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An alien I don't recognize, I thought she was a Kelpien at first glance, but she has hair, Kelpiens don't have hair
I noticed her too, thought she looked like a Changling.. though my second thought was 'nay'
I noticed her too, thought she looked like a Changling.. though my second thought was 'nay'

Looks exactly like a Changeling to me. Makes sense to bring former enemies into the fold --- this is like, a core principle of the Federation (almost ... gasp! Borg-like). And the quasi-colonial mindset of the UFP has good and bad sides, of course.

But broadly, the former-enemy-to-Starfleet thing is kind of a trope at this point (not a bad thing). See: Worf in TNG, Elnor in PIC, Seven in PIC, Picard in PIC.

Anyway, it think that's a strong thematic element, which to me strengthen the Changeling hypothesis.

Also... that character just looks 110% like a Changeling.
When Captain Shaw tells Picard & Riker.. '...people well above your pay-grade' ...???? I thought Roddenberry's future was without money (not to mention Raffi saying she needs more money)
When Captain Shaw tells Picard & Riker.. '...people well above your pay-grade' ...???? I thought Roddenberry's future was without money (not to mention Raffi saying she needs more money)
"Pay grade" in this context is just an expression. An alternative to saying "people who outrank you." This isn't even the first time in all Star Trek such a term has been used, despite the claims of being a "money-less" society.
When Captain Shaw tells Picard & Riker.. '...people well above your pay-grade' ...????
It's slang. Means someone higher rank.

(not to mention Raffi saying she needs more money)
She's an undercover Starfleet Intelligence agent on a non-Federation planet, so of course she would need money. How else would she be able to do her job?

Scotty said he bought a boat in Star Trek 6, Beverly asked for something she bought at in the first episode of TNG to be charged to the ship and Starfleet officers on DS9 bought drinks and food at Quark's (I assume Starfleet had a tab as you never see them exchange currency). Money or the lack of is very inconsistent in Star Trek

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It's slang. Means someone higher rank.

She's an undercover Starfleet Intelligence agent on a non-Federation planet, so of course she would need money. How else would she be able to do her job?

We don't even know that no federation planets have money. Earth supposedly doesn't have money, but it's never stated to my memory that getting rid of currency was a condition of federation membership.

TOS discussed pay grades and paychecks on multiple occasions.
TWOK discussed funding for the genesis project
I sort of thought 'pay grade' was just an old term so to speak (for them), but wondered if there was a better way to say it... in order to refrain from promoting the idea of money in the future.

I realize that she's undercover but she was finished in that world, she gave him all of money and in the end he told her ' i never want to see your face again '.. i just wondered 'why even add that line?" The scene would have been fine without the line. I loved that scene btw, i thought it was done really well.

i know the Ferengi use latinum and other cultures trade with 'money' of some sort,

..i guess i just love the no money concept and would love for ST to express it more.. :)
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in order to refrain from promoting the idea of money in the future.
Except there is, with all the examples that people have provided in the thread. Humans abandoned "currency based economics" in favor of bettering themselves and the rest of humanity, per TNG and DS9. However, that doesn't change the fact that multiple cultures, and in the Federation's past (TOS) credits were used as a mean's of exchange. Which is all money is-a mean's of exchange. So, even if humanity, or the Federation doesn't use money, it would have to use some means of exchange in interacting with other cultures and powers.
Except there is, with all the examples that people have provided in the thread. Humans abandoned "currency based economics" in favor of bettering themselves and the rest of humanity, per TNG and DS9. However, that doesn't change the fact that multiple cultures, and in the Federation's past (TOS) credits were used as a mean's of exchange. Which is all money is-a mean's of exchange. So, even if humanity, or the Federation doesn't use money, it would have to use some means of exchange in interacting with other cultures and powers.

Matalas chimes in on this argument:
