What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

TMP vs. TWOK --> TMP has better visuals, but TWOK overall.
TVH vs. TWOK --> TVH is fun, but TWOK.
TUC vs. TWOK --> TWOK. TUC has 1991 written all over it.
FC vs. TWOK --> This is the only serious competition.
2009 vs. TWOK --> TWOK. The 2009 Film is a Comic Book Movie.
ID vs. TWOK --> TWOK, all the way. It's not even close.
BEY vs. TWOK --> TWOK. I don't even remember BEY.
TMP vs. TWOK --> TMP is better than its rep suggests... but TWOK takes it.
TSFS vs. TWOK --> Toss-up, they're both great.
TVH vs. TWOK --> TVH. The benchmark.
TFF vs. TWOK --> TWOK. Best part of TFF was the "Row Row Row Your Boat" scene.
I need to see TUC again.
GEN vs. TWOK --> TWOK by a mile.
FC vs. TWOK --> Another toss-up, they're great in different ways.
NEM vs. TWOK --> TWOK. Like comparing a steak with a sawdust casserole.
2009 vs. TWOK --> TWOK, but 2009 was fun.
Haven't seen the other Kelvin films, it's on my to-do list.
My biggest issue with Regeneration is that it makes the crew of the Enterprise look sloppy in not cleaning up their mess after First Contact.

I appreciate that it gives solid evidence of timeline corruption, since I use it to explain the 23rd century's visual reboot(tm).
There are Space Irish over on TNG and Holographic Irish over on VOY; if we'd had "(insert special descriptor here) Irish" on DS9, we could have had a three-way brawl between the lot.

DS9 has "chief of operations Irish".

And yes, I'm even fine with Harry and Linnis... we've seen three people with human lifespan romancing Ocampa, and all were honorable men. I can take it on faith that no exploitation happened.
I don't care about the age difference so much as the fact that Harry is basically Linnis's uncle. That's all kinds of wrong.
Just watching The Communicator (Enterprise).

Don't know if this is a controversial opinion, but I think they are risking far more contamination by going back to find that communicator than by just leaving it be. (And as we see in the rest of the episode, they take huge risks.) I don't think a world on par with 1940's level of technology would learn too much from a 2150's communicator. Their research equipment would probably be too primitive, and they'd even lack the required theoretical understanding.

But next time perhaps they should build in self destruct on such items that can be activated remotely. Just for cases like these.
Or have them desigbed to overload and fuse all electronics when the outer casing is opened, unless it's done by an authorized tech.
It doesn't get any better in the rest of the episode.

Archer and Malcolm: "Oops, can't tell these people that we're aliens, that would be cultural contamination. Better make this nation, that's already on the brink of a devastating war, believe that we're genetically engineered super soldiers with prototype weapons from the other side. That'll probably have less severe impact."
TOS and how it handled leaving behind advanced technology also did it awkwardly but at least Kirk just accepted that the contamination had already taken place 100 years before and McCoy's communicator wasn't going to be a life or death situation. If anything Kirk, Spock and McCoy all mused on how the inhabitants of Sigma Iotia II would back-engineer his communicator and one day be as advanced as Starfleet.

On to the next planet! After all, Kirk was already going to have to explain to Starfleet Command why Starfleet was going to have to visit Sigma Iotia II every year to collect a monetary cut of a deal that Starfleet Command had nothing to do with. :lol:
On to the next planet! After all, Kirk was already going to have to explain to Starfleet Command why Starfleet was going to have to visit Sigma Iotia II every year to collect a monetary cut of a deal that Starfleet Command had nothing to do with. :lol:

Why hasn't LOWER DECKS done an episode that returns to Sigma Iotia II to collect the Federation's piece of the action?! Whelp, I have another spec script to write.
TOS and how it handled leaving behind advanced technology also did it awkwardly but at least Kirk just accepted that the contamination had already taken place 100 years before and McCoy's communicator wasn't going to be a life or death situation. If anything Kirk, Spock and McCoy all mused on how the inhabitants of Sigma Iotia II would back-engineer his communicator and one day be as advanced as Starfleet.

On to the next planet! After all, Kirk was already going to have to explain to Starfleet Command why Starfleet was going to have to visit Sigma Iotia II every year to collect a monetary cut of a deal that Starfleet Command had nothing to do with. :lol:
With a stop at Ceti Alpha V(I) to check in on the deposed superman and his red-shirt deserter.

Still, “A Piece of the Action” had the best freeze-frame ever.
Something tells me if Lower Decks does do anything with Sigma Iotia it'll likely just be a brief scene in one episode. Similar to the bit with Landru in the season 1 finale.