Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x06 - "The Bounty"


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There’s some inconsistencies between the wide shots of the station and some of the close ups. Like the Titan is shown parked behind the Ent-A but in the side shots the stargazer is behind the Ent-A
I'm calling it: James T. Kirk in Daystrom was a Chekhov’s Gun..!
I remember about a year ago, Terry said that the finale of S3 would 'change canon', or something to that extent.
My guess: in the final episode, James T. Kirk will return..! His dead body (uncovered on Veridian) will be brought back to life, and he will play a part in defeating the rogue Changelings..!
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I'm calling it: James T. Kirk in Daystrom was a Checkov's Gun..!
I remember about a year ago, Terry said that the finale of S3 would 'change canon', or something to that extent.
My guess: in the final episode, James T. Kirk will return..! His dead body (uncovered on Veridian) will be brought back to life, and he will play a part in defeating the rogue Changelings..!

That could either be amazing or terrible. Considering how badly Kirk was used in Generations, bringing him back in order to give him a better final moment could be very appropriate. And certainly, Kirk and Picard saving the Federation would be a great moment. If they go that route, Matalas would essentially be giving us the Kirk/Picard reunion that we fans really deserve, rather than the travesty we got in Generations.
I'm calling it: James T. Kirk in Daystrom was a Checkov's Gun..!
I remember about a year ago, Terry said that the finale of S3 would 'change canon', or something to that extent.
My guess: in the final episode, James T. Kirk will return..! His dead body (uncovered on Veridian) will be brought back to life, and he will play a part in defeating the rogue Changelings..!

I'm calling it: James T. Kirk in Daystrom was a Checkov's Gun..!
I remember about a year ago, Terry said that the finale of S3 would 'change canon', or something to that extent.
My guess: in the final episode, James T. Kirk will return..! His dead body (uncovered on Veridian) will be brought back to life, and he will play a part in defeating the rogue Changelings..!

If they do that, I think I might turn off my TV. I’m not a huge fan of overuse of fan service as it is but for the most part I’ve tolerated what they’ve done this season. That would be a step way too far. No thank you.
If they do that, I think I might turn off my TV. I’m not a huge fan of overuse of fan service as it is but for the most part I’ve tolerated what they’ve done this season. That would be a step way too far. No thank you.

A step way way way too far.

I'm a little disappointed they created a half-ass new "Data". Just let a character die and stay dead. It's OK. The world won't end. Can we do that?
Also that’s funny. Last week someone on here was hoping the the intrepid would have been named after Doug Trumbull. Well this week there was a Duderstadt-class named Trumbull
They should've buried him in Iowa next to his family.

It's possible that they did, and what Daystrom has is merely some of Kirk's genetic material. Or maybe they went 50/50 with the Iowa Kirks...

yistaan said:
And why would Starfleet want to resurrect Kirk? TOS Kirk who made speeches about the beauty of natural humanity and the evils of artificially trying to control people? That Kirk? He'd probably refuse to do what Starfleet wanted in disgust the minute he was resurrected and realized what happened.

Or... Kirk would merely grin, thinking 'Hah! Cheated death again!' And then promptly ask: "Sooo....what version of the Enterprise are we up to now? Asking for a friend..."
I can only make out some of the writing but I see something called Project Phoenix which means they maybe trying to Resurrect his Glorious butt (and i would love for Paul Wesley to play him.)

No no no no.
That could either be amazing or terrible. Considering how badly Kirk was used in Generations, bringing him back in order to give him a better final moment could be very appropriate. And certainly, Kirk and Picard saving the Federation would be a great moment. If they go that route, Matalas would essentially be giving us the Kirk/Picard reunion that we fans really deserve, rather than the travesty we got in Generations.

Heaven help us all.

Leave well enough alone.

Life isn't neat and tidy. Things end badly. We are sometimes disappointed. We grow, we move on. At some point they need to stop going back to the well over and over, dragging out fictional corpses, aping TWOK. Enough. The fan service has been tolerable and even nice up till now, but doing that nonsense will be crossing the line.
Well, I enjoyed that. Coupla things...

1. Entirely possible that Deanna isn't Deanna, but it would be hard to fool Riker on that one.

2. Apparently Vadic is a Changeling herself. Puts a slightly different spin on her. Still think she and the Shrike are too cartoony and OTT.

3. Very TSFS moment where one of Vadic's crew gets disintegrated on the bridge. Without a lucky shot beforehand, even! See bullet point number 2, above.

4. Travel is apparently instantaneous in this era. An old problem in Trek discussed ad nauseum, but there it is again.

5. As others have pointed out, Irumodic Syndrome doesn't explain some of what we've seen from Jack or why the baddies want him.

6. Moriarty was useful to the showrunners as a maskirovka until today, but now much ado about nothing.

7. Fleet museum stuff was cool but I didn't get all glassy-eyed over it. We've got the 'fleet museum' anywhere, anytime, and in any Trek version we want thanks to the interwebs, FASA sourcebooks, other material, and even calendars.

8. Kirk's remains being held by Daystrom- quite interesting. Same with the Genesis Device.

9. All this keystone cops over JL's cold corpse? GTFOOH!

More if I think of it. Looking forward to seeing this rush towards its conclusion!
Holy fankwank! Not a bad episode by any means, but still the weakest episode of the season to date.

There were still a lot of good character moments in this episode. The scene between Jack and Sydney legit got me to tear up a bit (amazing, given I don't really give a crap about Voyager much). I liked all of the Jack/Picard scenes, thought LaForge's reintroduction was done well (with a complete character arc), and I liked seeing basically the whole gang together and interacting again.

But much like the season premier, this episode relies far too heavily on nostalgia and memberberries. Things like the return of Moriarty had absolutely no reason to happen other than to just have the audience go "I remember that!" Tons of group dialogue scenes which basically existed to make the plot move forward as well. It absolutely gave the episode the most TNG vibe to date, but it meant it just didn't feel as consistent as the last several episodes. Plus I kept being reminded of how heavily I was being pandered to, which took me out of the story.

I really, really don't like the resurrection of Data (with multiple personality disorder, so Spiner can keep mugging for the camera!). I know Matalas has different ideas than Chabon regarding the series, and Trek has undone many deaths before (see Spock, Picard, or the first time Data died) but this basically entirely undoes the one good thing about the finale of Season 1: Data's decision to die, because he felt like mortality was the ultimate expression of his desire to me human. The choice Data made in that episode is now useless; robbed of any emotional context.

Not sure what's going on with Vadic at the end? Seems to imply there's different factions within the Changelings, and she's actually a more sympathetic one. Maybe she's playing a long con - trying to trick her masters into thinking she's on their side, but she needs Jack for something else.

Regardless, it's still enjoyable, and the plot was moved forward. Not every episode in a season can be equally incredible.

Edit: Oh, and I really hope Jack and Sydney get together by the end of the season, with all that chemistry.
(with multiple personality disorder, so Spiner can keep mugging for the camera!
I have a feeling they’re all going to merge before the end of the series and become a new character. Not Data, but a sum of Soong’s legacy

Things like the return of Moriarty had absolutely no reason to happen other than to just have the audience go "I remember that!"
It absolutely had a reason, it was a clue for the characters.