Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x07 - "Dominion"


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I don't watch Prodigy, but I read somewhere that Janeaway is in Delta Quadrant. Is it true? If it's true, then that's the explanation why Janeaway is nowhere to be seen.
prodigy is set some 15 years before this series, in fact this is the first evidence she survives the Solum adventure and is still in Starfleet. Not that this will surprise anyone of course, but still…
So Vadic hates solids, says that solids ruin every planet they touch, yet takes orders from, is threatened by and, works for someone who not only is seemingly a solid, but openly mocks changelings? :vulcan:
Do we know they’re A solid who hates changelings?

I got the impression that they’re a normal changeling who openly mocks the augmented/experimented on changelings.
Wow, this thread went off the rails. Much as the last couple of episodes have.

The Jack-in-the Mystery-Box is really getting stretched thin, and the whole pseudo-Data thing is so unnecessary. I really hope they stick the landing, but it's looking rather shaky.
Gave this one a 5. Definitely the weakest of the season so far.

This is all feeling like it should be a DS9 story with DS9 characters and yet for some reason the TNG crew are getting hamfisted into it.

I'm really struggling to find Vadic a compelling villain and the reasoning behind her desire for revenge just doesn't hold water. Ok sure, Vadic and her cohorts were experimented on horribly but she seems to willfully ignore that regardless of whether 'Starfleet' voted to withhold the cure, a Starfleet Doctor and a Starfleet Chief of Operations risked their lives and their careers to get the cure to save their beloved friend who was a Changeling. I also find it hard to feel sorry for the Changelings when they instigated the conflict between the Dominion and Federation in the first place. They caused chaos that led to millions of deaths and then their leader tried to genocide an entire species by orbital bombardment. Like, absolutely fuck Vadic and the revenge horse she rode in on. I also think that while Amanda Plummer is an amazing actress, in other roles I've seen her in, she is completely miscast here and her performance is just grating. Hopefully whoever Vadic's master is will be much more compelling.

Jack is starting to feel like he is nothing more than a plot device macguffin. His only reason for existing is to make Picard's conflict with the changelings personal and it's feeling flat and superficial. Now he's got fucking psychic powers. I can only hope that the reveal of whatever this 'home' is that Vadic is talking about, and the reasoning why Meatface wants him sticks the landing but I am beginning to doubt it.

The first 5 episodes of the season were near perfection, 6 and 7 have been a genuine slogfest to get through. This has been a shitty second act and I can only hope the final act reaches the highs of the first.

I'm kinda wishing Matalas had gone with the conspiracy bugs.
I feel this episode is a bit difficult to judge in isolation. I enjoyed the Data/Lore/Geordi scenes, and it was nice to get a bit of exposition from Vadic at last. But I wonder if it would have been better to intercut with Riker/Troi or Worf/Raffi. We won't really know until next week.

It's still not completely clear why Vadic is so obsessed with Picard, who was on holiday on Baku and eating Chrysamthemums whilst her people were waging a genocidal war, but hopefully it'll become apparent soon.

Does feel odd to make the Dominion War so central to a story about people who had nothing to do with it, except for Worf. Perhaps it'll finally be revealed what the Enterprise-E was up to during the war. I was just imagining that scene with Bashir instead of Picard - Jean-Luc doesn't really know anything about it or what went on with Odo and Section 31.
I think it would be likely the Enterprise was very active in the war.

Doing a TNG movie on the dominion war would have devalued the DS9 story IMO, as would shoehorning the Ent in to an episode, let's face it if they had asked Jonathan Frakes would have been up for a guest appearance later on as acting captain or something like that.

If DS9 was filmed today I reckon without a doubt we would have some visuals of the enterprise I the final battle as we all love an Easter egg these days.
Yeah, really, there should be more than just Worf represented here from DS9. That is a huge issue for me. Short of fully reuniting the TNG cast, I’m not seeing the point of Spiner’s return here. Bashir or someone could use that screen time and actually have a real connection to the story they’re telling. Because so far (and this might change), using these characters makes the story feel very disjointed and not AS personal as it could using the DS9 bunch.
I think it would be likely the Enterprise was very active in the war.
It might be likely, but it's never been confirmed, which is my point really.

The few times the TNG crew have mentioned the war, it's been like something that happened to other people. This latest episode did nothing to change that.

I'm hoping we might finally get some indication what went on in the next couple of episodes.
It might be likely, but it's never been confirmed, which is my point really.

The few times the TNG crew have mentioned the war, it's been like something that happened to other people. This latest episode did nothing to change that.

I'm hoping we might finally get some indication what went on in the next couple of episodes.

I guess if the two series had run concurrently for longer we might have seen it, with some sort of crossover arc (sounds like the colbys and dynasty now ha)

I know their were a few novels but don't really remember much about them and obviously not Canon.

Whether we find out or not it's at least refreshing they went with the changelings rather than the borg again.
Something hardly talked about so far:
The crew just learned a reliable way of tracking and exposing the infiltrators!

What are the chances this will lead to a nice montage scene of all changelings Starfleet wide being ousted and exposed like Hydra agents in The Winter Soldier?
The revelation didn't really have any meaningful payoff in this episode, so it makes sense to play a role later
I do still find it odd how many call outs there are to voyager, yet very few to DS9.

I know its a sort of sequel to DS9 but that makes it all the stranger for the lack of DS9 involvement, other than Worf.

Yeah! Especially considering that most of the fanbase like almost all of the DS9 characters way more than everyone in Voyager, with the exception of Seven and the Doc...