Unseen TOS....

It's an incomparable loss.
I can only hope that you don't feel under pressure to adapt at anyone's pace but your own.
This is excellent advice. This, this, a thousand times this.

@Warped9 it sounds like you took care of all of the important stuff and like you said, you made her feel like she mattered. That’s tremendous. I know it may be hard to see this right now, but you will be so glad that you did all of this six months, a year, five years from now, whenever. Yes, you are feeling some relief now. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THAT. You have been through a marathon ordeal. Of course you are now feeling some relief.

Relatively speaking, I cannot imagine there is much urgency now for any of the remaining things that need to be taken care of. Feel free to accept help from trusted friends and family members if offered, and take it at your own pace. You’ve done a hard, wonderful thing.
Oh man, I am so very sorry you have gone through this. Remember, your presence is strong. So strong, that even though I have never met you, I feel a kinship. People care about you. Please take good care of yourself.

A thousand times this.
On a somewhat more cheerful note. After procrastinating for so long I’ve decided to finally get a new computer. To save a few bucks I decided to go with Apple’s refurbished program which has good reviews for treating these devices like new with full factory warranty, return policy and availability of AppleCare (which I opted for given it’s essentially an open box item and even though it will be setup and stay in one place and not be used by anyone but myself).

It also allowed me to get a device with the specs I want. I ordered a silver M3 iMac with 16GB RAM and 512SSD. I will also pickup an Apple Magic Keyboard with numeric keypad and a USB-C to USB adapter through work on staff purchase.

I should get it by Monday, May 13th.

Next the fun task of transferring all my stuff from my old (and very reliable) 2011 21.5 iMac to my new iMac. I will be keeping my old iMac as a backup (because you never know), but also because it has been an excellent, reliable and issue free workhorse and I’m hesitant to part with it.
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Besides transferring my data and files I’ll have to install a new copy of Office Home & Student (no 365 as I hate subscriptions) as well as SketchUp Pro (now optimized for Apple Silicon). Also have to pair up with my HP OfficeJet 8025 printer.

Then we’ll see what we shall see.
New iMac delivered today! They delivered it five days earlier than expected!

Looking forward to setting it up…

Wow! Leave it to Apple to make unboxing a new computer feel almost like Christmas. You can’t help but feel they put some real thought into this. At work I’ve unboxed numerous computers including Macbooks and none give you much of an experience. Apple does take extra care in their packaging while most others it feels like a bare bones “good enough” effort.

And despite this being designated as a refurbished unit it is immaculate without a mark on it.
Got the new iMac going this evening--I'm typing this on it.

The display on this machine is gorgeous!

My attempt to transfer data from my old iMac to new wirelessly wasn't working properly so I set up some things manually like my email accounts and such. I will now have to install a new copy of Office Home & Student as well as SketchUp Pro for Mac (optimized for Apple Silicon). I am making a Time Machine backup of my old computer and will use that to transfer the data.

I quite like the look of it, but I still think it needs an Apple logo on the chin.

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Woo hoo!—I can now use Airdrop on my Mac. For some reason my older 2011 21.5 would not allow use of Airdrop with my current iPad and iPhone, but my new one does.

And my new version of Safari allows visits to certain websites my High Sierra version of OS would no longer allow.

Time Machine transfer from old to new went smoothly. Next is to replace or update programs that couldn’t cross over.

That looks gorgeous! Conragts on the progress.

I must be late to the party, I didn't realize the Apple logo is now omitted from the front.
New doc for the M3 iMac from Minisopuru (via Amazon). It gives you additional ports not included with the iMac: SD slot, Micro SD slot, USB-A and an additional USB-C port. You can also install an internal SSD within it. It’s colour matched with the iMac (other colours available) and it serves as a pedestal the iMac’s base fits neatly into resulting in a factory like look.

It's official--I presently hate the new Apple Music app. I want iTunes back where I can purchase songs I search for of my own choosing individually without having to pay for a damned subscription.

If the old way is at all possible in this new app it sure as hell isn't obvious.

The practice today of making everything a subscription is total garbage and irritates me no end.

If this is the way it is I will definitely keep my old computer so I’ll still have access to the old iTunes app and can still purchase music as I prefer and transfer it to my iPod Touch
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I definitely agree with you concerning the subscription process for all those thing I prefer purchasing cds,dvds and software rather than subscribe.
The only streaming I do are Youtube videos and certain things on news websites. Otherwise I purchase physical media. I don’t stream anything through my television either.

On a more positive note the sound system on this M3 iMac is respectable. Reasonable base, but also good clarity. I feel like I’m hearing things in familiar music I‘m not sure I heard before.
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Another very positive note. I just installed SketchUp Pro 2024 (optimized for Apple silicon) and it runs very smoothly, very quickly and also looks much better on my M3 iMac. On my old iMac complex models could be rather jerky to navigate around.

Next up is to install Maxwell Render for SketchUp on Mac. Then I should be back in business at least in regards to 3D modelling.
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Firstly, got SketchUp Pro 2024 up and running. I needn't have worried about enough RAM with 16GB instead of 24GB given my old iMac had 32GB RAM. 16GB with the M3 processor allows me to interact with my most complex models very smoothly--it's amazing! The raw models (before rendering) look light years better with Apple silicon than they ever did on my old system.

I also installed Maxwell 5/SketchUp for Mac and it's up and running. But I have a wrinkle. For some reason I cannot find the plugins selection on the SketchUp work space that would allow me to launch Maxwell from within SketchUp as I did on my old system. This is really bugging me and I feel it could be something very simple, but for the life of me I can't find it.

I have also installed Adobe Photoshop Elements and I kind of regret it. My copy of CS4 on my old machine was so easy and intuitive for me to use, but Elements is nothing like that. There is little familiar about it. I don't think it's possible in any way to install my old CS4 onto my M3 computer. If I can't get Elements to work as I like I will have to look at some other non-Adobe alternative.
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