Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

I'm seeing a definite possibility for "There's another starship coming in...it's the Enterprise!" being said after all by someone on the Titan. Say it say it say it say it!
I hope the Borg (this faction) get wiped off the map.

1) They deserve it.
2) They are irredeemable (with the Queen in control).
3) It has already happened in the alternate timeline. Picard backed off before as did Janeway. Not this time. Seven has the right of it. Wipe them out if you can.
That could not be the entire Starfleet!! But the battle scenes from the trailer looks epic for sure!
Why does everyone keep thinking what we see around Spacedock is the entire Starfleet? All they said is the entire Starfleet would be in the Sol system, presumably there are plenty of other ships spread throughout the entire solar system with just a privileged percentage in Earth orbit.
I hope the Borg (this faction) get wiped off the map.

1) They deserve it.
2) They are irredeemable (with the Queen in control).
3) It has already happened in the alternate timeline. Picard backed off before as did Janeway. Not this time. Seven has the right of it. Wipe them out if you can.
If the Borg and their Queen aren't annihilated for good after such a climactic buildup, then that would be incredibly unsatisfying.
Just saw the trailer for the episode this week. Really getting excited for it. Looking forward to seeing the Enterprise D in action with 2023 technology. While I've been luke warm on the season overall (Much more enjoyable first half than the second), I do hope the TNG crew goes out in the blaze of glory they couldn't get with Nemesis.
Trailer is up! Holy phasers, Batman.

Why does everyone keep thinking what we see around Spacedock is the entire Starfleet? All they said is the entire Starfleet would be in the Sol system, presumably there are plenty of other ships spread throughout the entire solar system with just a privileged percentage in Earth orbit.

That would make sense. Additionally, in the trailer for tomorrow's episode, Picard says that the Borg Queen is sending out a signal across the entire Sol System. So that signal could be to take over and control all the other Starfleet ships spread out throughout the Sol System, not just the ones in Earth orbit.