Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

So, what will that be now? 204 Trek productions with the TMP theme?

Yeah, sorry, novelty has worn off on the Goldsmith theme. It’s still classic but it’s almost as much as hearing the Force theme in a Star Wars movie — expected.
It would be weird not to hear it in a season dedicated to TNG.
I'm pretty sure the TNG/TMP theme didn't appear in every episode of Picard S2 (it wasn't used in the opening credits unlike S1), though it did appear a bunch of times, so 204 is probably a more accurate figure than 206 (might even be less than that). :)
Oh noes, another boring YT video on Picard Season 2 being "bad" (Dan: "I don't want to be a gate keeper..." but proceeds to be a TNG gate keeper and obsess insanely over wobbly Trek canon):

I think the time travel makes some sense (Q intervenes when Picard and Co. blow themselves up, Q never intended to kill Picard's ancestor, using a Borg Queen and Soong ancestor as pawns for a "good" outcome, and Guinan is implied to be a time treaveler herself, with her young version younger than the "Time's Arrow" version who may have travelled back in time from the 21st or 22nd century, etc).

Season 2 was definitely weaker than Season 1, and Season 3 should knock it out the park to fully redeem the show, but Terry Matalas is a self-confessed fan of TNG, fans have their own perceptions and opinions, and entrenched fandom is never fun.
Terry Matalas is a self-confessed fan of TNG, fans have their own perceptions and opinions, and entrenched fandom is never fun.

I think that’s my biggest concern about season 3. While I really didn’t want a revisit of all the TNG cast, I’ve accepted this is what we’re going to get and I hope I can just relax and enjoy it. But as fans, we have our opinions about these characters and how we believe they should be now 20 years on. What happens what Terry wants for Geordi isn’t what the greater part of fandom wants? We get tons of gatekeeping like we’ve had for years. There’s no meeting these expectations because we’ve built them so high in our heads.

You ask ten Star Trek fans what exactly they’d want from new Trek, you’d get a dozen different answers. Maybe 2 or 3 are actually ones that everyone would like.

More and more I realize I’m not jaded against the content. I’m jaded against the fandom.
I blame money. Charismatic speakers being able to make money by talking draws in more and more charismatic speakers. And not just Trek.

"Experts" for anything are now waiting to bend any ear itching to hear what they want to hear.
I blame money. Charismatic speakers being able to make money by talking draws in more and more charismatic speakers. And not just Trek.

Those kind of grifters are now flying like flies to shit over Amazon's Rings Of Power series and been congregating over the MCU's overly crowded, muddled Phase 4 (which has its issues - I blame Covid and Chadwick Boseman's sudden, premature death).
Guinan is implied to be a time traveler herself, with her young version younger than the "Time's Arrow" version who may have travelled back in time from the 21st or 22nd century, etc)..

No: she says she can alter her appearance and the showrunners said she didn't remember the events of Time's Arrow because Picard and company hadn't corrected the time line yet so in the currently most likely future Picard hadn't gone back to 1893.
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No: she says she can alter her appearance and the showrunners said she didn't remember the events of Time's Arrow because Picard and company hadn't corrected the time line yet so in the currently most likely future Picard hadn't gone back to 1893.

That's implied as well, but I assume the Confederate timeline was a branched off timeline that Q chose to set up the more friendly Borg Queen, to save the present, and preserve the paradox.
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Oh noes, another boring YT video on Picard Season 2 being "bad" (Dan: "I don't want to be a gate keeper..." but proceeds to be a TNG gate keeper and obsess insanely over wobbly Trek canon):

Great review.

Dan Murrell addresses almost all the major problems of Picard season 2.

From the smaller, more obvious problems, like:
"A very budget-friendly era of human history"

And that the writers don't know what "Ten Forward" is.

To the continuing problem that NuTrek writers (including the writers on Discovery) don't know what a starship refit is:

To the showrunner's "don't care" attitude:
"Does it make sense? I don't know." -Terry Matalas

And one of the big problems:
"It's storytelling through complication, miscommunication, and retroactive continuity. Three of the worst forms of storytelling."

I also like that he's taking apart Terry Matalas' nonsensical interviews and Tweets multiple times.

One thing Dan Murrell points out, something I had not really considered, is that Picard S2 contradicts the message of "The Bonding".

"The Bonding" was the first TNG episode written by Ronald D. Moore.
It reminds me of how "Star Trek Insurrection" contradicts "Journey's End".
"Journey's End" is coincidentally another episode written by Ronald D. Moore.

Dan Murrell is a true Star Trek fan with a deep understanding and knowledge of TNG. He previously worked for Screen Junkies and wrote the "Honest Trailers - Star Trek: The Next Generation".
He also has a weekly show where he analyses box office numbers. The show is called "Charts with Dan".
Season 2 was definitely weaker than Season 1, and Season 3 should knock it out the park to fully redeem the show, but Terry Matalas is a self-confessed fan of TNG, fans have their own perceptions and opinions, and entrenched fandom is never fun.
While I think PIC Season 2 was weaker than Season 1, my opinion of the first season is so high that even a weaker second season is still pretty good.

IMO, Picard Season 3 doesn't need to redeem Season 2, it just needs to give the TNG crew a better send-off than Nemesis. And I'm not going to listen to any Revisionists who'll suddenly say NEM was a good send-off.
One thing Dan Murrell points out, something I had not really considered, is that Picard S2 contradicts the message of "The Bonding".

"The Bonding" is over thirty years old. Does he expect the episode to be preserved in amber?

At the time, Picard was Captain of a starship. He had to put up a front for the sake of the crew.

The whole point of Picard is the deconstruction of Jean-Luc. How will he behave if he's taken away from the familiar?
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More and more I realize I’m not jaded against the content. I’m jaded against the fandom.

Ha, that sums it up for me too. I’m less engaged in Trek now than I have been for almost 30 years. I like the current content as much or more than anything from those years, but I’m just sick to death of the fans (or, rather, the portion who so noisily gatekeep and bash modern Trek).

I'm not going to listen to any Revisionists who'll suddenly say NEM was a good send-off.

Yeah, that angle makes me laugh. People were going on about PIC “ruining Picard’s legacy”. I’ll take PIC over hooning around in a dune buggy while Worf fires at natives.
The most amazing thing about the gatekeeping is how TOS through to ENT (and NEM) are considered some sort of cohesive whole now. Remember when TNG was accused of being a rip off of TOS in its early days and had no new ideas. DS9 was against Gene's vision and wasn't true Star Trek as it wasn't set on a starship. Voyager was "TNG-lite", and there was outrage when "Dark Frontier" seemingly rewrote the Federation's history with the Borg. ENT came along and that was considered a travesty as it looked more advanced than TOS despite it being set over a century before, had a starship that looked like a different class from 200 years in the future, and had studio meddling to "sex up" certain aspects for the younger audience. Nemesis was, well, Nemesis.

Yet 20 years later, it's all apparently considered untouchable, and how dare Discovery/PIC/SNW not fully line up canon wise with a bunch of canon that contradicted itself to begin with?
And in 20 years, once something new is out there that the truFans hate, they’ll claim it tarnishes all the good work that Roddenberry, Bennett, Berman, Abrams and Kurtzman did before.

All this has happened before… Break the fucking cycle already and realize that a franchise that has spanned almost 60 years is going to have a wide variety of fans with different tastes in their Trek. Myopic individuals who consider only what they believe to be “real” are the only “true fans” need to realize their preferences aren’t the only ones out there.
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