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Which character do/did you have a crush on?

I rarely had or have crushes on tv/movie characters. But the closest thing to a crush on a Star Trek character I had was probably on Hoshi.

As for attractiveness, the catsuits were too direct for my taste ... without thinking much about it, Janice Rand and both Daxes come to my mind.
Limiting myself to one per show.

TOS: Uhura
TNG: Beverly
DS9: Jadzia
VOY: Be'lanna
ENT: T'Pol
DISCO: Georgiou (either one)
PIC: Seven
LD: Tendi
PRO: Hologram Janeway
SNW: Una

Troi, Kira, Kes, Hoshi, Jurati, T'Lynn, and SNW Chapel are up there too..
~ Ah, so like Mariner, you have a thing for "bad boys, bad girls, bad gender nonbinary babes, ruthless alien masterminds, [and] bad Bynars."
(From LDS: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")
I mean, I can see where you're coming from. I get a little hot under the collar whenever I see the Whale Probe...
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