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Which character do/did you have a crush on?

Well there is always fanfiction :)
You bet. I've used Captain T'Pring with science officer Kalomi myself. It was a small crew for such a large ship, but Uhura and Rand made the cut, along with Rhada, Romaine, Smith, Masters, Landon, Thompson, Martine-Teller-Rodriguez, McGivers, Moreau and Noel. Sadly, the casualty rate led to six survivors out of the 14. T'Pring was one of them. Kalomi was not. I always had a crush on M-T-R.
I was 7 years old when The Next Generation premiered, and 12 for the start of Deep Space Nine, so I didn't have any crushes or overt sexual attractions to any of the characters. I thought Beverly Crusher and Deanna Troi were both attractive, and felt the same way about Jadzia Dax, but none of them caused any kind of extreme emotions in me. But that all changed when I was 16, and Seven of Nine showed up on Voyager. I don't care how holy you are; if you're like most teenage boys and a curvy woman in a skintight catsuit walks through the door, with her arms behind her back and her chest put forward...let's just say she made an automatic impression. Keeping my heart and mind right at that point was a real battle, not easy at all.
Gates McFadden is lovely I think. She was gorgeous in the day and she’s still a very attractive woman these days. She always has a lovely spirit in interviews as well.

She seems nice when interviewed, but I met her at a convention around 2006 I think, and she was extremely quiet. Her autograph table's assistant was snobby beyond reason, though.
Classic: Jadzia, Leeta, K’Ehleyr, Ro, B’Elanna, Hoshi, T’Pol, T’Pau, Talas, Valeris, female Romulan commander, Ensign Giusti (TNG - Gambit)

Modern: La’an, Mariner, Osyraa, Captain Angel, Saavik (TSFS/TVH), nuUhura, nuCarol, Gaila
The answer for me is easy: D'Vana Tendi. She's Star Trek's Best Girl.

Just sucks that it's always a pain in the ass to find just the right shade of green whenever I draw and illustration of her.

Fun topic.

Series by series:

TOS/TAS: Uhura, as the username would suggest. Yeoman Rand had some interesting early bits (Enemy Within).

TNG: Beverly Crusher. Tasha was gone too quick and Troi blossomed later on. I did love me some Vash, as well.

DS9. Kira and Jadzia, for sure.

VOY: Kes. Before she went nuts. And Be'lanna.

ENT: T'Pau.

DISCO: Tilly. And all the Georgiou's.

Picard: Tough one. Pill did a great job with Agnes, but she went way too far, character-wise. I do love me some Raffi. But I think I'd go with Seven. And the evil Romulan (she wasn't wrong).

LD: Tendi. What is not to love?

SNW: Really tough here. Chapel & Una are great. But if I had to pick one, I'd go La'an.

PRO: Kids show, so I should not, but Gwyndala.

1 per show: Uhura, Beverly, Jadzia, Kes, T'Pau, Tilly, Seven, Tendi, La'an, Gwyn.

Best others: Kira, Vash, SNW Chapel, Una, Be'lanna, Georgiou, Rand, Narissa, Troi, Raffi.
From TOS, it was Kirk at first. But then some day I started liking McCoy much more.
I know that Spock was supposed to be the big sex symbol in the 60's, and Isaac Asimov even wrote an article about the phenomenon, but I just fail to see the appeal. :shrug:
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