Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x07 - "Dominion"


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We got a little more to chew on. Spiner was great, Plummer was terrific!

The backstory continues to be quite cool, and we can see it all coming to a point. Loved the Tim Russ appearance of course.
Then stop watching. Why bother yourself with something that you hate. Don't bore yourself with something that ugly. Move on with your life. Let us enjoy this boring and ugly show in peace.
My life, from as far back as I can remember, had star trek in it. As a kid I'd stop playing football out on the streets and run home not for tea....but just because star trek was going to be on. I bother watching because I love old trek. And I miss it
I miss a lot of things. But I don't belabor the point for five pages in a row. This reeks of "I'm trying to build my post count!"
Reeks of a fella who listened to the PR and spin machine, and isn't happy with the finished product. I'm not building posts whatever that means: I'm a huge Star Trek fan, have been all my life.
My life, from as far back as I can remember, had star trek in it. As a kid I'd stop playing football out on the streets and run home not for tea....but just because star trek was going to be on. I bother watching because I love old trek. And I miss it

I'm sorry. But that feels like hurting yourself.
Like, watching a ex from a far with a new partner because you love what you once had but hurt yourself by watching what it is now. That's really not a good thing.

If you don't like a thing, don't watch it. I love current Trek. So I watch it. I love old Trek, so watch that too. I hate Temptation Island. I'm not going to sit down and torture myself with it so I can complain about it afterwards. What's the point? I watch something I love instead. So should you. The only person right now forcing you to watch something you dislike is you. Again... Not a good thing.
Here's a question that would be really interesting to contemplate: To what extent is Section 31's/Starfleet's attempted genocide of the Founders/Changelings known among the public? The surviving Cardassians would tell the rest of the galaxy about the disease the Founders suffered from. And people like Kira (after seeing what it did to Odo) and Bashir especially might not feel any obligation to keep something like this a secret.

Vadic is right that even if you're willing to lay the blame at Section 31's feet, the fact the Federation Council and Starfleet were willing to withhold the cure makes them complicit in what is tantamount to a war crime by even 21st century standards.

Beyond that, I can see the decision being debated among the public in the same way the US nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been. Arguably, horrific actions that people either see as an atrocity or a "needs of the many" situation where an unthinkable option is made with the justification that it's the least bad choice
I'm sorry. But that feels like hurting yourself.
Like, watching a ex from a far with a new partner because you love what you once had but hurt yourself by watching what it is now. That's really not a good thing.

If you don't like a thing, don't watch it. I love current Trek. So I watch it. I love old Trek, so watch that too. I hate Temptation Island. I'm not going to sit down and torture myself with it so I can complain about it afterwards. What's the point? I watch something I love instead. So should you. The only person right now forcing you to watch something you dislike is you. Again... Not a good thing.
I stopped watching new Trek years ago. Only started watching this season based off of early reviews from pundits that I had respect for prior to this. Its dreadful stuff.
Overall it felt like it could have been shortened a bit and then combined with whatever happens in episode 8 (it's been said they work best when watched back to back anyway) as there was far too much standing/sitting around talking and the lack of follow-up to the Riker/Troi cliffhanger from E6 was bothersome. Are they just over on the Shrike just chillin'?

Also, the shot where Vadic's main henchman was running after Sidney with a rifle aimed at her but never fired despite having about a billion chances to was glaringly bad. They could have at least had him Stormtrooper a few shots off in her general direction or he fire back as she ran. Too bad they can't all be directed by Frakes.
I stopped watching new Trek years ago. Only started watching this season based off of early reviews from pundits that I had respect for prior to this. Its dreadful stuff.

From what I can tell most people, me included, are really enjoying it.

Now there is nothing wrong with you not liking it, its not going to be for everyone, and even I think there is so many call outs and easter eggs its like a glorified fan movie, but a very good one at that and its been great and i will be sorry to see it end.

What I don't understand is, if you don't like it, why keep repeating again and again that you don't? Surely once you have stated you don't enjoy it there is nowhere else to go, no more comments to be made, you say you don't like it, then move on, watch it or don't.

Of course its a forum and you can post what you like but by repeating the reasons again and again why you don't enjoy it what do you want to achieve? For someone who does enjoy it to stop and think 'oh maybe Cortez is right, its not very good after all, i won't enjoy it anymore?'.
From what I can tell most people, me included, are really enjoying it.

Now there is nothing wrong with you not liking it, its not going to be for everyone, and even I think there is so many call outs and easter eggs its like a glorified fan movie, but a very good one at that and its been great and i will be sorry to see it end.

What I don't understand is, if you don't like it, why keep repeating again and again that you don't? Surely once you have stated you don't enjoy it there is nowhere else to go, no more comments to be made, you say you don't like it, then move on, watch it or don't.

Of course its a forum and you can post what you like but by repeating the reasons again and again why you don't enjoy it what do you want to achieve? For someone who does enjoy it to stop and think 'oh maybe Cortez is right, its not very good after all, i won't enjoy it anymore?'.
Very considered and nicely written post. Fair play to you. The only question I'd make in response is this... is this a star trek or a fan forum? I don't have the right to voice an alternative position?
Some people complain about "mystery box" writing, but I find that these serialized seasons try to be like novels where things take time to develop and be resolved. Mysteries set up near the beginning might not be resolved until the end. It's almost like that that's the point. ;) And there's great potential with this format.

Of course, there are good novels and not so good novels. And good serialized seasons and not so good. Unfortunately, ST hasn't been so good with serialized seasons lately. But that's a writing problem rather than a format problem. They might consider hiring some of the better Trek novelists!

That all said, I've been thoroughly enjoying this season of Picard. It has used the serialized format very effectively overall. True, this specific episode was mediocre, but it's the exception so far. I'm still looking forward to how it all wraps up!
Your second paragraph is kinda what I was thinking. I'm not against a mystery but this feels like another Trek mystery which for me all the PIC and DIS ones have been utter crap.

Also the A plot about the Founders wanting revenge and the consequences of the virus I think are strong enough to carry the show and don't need these drip feed mysteries.
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