Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

Yes. They're going to show the ship as the friends remember it. Considering it's a museum ship
if they went with the recovered saucer then it would have those extra consoles on the sides of the bridge plus the darker lighting from Generations I'd assume
if they went with the recovered saucer then it would have those extra consoles on the sides of the bridge plus the darker lighting from Generations I'd assume

Since the bridge was totally trashed in that 2nd to last shot in Generations, I’m fairly sure a return to the original design (if that’s what they do) could be easily explained away.
Terry Matalas tweeted this image from Frontier Day:

Is it just me, or are the fleet formations loosely in the pattern of the mirror universe Terran Empire emblem?
if they went with the recovered saucer then it would have those extra consoles on the sides of the bridge plus the darker lighting from Generations I'd assume
A museum recreation of the ship is going to present it as it was known for a majority of its time in service. Not in the form it was in for the last few months before it was destroyed.
The thought of seeing the Ent D bridge in whatever incarnation is making me a little giddy with excitement.

Which probably means it won’t happen haha.
If its the entire fleet, I'll be a little disappointed if there's not at least a glimpse of a Cali or Protostar class.
Beware of spoilers gentle beings.

There are some episode images out there that are not released by Paramount.

Fair warning
Two galleries with all the photos are floating, so be beware if you don't want to be spoiled, especially since one of the galleries spoils a cameo.

Looking at the photos, it'd be impossible to fake them.
Two galleries with all the photos are floating, so be beware if you don't want to be spoiled, especially since one of the galleries spoils a cameo.

Looking at the photos, it'd be impossible to fake them.

Honestly, the images don't spoil all that much, other than something LeVar Burton already inadvertently spoiled on Twitter months ago.

There are about five images which hint at the final encounter, but we don't know if they're a dream sequence or something.
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