What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

I would agree that STAR TREK V got all the character beats perfectly. On that basis alone, it becomes one of the better movies of the entire bunch.
I think it got all the Kirk-Spock-Bones beats down very well. I think the rest of the cast were very poorly handled.

When V is on top of it's game, it did well. When it tried to do comedy or any interactions outside of the big 3 it languished more and more.
The Kirk-Spock-McCoy scenes were almost entirely gold. The Scotty-Uhura stuff started out fine but the relationship that came out of nowhere and was never mentioned again and how little Sulu and Chekov got to do did not help the movie.
No doubt, cannot be stressed enough, the character beats are Top Shelf.

But another excellent feature is the pacing. Be sure to go to the restroom before you start because the beginning slow roll just keeps gaining momentum to the point there is never a good place to take a break. Even the places where not much is physically going on are filled with attention holding tension. Fans will get it.
And, as many flaws as the movie has and as low as it ranks on most fans' lists, TFF gave us Sybok, a character even the critics generally gave points because of Laurence Luckinbill's outstanding performance and a character that's coming back in SNW where we learn more of his backstory.

yeah, Luckinbill was fantastic. But I will always wonder how truly close Connery was to taking the role. I’ve read everything from it was a coin flip between V and “Last Crusade” to it was never even officially offered to him.

As for Star Trek V, am I the only person who really likes the whole "row, row, row your boat" thing?

no, it’s cheesy and wonderful.
I did just buy the brand new 4K of TFF. I’ve only watched a few scenes and it looks and sounds wonderful. Maybe I’m due for a full rewatch too.
Pure revulsion? Really?

It’s just three old dudes singing a song round a campfire. It seems like an extreme reaction to a bit of frippery.

I save pure revulsion for things like child abuser and war crimes.

Well in my opinion Star Trek V should be banned by the Geneva Convention.

But seriously; ever heard of hyperbole? ;)
I have, but on a forum like this hyperbole is often used to ridiculous levels.

My apologies for the misunderstanding... :lol:

No worries. It's the thing with the internet, there isn't any tone of voice or facial expressions and that can lead to misunderstandings, particularly because, as you say, there's people out there who do unironically express ideas that can be quite extreme or eccentric.