret is related to the Borg, but "the Face" is someone else entirely, and his potential talents are being manipulated by a third party for their advantage. So the Borg aren't the villains of the finale, they are just being used as tools.
that Jack's dark secret is related to the Borg, but "the Face" is someone else entirely, and his potential talents are being manipulated by a third party for their advantage. So the Borg aren't the villains of the finale, they are just being used as tools.

I feel as though that theory, while could be interesting, is a little too complex for the amount of story that’s left to tell here in the time allotted.

Adding another tool to the equation? What would that actually accomplish at this point? Had this reveal happened around episode six, I probably would have agreed with you. But all signs seem to be indicating that the Borg are the mastermind here. They want Jack for whatever reason. Probably because he’s the progeny of Locutus.
I feel as though that theory, while could be interesting, is a little too complex for the amount of story that’s left to tell here in the time allotted.

Right. This is basically part 1 of the 2 part season finale.
I really hope that picture of Sidney being assimilated is just one more vision in Jack's mind.
I've really enjoyed her character and am rooting and looking forward to see more of her - ideally without the Jack romance plot

  • the red door = Borg?
  • face = who is it?
  • who's pulling the strings for what reason? (b)amiral shelby, the face, the Borg?
I feel as though that theory, while could be interesting, is a little too complex for the amount of story that’s left to tell here in the time allotted.

Adding another tool to the equation? What would that actually accomplish at this point? Had this reveal happened around episode six, I probably would have agreed with you. But all signs seem to be indicating that the Borg are the mastermind here. They want Jack for whatever reason. Probably because he’s the progeny of Locutus.

Well, the Cube shots look very different from the space scenes from the finale (in some sort of red atmosphere, nowhere near the celebration), and we don't see anyone other than Jack on the Cube, which leads me to believe that he's just confronting his true nature.
Well, the Cube shots look very different from the space scenes from the finale (in some sort of red atmosphere, nowhere near the celebration), and we don't see anyone other than Jack on the Cube, which leads me to believe that he's just confronting his true nature.

So, why then would Vadic have any knowledge of Jack’s background? If the changelings were tools of supposed big bad guy but helping the Borg get Jack Crusher, and telling Vadic why the Borg need Jack Crusher, doesn’t that seem needlessly convoluted?

Wouldn’t it make more sense for the Changelings to be helping the Borg in order to (1) get Jack Crusher and (2) destroy the Federation? Simple is better.

I mean, the whole thing doesn’t make a ton of sense to begin with. Why would these two work together in the first place? But simple is better.