Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

So, why then would Vadic have any knowledge of Jack’s background? If the changelings were tools of supposed big bad guy but helping the Borg get Jack Crusher, and telling Vadic why the Borg need Jack Crusher, doesn’t that seem needlessly convoluted?

Wouldn’t it make more sense for the Changelings to be helping the Borg in order to (1) get Jack Crusher and (2) destroy the Federation? Simple is better.

I mean, the whole thing doesn’t make a ton of sense to begin with. Why would these two work together in the first place? But simple is better.

Do we know that the Borg in particular need Jack Crusher? It seems to me all we know is that his talents are needed in order to complete the disaster on Frontier Day. It's pretty clear why, TBH, as Jack + Picard's brain bits could potentially let them mind control the entire fleet, so they don't just have to rely on software hacks/changelings.

I also just rewatched the scenes from "The Face" and he just doesn't talk like a Borg. He refers to himself as an "I" for example - which isn't something the Borg typically do (though I guess Locutus did). More importantly he says things like "The hour of Starfleet's fall nears." This implies someone driven by personal animus against Starfleet - which once again just isn't the Borg style. Even the Queen wasn't driven by vengeance.
Also there's some other complications to this theory:

  • None of the symbolism within Jack's visions works. The veins, the "connect the branches" comments, the glowy eyes. None of it is Borg stuff. Sure, it maybe was all thrown in as a colossal misdirect, but that would mean it was all just random shit that didn't actually mean anything, which is dramatically speaking, really underwhelming.
  • Red is an important theme in Jack's visions, from the red veins to his red eyes to the red clouds in his visions. Indeed, this is why the Borg cube I think is also a vision - it's in red clouds, just like his dreams. In contrast, green is the Borg color.
  • There is zero evidence in past Trek history that Borg have the ability to remote control unassimilated biologicals. Maybe that's some Q shit, but that's not borg shit at all.
Don't get me wrong, I think the Borg are heavily involved in this. Hell, next episode is titled Vox, which is Latin for voice (and Locutus is Latin for speaker). I just am unconvinced they are 100% of what's going on here. It seems to me that it's maybe about "connecting" the Borg to something else, which will only become evident in the final episode.
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I've seen the screenshots, and now I can say I'm glad this show is ending. So disappointed in Mr. Matalas right now...

The Borg. Every. Fucking. Season. There are many more interesting things to explore in the 25th century than the fucking Borg. I don't even care if they're the "big bad" or not. I'm tired of seeing them. I wish live action Trek would do like the Litverse and get rid of them permanently.
I've seen the screenshots, and now I can say I'm glad this show is ending. So disappointed in Mr. Matalas right now...

Pretty sure some context is required & that what you refer to is in someone's head. Besides, all we've seen so far is leftovers & remnants.

In any case, you could always just choose not to watch it.
Well, I for one will most certainly *not* be looking at these spoiler pics, and shame on whoever shared them. May the mole be forever smited by Terry’s might! Usually in our modern multimedia era of television and cinema, copies of episodes or movies which are shared in advance to the media have unique metadata ‘water marks’ embedded in to the video files (transferable to screenshots). So whoever leaked these images should easily be traced…. (If they had the tech in place!) Muwahahahhaha! :evil:
I've seen the screenshots, and now I can say I'm glad this show is ending. So disappointed in Mr. Matalas right now...

The Borg. Every. Fucking. Season. There are many more interesting things to explore in the 25th century than the fucking Borg. I don't even care if they're the "big bad" or not. I'm tired of seeing them. I wish live action Trek would do like the Litverse and get rid of them permanently.

Just pretend that the earlier seasons of Picard never happened.. This is the last time this villain can appear, ever, and they need redemption after how they were portrayed in S2 of Picard.

Someone had to right the ship.
Also there's some other complications to this theory:

  • remote control unassimilated biologicals.

Oh you'll get an answer to this, for sure.

Just pretend that the earlier seasons of Picard never happened.. This is the last time this villain can appear, ever, and they need redemption after how they were portrayed in S2 of Picard.

Someone had to right the ship.
Season 3 is marginally better than 2, not by oodles, and the other faction of Borg are somewhat related to the lit verse, so it's not like they came out of the blue.
Season 3 is marginally better than 2, not by oodles, and the other faction of Borg are somewhat related to the lit verse, so it's not like they came out of the blue.

Disagreed wholeheartedly.

S2 was a mess. Just random ideas being thrown out, nothing connected or planned. Really lazy dialogue and scripts. Even the reviewers that tend to defend Nu Trek (Jessie Gender, Trek Central, Steve Shives, etc) all objectively disliked S2.

S3 was well-planned. After you see Episode 9/10, you can go back to the previous episodes and see all the hints laid out about where it was going.

It might be Nu Trek's first (and last) competent mystery box.

It also did all the characters justice, something I can't say about what came before. I like how this season raises Picard up, instead of trying to deconstruct him. It feels like the truest return of the character since All Good Things.
We’ll see. As I keep saying, I’ve liked this season but I have more than a few issues with it. I’m not exactly brimming with confidence at the moment for this sticking the landing for me personally. Particularly with todays spoiler leak.
As long as this season works for majority Trek fans and audiences...and the general consensus is positive, it's done it's job.

It's a good funeral for the 90s Star Trek timeline.

I'm actually hoping it all ends with "The Last Generation." This doesn't necessarily need a follow-up.

If people are happy with where these characters end up, there's really no point keeping it going.
Disagreed wholeheartedly.

S2 was a mess. Just random ideas being thrown out, nothing connected or planned. Really lazy dialogue and scripts. Even the reviewers that tend to defend Nu Trek (Jessie Gender, Trek Central, Steve Shives, etc) all objectively disliked S2.

S3 was well-planned. After you see Episode 9/10, you can go back to the previous episodes and see all the hints laid out about where it was going.

It might be Nu Trek's first (and last) competent mystery box.
Season 1 was significantly better than 3, season 2 had better individual episodes than anything in the first 8 of season 3 so far. Admittedly, season 2 had more story problems overall, but season 3 has a lot of logical head scratchers too, some of which I pointed out before in this BBS universe.

The nostalgia latched onto by some of these media reviewers and self-interested YT click baiters (I know very few of them but I know they're out there) is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect to see by people who care more about familiarity than expanding and energizing the franchise.
It also did all the characters justice, something I can't say about what came before. I like how this season raises Picard up, instead of trying to deconstruct him. It feels like the truest return of the character since All Good Things.
Characters do not deserve justice. They are tools, not people in that sense.

I'd rather they try to deconstruct and explore the character than keep them as static avatars of perfection.

The nostalgia latched onto by some of these media reviewers and self-interested YT click baiters (I know very few of them but I know they're out there) is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect to see by people who care more about familiarity than expanding and energizing the franchise.
It often feels that way, yes. That comfort is preferred over any meaningful exploration. Season 2 was not my favorite by far, and I'll not revisit it. But Season 3 has not blown me away either. It has all the indulgences of Season 2, just with a different coat of paint.
In my opinion…
  • Season one tried to do something interesting. And up through “Nepenthe,” it did a pretty good job.
  • Season two started down the trend of nostalgia bait. It tried to be the kind of time travel story like COTEOF and The Voyage Home. There were a ton of flaws due to various things including COVID restrictions and while it was entertaining, it didn’t quite meet the mark.
  • Season three has tried to take that nostalgia bait and turn it into a story, bringing disparate ideas together, with mixed results. It’s like a visit with old friends. You enjoy the time together but it’s not exactly satisfying as it was when you guys were super close. We’ll see how it ultimately turns out.