Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

Terry Matalas tweeted this image from Frontier Day:

Trailer for Episode 9

Looks exciting. This 2 part finale is going to be epic!

From the trailer, it looks like the Titan shows up to Frontier Day and the entire fleet turns on them since they went rogue. So the crew has to abandon the Titan and stop the big threat. It also looks like Jack will struggle with whatever he is dealing with. My guess is part 1 will end on a massive cliffhanger like the Titan is adrift and the crew have to abandon ship and the attack on starfleet has begun and ships are blowing up, "to be continued".
They missed a trick here, as 12th April is frontier day. (Assuming as quoted its the launch of the nx-01) so would gave been good for the finale to air then.
They missed a trick here, as 12th April is frontier day. (Assuming as quoted its the launch of the nx-01) so would gave been good for the finale to air then.
It will be the 12th in Hawaii ;)

And the pacific time zone as sometimes it goes up 30 minutes before midnight.
I'm there are lines in there abou commandeering the fleet & "We have to get off of the Titan".

Time for whatever is in Docking Bay 12 then?
"The entire fleet" must be hyperbole, for in one of the displays seen in the trailer I counted between 50 and 60 ships. The display is at time stamp 0:02.
Hmmm so I’ll hazard a guess that the Titan is destroyed. They evacuate and need a new ship…seeing as though the Enterprise F is being decommissioned (as per those logs that were released just prior to the season premiere), it will be a refurbished Galaxy class that will save the day.
(as per those logs that were released just prior to the season premiere)
It's also been seen mentioned on a computer graphic in the show, in Episode 1 and whatever episode had Ro.

But I have feeling the -F being decommissioned is party of the conspiracy.
Yes. They're going to show the ship as the friends remember it. Considering it's a museum ship
But, as has been par for the course with the VFX team when it comes to small details, the saucer impulse engines will be lit and the shuttlebays 2 and 3 will be the same size a la Eaglemoss models. :lol: