Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

All of them are real, and all of them are valid.

I couldn't resist :D :

Most of TNG is good enough that I pretend large chunks of Season 1 don't exist. :lol:
I mean, large chunks of TNG season 1 are still entertaining in their own way... for a fan who knows all the ins and outs, is familiar with the background of the production, can view it in context of the time it was produced... Yeah, it's not exactly great television, but can be enjoyed for what it is, IMO.
I can do all that easily with most of TOS. TNG season 1? Not a chance.
To be perfectly honest, I'm not able to determine how much of my enjoyment - or tolerance in some instances - of TNG season 1 is boosted by / based on nostalgia. Somewhere between... 30% and 95%, maybe?
I just explain the DSC Klingon makeup away as part of the attempt to reverse the effects of the Augment Virus and results have been mixed if not outright questionable. It's on-screen so it's canon and there were already some dialogue hints in Season 1 that Klingons hold humans and the Federation responsible for their lack of "Klingon purity" even down to the atomic level. That suggests the Augment Virus even if the creators didn't outright reference it.
Now that I let sink in for a while the fact that the TNG crew really is returning...

I've been a bit weary of the Berman era for some time now, even bittered of some of its aspects, especially after witnessing all that is possible in Trek in last few years. So I came to the conclusion that Star Trek needs to march ever forward and try as much as possible to try new things and explore possibilities in the way of storytelling etc.

Build on the existing lore and expand it without being hindered and held back by it. Use legacy characters when appropriate, but in fresh new ways exploring their growth.

But I have to admit these days how much merit there is to the idea of taking the best of the Berman era as an orientation - IF it can be made sure that the bad parts, which held much of it back even when TNG-ENT aired, get ditched.

That philosophy would not only be a fantastic way to tie in to past events and characters, but could also be applied in setting up whole new series going forward. Getting it exactly right might prove to be wizardry though.

We'll see how much of a wizard Matalas is - I for one am increasingly optimistic.
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It’s obvious whey they made the Klingon prosthetics so full on and concealing of human features. It was because one of the plot points in season one of Discovery was disguising Shazad Latif as a Klingon. The normal prosthetics would not have done this and everyone would have guessed the twist. :shrug:
Some people guessed it anyways, because the actor credited for Voq didn't exist outside of DSC, and that Actor's name was tired to Shazad Latif in some way that I'm forgetting.
It’s obvious whey they made the Klingon prosthetics so full on and concealing of human features. It was because one of the plot points in season one of Discovery was disguising Shazad Latif as a Klingon. The normal prosthetics would not have done this and everyone would have guessed the twist. :shrug:
And then reduced them back. It's the wonderful world of make up change.

And, fans would have guessed that they were relatives despite Trek's long history of actors playing different characters across the franchise ;)

But, it should be noted that part of the Klingon design language, make up included, was to give them a far more alien look than they had before. Which sounds about in line with why it was changed and futzed with and updated since TMP. Same thing with Romulans in TNG.
So, what will that be now? 204 Trek productions with the TMP theme?

Yeah, sorry, novelty has worn off on the Goldsmith theme. It’s still classic but it’s almost as much as hearing the Force theme in a Star Wars movie — expected.
So, what will that be now? 204 Trek productions with the TMP theme?

Yeah, sorry, novelty has worn off on the Goldsmith theme. It’s still classic but it’s almost as much as hearing the Force theme in a Star Wars movie — expected.
I think you're confusing Goldsmith's TMP/TNG music with Courage's TOS music. The former only appears in TMP/TNG/PIC (and STV...), with which it is associated. The latter appears in 204 Trek productions.
The former only appears in TMP/TNG/PIC (and STV...), with which it is associated. The latter appears in 204 Trek productions.
Campe's number is only off by two. The TMP/TNG theme has in fact been used 206 times. All 178 episodes of TNG, the 20 episodes of Picard that have aired so far, TMP, TFF, three of the four TNG movies (it's not featured in Generations), one episode of Enterprise and two episodes of Lower Decks.

Assuming by "Courage's TOS music" you mean the the full theme, then that's only been used 88 times. All 80 episodes of TOS, TMP, the three Kelvin movies, once on Enterprise and three times on Disco. You can up that to 97 if you count the variant used for SNW's theme. If you're referring to the Courage Fanfare specifically that's been used 370 times. All 80 episodes of TOS, all178 episodes of TNG, all 13 movies, all 55 episodes of Disco, all 20 episodes of Picard, all 10 episodes of SNW, all ten episodes of Prodigy, twice on DS9, once on Voyager and once on Enterprise.